All above gameplay is from TrenchWars 1. The link to the first game is in my sig.Enjoy! Sorry for the quality, it should clear up shortly. I'll make it HD and post a new link. YouTube - TrenchWars 2: 1944 Teaser
That trailer could NOT be MORE BADASS. Unless if it was in HD. Are there tunnels between each trench too?
That would be pretty awesome. I didn't play the first one, but this looks like it would be kinda fun, even though the floor looks really bumpy, and there is literally no line of sight blockage. I guess I'd have to play it first.
I loved playing on the first one and i cant wait for this one! Now that would be pretty cool cant wait for this one to ome out
I'm excited, although i would have like it if you had shown the new map a little, just a little snippet would have been nice. still can't wait till you release this.
I remember playing the first one. It was cool but not too varied which disappointed many of the players. I loved the concept of it, but I did not believe it was executed well. Hopefully with the new one you will have improved the looks, the classes, the map, and vehicles. New vehicles would be great to add, and not just aerial vehicles. Hopefully you can post some pictures soon. That would be great.
yeah, Trenchwars 2. Finally. I knew you were going to. Ah. I hope it way better and cooler than the first one. Nice Video. Dont think it can get any better.
haha ive played the armor games version on the computor. Isnt it called Warfare 1918? Anyway, Its a really sweet game, and I didnt even know there was a halo version. Im gonna go dl it, because it looks awesome.
Awwww 1z4n0 u got my hopes up! I thought it would be footage of the new one iv been dying to play more ever since I downloaded 1918! U better not keep us all waiting to long...
Well im excited. I loved your first one and played it for hours. This one could be great!, more classes and vehicles....WIN!