haha i made this in gimp dun laugh. yea i think it would be fun... theres a lot of details i have in my head that are left out. this is sorta a layout. any thoughts? criticism?
Um... I honestly cant figure much out from this. There is no harm in forging (except time) so what if you go ahead and do that and then post a preview. Im not being rude here, but I actually cannot understand what you have drawn. From what I can make out its a competitive map?
only br, sniper and mauler? sounds like mlg kinda... honestly cant tell much from the picture though.
Looks good so far After looking at your layout for some time I realized what it was missing! Here are some revisions I made to improve gameplay... Spoiler lol cmon. You had to see this coming. WORST sketchup ever!
I think I get what you are saying here. I think you need some more elevation changes in those naked corners to make it a little more interesting. I like it tho! I know how it is trying to get other ppl to see your plans. Just take a second and look over his diagram and you'll find out it makes sense.
lmao. nice --- do you mind if i take your layout and use it to forge a map in the crypt on sandbox? i think i have a gud idea for it...
I kinda see what you're at, there's like this walkway throughout the map which threads along a main area? And on the second floor there are certain parts where you can walk over said walkway to another main area; bases? What are the white?
i'm sorry but yea i am going to have to go with Crypto nv I can't tell what you are aiming for here. maybe if you could possibly remake this with a bit more detail...
After a lot of time staring, I did start to understand the design, but I still found it slightly confusing. I think it would have been easier to understand if you showed the two floors separately, instead of all on the same plan.