Wack On A Mole V2 Created By Randomstingray Okay everyone this is my version 2 of my "Wack On A Mole Map." In case you didn't see version 1 the whole idea of this map is you get on a mongoose and drive around with your head sticking out of a bridge (Thank you bridge/Mongoose glitch,) Changes Since Version 1 Cleaned up interlocking a bit. Added doors that spawn after 30 seconds in front of the mongoose area to stop camping. Driving area is bigger. No power drain. Single boxes added to give the map more of a shape. Changed mongoose spawn area shape. Well that's it know on to the pictures... What You Look Like Overviews Other Pictures Download Map - Link Download Gametype - Link
Where has this idea been done before, I haven't seen this exact idea before and Ive been trolling this website for over a year. If you could present proof before making accusations, you might look like less of a jerk. as for the map, it is extremely well forged a looks like it would be a great minigame for my halo impared friends. I would like to know how making the field smaller affects the gameplay because at the moment it is the only thing that is preventing me from downloading it. 4/5
I found a video of the original map YouTube- Halo 3 Custom Game: Whack-A-Mole And this was from 2008 lol. I checked the version I have and there is no author... I checked out this version and it is not much different from your first rip off that you posted less than a week ago. I think maybe you should have just updated your last thread instead of deleting a power drain, calling it Version 2 and then posting it AGAIN
actually, we do care. If you really did rip it off, that's kind of a big deal around here. If it was an honest coincidence, I don't think you'd be so defensive. However, if you saw the original, and thought, "I'd like to make a better version of this," I think that would be fine as long as you copped to it and gave credit for the idea to the original author. In short, give credit where credit is due. And, people can have similar ideas; coincidences happen. If that's the case, simply explain that, rather than getting pissed off and exploding at another member. That accomplishes nothing.
geez guys... I've actually played on both maps, and I've got to say that this V2 is much better. He litteraly made a whole new map...He didn't just move a few items around and call it his. Besides, the author of the original Whack-a-Mole is unknown, so he couldn't really just ask someone for permission to do the map. On the other hand...He completely denied that a V1 existed, and evn asked for proof... I don't know, I think everyone should just decide for themselves who's right. As for the map itself...It has excellent gameplay, and you actually can't just camp the whole time, which is a pretty nice improvement. Keep up the good work : )
I understand that he made it all himself from scratch. I give him huge props fro that, because it looks great. It's the IDEA I'm talking about. The other guy is accusing him of outright theft.
The only reason i get pissed off is he has said that i didnt think off the map even though in V1 i said to him i did and it must be a coincidence as i never knew a map like this already existed... Thank you for those kind comments and thank you for knowing i started over again instead of just moving things around, But i dont think i will make a V3 there is nothing more to add and i will most certainly be yelled at by Yoshiodo so if i do make a V3 then you guys will be lucky...
Thanks much Dirt Jockey. I couldn't find any proof of the original but you did, so thank you. Well? There's your proof guys. Happy? I NEVER said the map was stolen, only the idea. And this map has the exact same idea. I hate to see the same map posted twice, it gets really old. If you want constructive criticism, here it is: GET YOUR OWN IDEAS.
Once again i did i never even knew this map existed and my map is much more well forged than that other one so its a good thing i[b/] happened to think of this gametype one day. Just leave me alone ****.