Gaming spirit gone?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ZombieBiscuit, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Forgehub am i losing my gaming spirit?

    I haven't looked at my xbox for 7 days, it hasn't even been turned on in 7 days. I have a subscription to wow which i haven't played in two months and just cancelled. I am not even bothered to play PC games. I bought mass effect 2 ,finished it once, never looked at it again. Bought bioshock 2 ,finished it, never looked at it again. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

    It's like i get no enjoyment from games anymore. I remember EVERY new game i got i couldn't wait to get home and play it. (I would so joyful the day i got it) Now its like i get a game play it and whatever. Its like nothing it entertaining me?

    I can't remember when it started. Probably over the four weeks. I am finding no interest in games. (Im prob reap eating my self lol) I find myself incredibly bored now. I would normally go play games or already be playing games but now when i am bored. I just sit there..... and stay bored. I was going to give Aion another go, but now i feel no motivation or enthusiasm to play anything.

    I used to follow games before they came out, on the edge of my chair for that little bit of info and when that info came i couldn't wait till the release date. I have multiple games pre ordered, but i feel like i am getting them for the sake of getting them. I look at all my games and its just 'meh'. Its not like i am a selfish slob and only play new games its like i have no motivation to play any game at all.

    Have any of you had this or have any ideas why its happening? how i can help find my passion for games again?

    All my passion for games is GONE. I want my gaming soul back.
  2. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I've been having a lesser version of it myself, gaming isn't as fun as it used to be. I think what you might need is a good multiplayer game or your just growing out of games. If you are just growing out of games, don't be sad about it get out there and do something fun.
  3. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    I dont want to grow out of games D: I want to be buried with a controller in my hand.
  4. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I don't want to grow out of games.
    I don't want to give up the fun or the friends.
    I don't want to give up the community.
    I don't want to give up the skills I've honed over the years.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Games are like heroin, the more you play the more you need to get your high, maybe take up knitting that way you can make swell sweaters
  6. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    Maybe what stimulates you mentally has changed recently - perhaps you might be interested in playing a more story driven game. I don't know. The best medicine is probably that you take a complete break from gaming for a month, and then come back to it fresh.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I secnd that. I was getting bored, so i came of for about a month on and off and i like it more but damn, its not the same. :(
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I'm having the exact same issue with heroin.
  9. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Been there done that.
    I used to be hard out into games back in the days of Atari, NES and the like. Games like Rampage and Ridge Racer where hours and hours of pixelated fun. But slowly I started getting bored with it and went outside to play.

    Then Goldeneye brought me back and I was fully into games again. Final Fantasy series, Metal Gear Solid.

    Then went away again untill Halo. Now some years later it's slowing down again. Fewer and fewer games are grabbing my interest and the few that do bore me after a while.

    It might come back in a few years with the next couple generations of consoles and better games.

    Just go with the flow mate, nothing you can really do to stop it.

    And Kimmy if you don't change your signiture so help me I will fly over to aussie find you and surgically attach headphones to your ears that play nothing but Metallica all the time until you cannot listen to anything else.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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  11. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Hmm maybe your right? Halo reach might get it back. May 3rd better come soon.
  12. ukilledkenny7

    ukilledkenny7 Ancient
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    I'm the same way; though recently I have been getting it back with Battlefield Bad Company 2 about to come out. I think its a phase thing.
  13. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I dont think its you as much as it is the games coming out recently, most of them have been a drag lately and havent held up to my expectations... I mean, even my current fovorite game doesnt have everything they said would be in it, Borderlands, it was supposed to have random terrain except for major paths, random enemies, and completely random weapons, but all we got were kinda random weapons and kinda random enemies... now im not trying to sound like a brat that is spoiled, but when game developers tell you something is going to be in a game it better damn well be in the game when it releases. That, is what i think is plaguing you, partially because i think its what is plaguing me as well, but i have been taking this time to watch anime series' ive never seen before. (currently on dragonball, finished deathnote, fullmetal alchemist, gundam 00, gundam seed, and gundam seed destiny) im going to start either the first gundam series, gundam wing, or dragonball z when im done with dragonball.

    but yeah ill probably try games in a week or two after i start my job (if i get it) because ive been at this for about 3-4 weeks already.
  14. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    I KNEW I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE WHO SAW THIS!!! I remember this too, the Dev said that EVERYTHING (Except like you said, certain paths and the like) was going to be randomized, but unfortunately it's not, which makes it boring. I remember them saying that they found one enemy that jumped at you, and another that looked the exact same, and it spat at you, etc etc. (No, it wasn't Skags. They said something about a bug-looking thing) I also remember them saying that they had about a trillion guns in their DB, but apparently not.

    I'm starting to get bored of games too. It's like, you want to do something, but when you look at your games none strike your attention, and even if you can buy a new game, theres not one to be bought. BFBC2 looks pretty sick though, but Starcraft 2 is mainly getting my attention now; since the BETA came out on the 17th (Which I've been trying to get into, might I add).

    I don't know, I've been getting the same feeling. Maybe it's just because games aren't FUN anymore, they're competitive. A game that's fun . . . I can't even remember the last time I called a game "Fun". Also, you can't say MW2 is fun, everyone yells at that game. You can't call Halo fun either, everyone yells at that game too. No game is FUN, theres not a game (IMO, at least) that you just want to play with your friends and have a big laugh while playing the game, because someone did something stupid, and the game allows you to do that stupid thing. Not one game is like that anymore IMO. =/
  15. o1000LioNs

    o1000LioNs Ancient
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    I'm sure many people feel this way. I do. I think it's has something to do with it being old after constant gaming. I guarantee you will get back into gaming once a new console comes out that is better than Xbox or PS3.
  16. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The only game that I feel keeps its fun factor as long as you have friends to play it with, sadly is pokemon... and this is coming from someone graduating highschool in a year. I dont know, it was my first real game and its always been there... gotta catch all them pokemen! lol

    but yeah, new games have lately been a dissapointment, thats my position on this matter.
  17. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Games lately have sucked. Mw2 was a complete ****ing let down. I'm selling it to get Cod 4 because I'm told it was more balanced. Just be patient and wait for Reach or Starcraft II for PC. I can guarantee Reach will help.
  18. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Mw2 delivered, I was in a drought before Mw2 though... I still played a lot of Halo 3 though... but no other games...
  19. ShamefulMatrix

    ShamefulMatrix Ancient
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    Yeah, I haven't played with my Xbox or PC for about 2 weeks. I've been coding, and find it enjoyable. I used to only code when I needed to, but now I do it in my spare time.

  20. mefire66

    mefire66 Forerunner
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    Ya same thing happened to me. I usually play halo like 2 hours a day, everyday, but not anymore. now I play like 2 times a week... Maybe we cant w8 for reach to come out, Idk...

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