Personally, I would love a multiplayer map based off of the mission "The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday" (the oil rig map). That's really the only fun map I can think of, what about you guys? EDIT: Maybe some new SpecOps missions as well?
NO NEW SPEC OPS. maybe in a seperate DLC, but i want my value to come in maps. i never finished the spec ops we have now.
New (but balanced) perks, weapons, etc, that need unlocking via complex challenges. (which dont reset at prestige)
Oil Rig, Washington D.C., White house (Whisky Hotel), new killstreaks, old skool mode, ability to choose third person or not for every playlist, new guns, new achievements, new equipment, new perks, nerfed powerguns, better host migration, generally everything should be upgraded and better.
Bring the M40 back. Bring the G3 back. Bring Overkill back. And I think they confirmed it, but isn't Overgrown coming back in a map pack? And bring back Chinatown, I loved that map.
I want an urban setting, like an actual city in Brazil, and a suburban setting, like in Wolverines! and a map set in Washington DC, but the streets, not the monuments. I don't mind monument maps either though.
I want some room-to-room combat in SOMETHING. There's not one game I've played recently that's done that.
I agree, Spec Ops was my favorite part of MW2, and I really don't want to see that die because everybody has all the achievements and stars already.
I also heard overgrown, as well as 3 other cod4 maps where coming back... I think shipment was as well, but a limit to a 6 only killstreak(but still the nuke I believe). I hope that if they do do this that new maps are also included, because 4 maps that we've been playing for 3 years wouldn't be worth the money to me... I would like to see: -A suburban map(like the part of story mode where you're in arcadia or whatever) -Destroyed White House map -More snow maps!
Desert town map, Forest (and i mean forest) map, and a map like the last part of the game where you chase shepard on a river through a cave system.
I agree with Glasgow; a sub-urban setting would be awesome. And personally, I never really liked Overgrown, so I hope there are more on the way from the original COD4.
At least one Close quarters map with out intense spawn killing (like an indoor building with lots of rooms) And maybe some new game modes for Spec Ops like boat racing in End Game.
M40 Back Plz G3 Was Epic New Maps + Old Maps Fixing Host Migration. Whenever a good host leaves, it subs in a completely awful host that lags the whole game out
First thing, I would like to some some more weapons. Maybe bring back a couple of weapons from the first game, like my all time favourites the G36c and the MP44. As for maps, the white house would be an amazing close quarter combat map. You know just like Vacant from CoD:MW. I dont like the maps in MW2, they're way too big for me... lol. The bog was one of my favourites, as well as crash. I love ALL the maps in CoD:MW2, i think they should just bring them all back. You what would have been really cool, if players can disguise themselves as one of the enemy team players. You know how cold-blooded pro doesn't turn the crosshairs or player name red, it would be kinda awesome if we were disguised as the enemy too. Now players can really play stealthy! I dunno, its just a thought i came up with just...
Moar snoweh marps. Or maps where the elements have an effect, but not too much of an effect on gameplay. I liek snow. Like a large map, with snow, kind of like afghan. 'd bee coo.
i agree with almost everyone here. all those ideas would be great. i want to see old school come back so we can have glitchy fun on the maps
I would love to see another type of perk that allows you to have 2 weapon attachments (bling) and then you can add another weapon attachment (Fancy Name related to it). It kind of goes back to the overkill perk.