I think I just came a little after watching the latest Splinter Cell: Conviction teaser video... I loved the Splinter Cell series, ever since it first released on the original xbox. Funny thing is, I still own my copy of the Original Splinter Cell game, and its sitting right next to me! Ive played every Splinter Cell game except for Pandora Tomorrow and the Xbox 360 version for Splinter Cell: Double Agent. YouTube- Splinter Cell Conviction Story Trailer [HD]
I gave up on the series after the fail of Double Agent. It went from a kickass stealth game where you had to figure out how to get through missions to a retarded assault game.
Which one are you talking about? The original xbox version or the 360 version? Regardless, I still love playing the games. It is always fun and suspenseful. Sam is getting a little old, I wonder what they'll do once Sam "retires" from being covert specialist. Will there be a new guy?
double agent was wayyyy stupid i didnt even know how to get to the missions! im hoping that conviction is more like rainbow six does anyone know when the new demo date is now that its been delayed to release with duke nukem forever?
Way more like rainbow six?! No way... Mace is kinda right, they making the game more like an assault type of thing where now its okay for you to come out the shadows and blast your gun at people. One of the many reasons why i love the series was that it emphasized the importance of being "steathy". No its seems like stealth as just thrown out the window... One thing thats bothering me about the game so far is how the colors changes colors in regards to your current situation. If you are unnoticed, the screen is in a dark monotone color, mainly black and whites, when your spotted the screen is flooded with colors. IMO, keep it dark at all times. Another thing thats bugging are the indicators, they're these bold words in white that shows players areas of interest.
i think that's just for the seperate infiltration mode by rainbow six i meant being able to take cover and not bumble around like some retard in double agent
Whats infiltration mode? I've heard that those "features" would be in the story mode as well... You was always able to take cover in double agent. I think you had to click the left stick to get behind cover. I dont really remember the game game all too well..
Yeah, I've notice that feature too. They say it wont distract the players from the story and gameplay, but personlly I don't think they'll fit for the game. I mean bold white letters telling me to climb over this object, or shimmey this one. Nope, I hope I can turn that off...