Legendary DLC The Sight

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MSG, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. MSG

    MSG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    THE SIGHT...


    I don't plan on fixing / editing this map in any way

    with this map i tried to bring the action were less people tend to go on ghost town

    weapon list:

    battle rifle-5

    assault rifle-2



    rocket launcher -1

    sniper rifle-1

    I took the images in forge to show most spawns












    I blocked off back tunnels to prevent camping/hiders

    #1 MSG, Feb 17, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2010
  2. ElementNineteen

    ElementNineteen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You put a lot of attentive detail into changing the map in such a way that players are forced to tackle the map in different ways. Really liking your moving of Rocket spawn.

    All in all, what you did seems to give Ghost Town more of a professional and competitive feel. I'll have to try this one out some time.
  3. Gelatinous Yam

    Gelatinous Yam Ancient

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    So basically it's just an upgraded ghost town? It looks good, but you need more weapons. Try some smgs and brute shots and other [somewhat noobish] weapons to add variety. You may not want to, but remember that all kinds of people will be playing on your map. I know you say your not going to change it, but at least in your future maps...
  4. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    I saw this map and I was instantly excited, Im pretty tired of sandbox maps.
    The first thing that caught my eye was the screenshot that showed the way you added ambient lighting to some dark areas by merging mancannons. I love this feature and even I have incorporated into my maps :)
    I went to download it and I noticed you didnt change the map description from "True Canvas - Final Edition" lol- which got me wondering what gametypes this map hosts or how many players it can accomodate. So I checked it out and I noticed you placed only 2 starting points and they are both on the same side of the map! Another thing I didnt like was how you really hid the camo and the rocket launcher- It really puts you at a disadvantage if you are playing this for the first time.
    Its a shame you dont plan to fix or edit this map- It has a lot of potential.
  5. MSG

    MSG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    editing this map

    after so many comments about this map being "liked" i might keyword :might:

    edit this map

    the only reason why i said i would not edit this map is because i didn't know many people liked ghost town
    there for i will look at suggestions and i
    MIGHT come up with an edited v2 of this

    i didn't hide them i try to bring people to parts of the map normally wouldn't be played

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