Apparently roaches can move while burrowed. I just saw 10 roaches take out a whole protoss base because the idiot hadn't teched to observers yet.
Actually, I think it's a glitch and not meant to happen. I heard that the other day though, well the roaches getting burrowed and moving while burrowed stuffz. I will be the first to admit, I am a major geek and I literally had a dream of me getting into BETA. :3 I hope I do. -.-
I kinda want beta access, but at the same time I don't want it. I've been waiting for SC2 for way to long of a time. I might crack if I can get into the beta. Guess we will see tomorrow.
Will you excuse me? I need to go cry- Naw I'm JK, but still. Not Fayr. If you get it, grats, I will be watching from the sidelines, hoping to get in. x3
LOL WTF XYLOM??!!!? Btw, 2nd BETA wave just came in. I didn't get in. I'm so depressed. Yes, I'm that ****ing attached to the game. Get off my back.
I love it, it's my new desktop. Just checked my email and didn't get in, sadface. Know when the third wave is?
What happens when you click the + Sign? Also, if there's no code in your e-mail, then you didn't get in.
dude i know some awesome strategies from watching all of these replays. Terran: Block off your base with a barracks and some supply depots. Mass marines and marauders. Upgrade them. Attack. Toss: Build one gateway, then a cybernetics core, research warp gate, then build additional gateways. Build a proxy pylon. Warp in a bunch of doods & attack. Warping in is faster than regular building. The only delay with warp in is the cooldown of about 10-15 seconds then you can warp more in. Zerg: Mass roaches. Attack quickly before your opponent has time to tech to air units. Research burrow to make them totally unstoppable. these are pretty simple strategies, i know better and more complicated ones etc but i am too lazy to type all that ****. Oh, and Pheonix suck, Mutas rape, roaches rape, queens suck, vikings kinda suck, Immortals rape, collosi rape, battlecruisers rape etc the SC2 crack is now 90% complete yeah so the starcraft 2 crack is out...