Congrats on making the hidden gems. I love this map, and you know when I say I love a mid-level map I mean it!
Definetely a fine map to keep on my hard drive. My first game on it amazed me and I'm definetely looking forward to playing this in future custom games. P.S. It isn't too late to submit to atlas. Just keep that in mind.
Thanks again man. It has been really cool posting this map on here. I had no idea there was this much traffic! Already 1200 views?! It's really cool so many people are liking it. It's also inspired me to get more active on here. I might even try making another map. I'm glad you liked the game we played (honestly it was probably funner for your team since you guys were beating us pretty bad,lol.) And KOTH isn't even the gametype that works best on it. I really like Multi flag and multi Neutral flag the best. Like I was saying last night though, I wanted to change it up cuz that's all we ever play on there. Next time though. I really don't know about the Atlas thing. I'm already spending more time than I have on video games, and it just kind of seems like a pain. Plus the map is kind of too big for 4v4. . . Maybe though. Thanks for the review, and I'm looking forward to having you in some more games.
You asked for suggestions, so here is a minor one I noticed, and is strictly a ticky-tacky forge one- instead of using a large corner and 2 tube ramps or small wedges, whichever you used on the sides (possibly in the middle, I forget exactly where, but it was in the dunes) to make it smoother I would ghost merge the large corner into the dune, so you can eliminate the tube ramps/small wedges, save some budget, save some pieces, and have it a little more professional as well as play better. I like the design, and i think just literally a one-hour look through and evaluation of every feature could let you add or make small adjustments that would go a long way, and possibly get it into matchmaking. That is all, if I find anything else specific, i will let you know.
Thanks for taking the time to look at the map. I absolutely agree with the large corner being ghost merged into the ground looking better, but the problem is that in makes the angle a little more steep which results in the warthog not getting nearly as much "pop" as it goes of the manncannon. I actually have a version with the corner piece ghost merged into the ground sitting on my hard drive right now, but I just can't seem to angle them good enough to keep the same vertical for the jump. We'll see, I'll keep looking at it. I would absolutely love to have the extra budget to do a little more. Not too sure what small adjustments you have in mind. But I hear you, that's cool. Thanks again for the review. Post Script: Dig the name btw, Inglourious Basterds is one of the greatest shows ever, imo. TARANTINO REPRESENT!! lol
I totally agree with Scobra , this is also one of my favorite maps ever to play on.Not only is it nice and balanced and smoothly forged ,but can deliver some of the most amazing CTF matches,KOTH, Neutral Flag,and TS matches of all time! I love this map because not only is it competitive but it also delivers on the crazy epic gameplay which is hard to pull off in a map.From the mid-air Br battles,flying Warthogs (pigs really can fly!),intense firefights up high and down low,to reigning down missles with the pod from a birdseye-view of the map via/mancannon, this has all the epicness ive been craving in a map! This is a very unique map in a great way and there is nothing quite like it.The spawns must be solid because i never recall being spawn killed.Weapons are balanced and there is plenty of options for a player to decide on and many paths to take.There have been alot of epic games played on it and has given me a ton of good times.For that reason i will always look forward to playing this map. Thanks and Cograts on making the "Hidden Gems" section.Surely a worthy and soild map.This has really come a long way from the day when there was a guass-hog and Scorpian Tank on it. lol man. =] Though i would dig a heavy version of the map,and it would be simple to do. It would damn sure be just as good as any of the heavy maps that are in matchmaking... Also great post by the way,you really did a great job of including all of the gang, i love the quotes and comments for us all.You are a great person to know and you dont forget about your good friends. Thanks man. =') Congratulations man! Truly a masterpiece. Keep up the good work!
TROY!!! Good to hear from you man, it's been a couple of weeks, we've missed you in the games. Thanks for such a long and AWESOME review bud!! Yeah it has been a lot of fun getting a bunch of games on this with you and the guys for sure. I'm actually really excited to show you the new version that I'm working on. Thanks to Ace and Noxi showing me the "up and X" method of ghost merging (the "up and A" method just pisses me off) I've been re-inspired to do a bunch of forging. And I looked at some of the great feedback people have been giving me, like making the ramps to the man-cannons look better and opening up the bases to give more room to jump off the man-cannons. Also Vincent gave me some more great advice on spawns and encouraged me to improve the aesthetics in the middle of the map. So yeah, LOTS OF AWESOMENESS!! I'm still working on a couple of things, like analyzing the new spawns and making the "Sand man-cannons" look better. But should have a new version done, tested, and up on here soon. If you (or anyone else) wants to take a sneak peeek at the changes here is a link to map: : Halo 3 File Details (Again, keep in mind that I am still working on a few things, but this is just too awesome not to share right now!!) You're awesome too man! I'm continually blown away at how cool the group of guys that we game with are. We've played SO MANY epic games that will truly go down in the Halo books of lore! (lol) Post Script: OMG, THE NEW VERSION IS ALSO AMAZING FOR GIFT GIVER!!!
Amazing is an understatment my friend. I absolutely love the changes and additions you've made to this already epic map.
I like this, its fun to me. It reminds me of a city like environment. I found nothing really wrong with it. Also like a arena sort of way, like how the double blocks are aligned, looks like the paintball place I go to.
Looks good as always, new title image is sexy. <3 Also, this is definitely my favorite Sandbox Gift Giver map, if you people haven't tried this, go try it!!