This is not meant to be a professional video but if you do like it then good. It is my first Montage so don't blam all over it please. Yes I do miss a few shots and scope a few but still, does it matter? YouTube- Team Snipers Montage - Halo 3
Meh, It's ok, I guess, though it looks like you spent about half of a day getting these clips, there no editing, and I didn't see very many notable clips. A few no-scopes, well, good job.
Everytime I get something worthy on Team Snipers, I usually delete that video and redue it. That's my second copy^ (I added Contruct yesterday and got the rest from the day before) (what should I do to make it look more edited?)
For editing, syncing it with music helps a ton but it takes work, other gimmicks and tricks like showing the clip from multiple angles and fancy transitions between clips help. Cutting quicker after getting the money shot would help pacing a ton(not sure we needed to see you reload so many times). Mostly I'd like to see a little more discrimination in your clip selection. You several clips of you standing still and headshotting another guy who was standing still firing at someone else, and not even part of a double.
I agree with this, I was really bored watching it, normally when I watch a really good video, I say to myself, "I want to be like that guy!" or, "I want to seriously do that!!" The editing was pretty meh, I didn't like seeing you reload so many times, and the music wasn't real fun listening too. On the bright side, you had some really good no scopes.