Hey guys this is my map preview of my new map Plethora, i just have to get testing in and then i can realse it but for now heres a little look at what it looks like =] Overview Side view of center piece Inside view of center piece Front view of attackers base Front view of defenders base Well like i said i still have to test this out and make some minor adjustments like add some more stuff to the defenders base and attackers but all and all its just about done, please let me know what you think, thank you.
you can't just copy the Bungie.net url, you must save the images to your computer, then upload them to a image hosting site such as photobucket.com or imageshack.us, then use the direct link they offer for each image, then slap the IMG tags around them.
ok sorry about that i was in a rush but i believe i fixed them now so let me know if they are working and if so what you think, thank you
yep you got em working now. The center structure looks pretty awesome, but a lot of the geometry on the attackers base seems unnecessary, and might be better suited elsewhere to augment gameplay rather than aesthetics.
Good aesthetics but there seems to be large gaps between the structures and no real connections between the 3. It just looks like 3 random things on a map. Geomerging might look nice but don't sacrifice playability for it.
ya, i think i should post more screenshots becuase i can see where your getting that from but there is a lot more around the map that i did like ground elevations, covers, lines of sight and much more, but definitly if it doesnt play well that would be the first thing i would delete, but i still have more objects anyways lol thank you for the advice ill still def. take that into consideration. =] ok lol ill def get some more pics soon cuz of what mick raider said lol theres a lot between the structures, theres a cave which house invis, rock and ramp structures that elevate the map and connect the structures as well, im sorry for the confusion if i can get more pics be4 i leave for work ill post them if not ill have to do it later, sorry, ps maybe i could invite you (MickRaider) and lightsout when i test this? cuz it seems like you to could give me some really good advice seeing as how this is my 1st competitive map besides asset maps.
Hey exploding i was thinking, for the attackers base maybe giving the top part more depth for a kinda shelf. It would act like a second story and be just for spawning purposes. Im gettin on right now anyway so we can look into if you want.
If you see me on, invite me. But depending on what Im doing at the time, I might not join (like if im forging or playing RR)
lol thanks ace im gonna get a game on tonight or tomorrow depending on the testers lol and ya i have captnstfu looking at it now he agreed youd have to have a walk through of the map to see what im talking bout but ya ill send you a request lightsout and just let me know when your ok to test it out acctually i just sent you a friend request lightsout this way you can let me know whenever your up to test it out.
I hope you can remember all the things Ace and I pointed out to you, the map has potential, but needs to be addressed in certain areas.
yes i remember it all and i plan to work on it right now but i gotta go 2 work in an hour so ill finish it up when i get home tonight, but i know for a fact that after its done itll be really good =]