MW2 lulz! & Discushhionzzz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    ^ No skidow, maybe Karachi instead..?
    Riot shields could be abused..?
  2. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    The reason I pick Skidrow over Karachi is because Skidrow is still flexible for different weapon types but not as campable as Karachi. 2 people can easily hold off on top of the building where the only way up are the stairs and AC units on Karachi.

    I don't think Riot Shields would be a problem. Semtex is always an instant kill on them unless their using Blast Shield and when two people are teamed up with on using a Riot Shield and another is using the former for cover then you can be very deadly if you guys know what your doing.

    The only problem with Riot Shields is the Throwing Knife/RS combo. If that's the case, the Throwing Knife can be banned or the Riot Shield can be banned depending on what others think.
  3. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Im down.
    Slieght of hand + thermal = infinate win.
  4. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    I'd do it.
  5. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Sounds good to me :D
  6. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Well, I basically only summed up the general rules but I outlined them in moar detail and put some more thought into it. Think we could get a site wide tourney started for this? :3 Considering MW2 is that new game that everyone's playing and all...
  7. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Go ahead and ban everything fun...
  8. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Ban everything overpowered and unbalanced is more liek it.

    You know you would be in if there was a prize. Like say... 1600 MSP each for first prize? :p
  9. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    and the regular knife lunge is already amazing commando doesn't do as much as people think.
  10. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Commando takes advantage of host/lag too much to be considered fair.

    And explain to me how Blast Shield is fun. :3
  11. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I was saying that if explosions get on your nerves toss on blast shield...
  12. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    But Noobtubes and Launchers are banned so what would be the point? Except for maybe Claymoarz and Semtex.

    I'd unban it just fer u <3

    Also, I wrote up a much more detailed list of banned items and maps that would be allowed if anyone would like to see it.
  13. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Oh oh me!

    I just want clear justification for each.
  14. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Keep in mind, this isn't a definitive list. This is just an idea. I want people's input on it as well.

    Banned Weapons

    Banned Shotguns

    • AA-12
    • Striker
    • Ranger
    • M1014
    All but the Spas-12 and Model 1887 are banned because they are the only non-automatics and the only ones that need to be pumped after each shot.

    Banned Launchers

    • AT4
    • Thumper
    • Javelin
    • RPG-7
    All but the Stinger is banned because it is the only Launcher that is vehicle only, meaning it can't be used against infantry.

    Banned Assault Rifles

    • FAMAS
    • M16A4
    The FAMAS and M16A4 are banned because of their one shot kill capabilities when coupled with Stopping Power. The M16A4 also gets a tighter spread when using the Holographic Sight attachment.

    Banned Equipment

    • Throwing Knife
    • C4
    • Blast Shield
    I figured that banning these and making the only equipment options Semtex, Frag, Claymore and Tactical Insertion will be a good thing. Throwing Knife with Riot Shield would be abused and the Blast Shield would make someone using the Riot Shield too hard to kill. C4 would just promote camping and waiting for someone to walk near it so it can be triggered.

    Banned Attachments

    • Akimbo
    • Thermal Scope
    • Heartbeat Sensor
    • Grenade Launcher
    Akimbo is mainly for if people use the Model 1887, the Thermal Scope is very cheap and the Heartbeat Sensor promotes camping. Grenade Launcher is cheap.

    Banned Perks / Deathstreaks

    • Bling / Bling Pro
    • Commando / Commando Pro
    • Scrambler / Scrambler Pro
    • Last Stand / Last Stand Pro
    • Danger Close / Danger Close Pro
    • Final Stand
    • Martyrdom
    Banning Bling would piss people off, but limiting people to one attachment will make it a lot more challenging. Commando is way too cheap and exploits the connection too much. Scrambler is just stupid. Last Stand/Final Stand would slow gameplay down. Danger Close may be exploited. Martyrdom would promote suicide bombing.

    Banned Killstreak Rewards

    • Care Package
    • Harrier
    • Emergency Airdrop
    • Pavelow
    • Stealth Bomber
    • AC-130
    • Chopper Gunner
    • EMP
    • Tactical Nuke
    Having no KS Rewards over 7 will reduce camping. Also, the Harrier is basically two killstreaks in one. Limiting it to the Attack Helicopter will also balance things out a bit. The Care Package is too inconsistent and promotes luck and not any sort of skill whatsoever.

    Anything not listed is allowed to be used.

    Here is the list of maps and some reasons behind it. Still a WIP.

    Terminal - One of, if not the most balanced maps in the game. It's size is perfect for 2v2. It has a lot of good places to set up as well as very little overpowered spots to camp.

    Skidrow - Very flexible when it comes to weapons. A good amount of close quarters areas that let SMG's work well as well as a some places where long range weapons come in handy. The only major camp spot would be the building in the parking lot. However, it's hard to cover every possible entrance with only two people.

    Scrapyard - No camp spots. Perfectly sized and very balanced for 2v2.

    Sub Base - Medium sized. Lots of places to set up. The only problem is people glitching onto the submarine, but that could easily be something that people would be disqualified for.

    Highrise - The only way this map could work is if getting on top of the roof of the building and climbing onto the crane by the elevator is banned. Otherwise, it's practically perfect.

    Wasteland - It's really big, but with Thermal being banned and the lack of camp spots, it may do well. I could test out how good it would be myself though.


    #2154 Scobra, Feb 19, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2010
  15. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I do not agree with the majority of this list.

    (this is all my opinion, I am not personally attacking your list, well kinda)

    I dont know about banning shotguns, I have never played a small game so I dont know how they will work.

    Launchers/n00b tubes primarily reduce camping, I say let people use them just not danger close.

    Throwing Knife Riot shield is by no means overpowered, semtex, backshots and ankleshots beat it everytime.

    Thermal and Heartbeat are by no means overpowered, just put on cold-blooded, or ninja.

    Bling, Scrambler, Last Stand, Final Stand, and Martyrdom should all be allowed because...

    Bling isn't overpowered IMO, Scrambler is useless, Last Stand kills you wen its over, and you have to die a lot to get Final Stand, and Martyrdom.

    Why ban the nuke? you need to win the game to get it anyway.

    IMO the Bottom line IM trying to say is that victory should be in your ability to adapt to every situation, not be good at the only situation possible.
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Few problems with this.

    Snipers are one hit kills most of the time yet you ban the two assault rifles that are sometimes one hit kills with stopping power. Snipers also promote camping which you seem to be trying to get rid of so if your banning those assault rifles, you may as well ban snipers.

    Banning scrambler and last stands is pretty pointless. Scrambler tells you if someone is near your since your radar goes fuzzy and last stand makes it so people need to make sure they finish kills. Also, with your logic banning bling, then you should ban scavanger to make it a bit harder as well. I wouldn't ban bling. Hardline could be a potential pain in the ass also. I'd consider banning that.

    Harrier doesn't really need to be banned. It is an airstrike but it only passes once, not three times. It can also be shot down extremely fast so it isn't much of a problem. I would keep the stealth bomber but you said you don't want anything over 7 kills.

    Sub base and wasteland are much to big to play 2v2. Sub base is pretty campable also. I'd take those two out. Rust could work for 2v2, fast paced of course. I'd try that out.
    #2156 DimmestBread, Feb 19, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2010
  17. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    I say keep the FAMAS/M16.
    Also, I don't think EMPs are bad. Even though I don't think many people would use it, Its handy for disabling killstreaks.
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Unbanning Harrier would probably be ok. It's a 2v2, so anyone with a good mind can keep a rough count of what the enemies sprees are, if the enemy gets to 7, then the other team may aswell pull out a stinger secondary to dispose of it quickly.
  19. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    FAMAS/M16 stay.
    Basically, nothing should be changed. I don't think you should try to alter anyone's playstyle by simply stating that it either promotes camping or is cheap.

    The best player is the one that adapts to a given situation.
  20. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    The fact that you even have to ban anything just shows how dumbfoundingly noob friendly Modern Warfare 2 is. Any other game wouldn't have such an extensive list. Modern Warfare 2's gameplay is the worst of them all IMHO, because someone who has little to no experience with online FPS can do just as good as someone who is a CoD veteran. A lot of the killstreaks, weapons, and weapon combos are just plain overpowered and it makes the game unappealing when you die by these things all the time. No other game (that I know of) has such a multitude of overpowered/noob friendly weapons. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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