so it happened to you too? i guess they were servicing servers or something. p.s. i hate your spoilers. i was gonna buy ME2, and you went and ruined part of it for me.
Dude, you're worried about not having XBL for 15 minutes, my account has been suspended indefinitely until I pay Microsoft to renew...
In that short period of 15 minutes I think half of the world finally realized they had nothing to do with their lives other than xbox. I can tell you right now that I was going through withdrawal.
no, he is just wondering if it was his internet screwing up or if it was server maintenance or something. and why? and i for one, did not go through withdrawal. i just hopped on my laptop for 15 minutes to play COD there. (not really, i actually did facebook. im not that obsessed)
Think 15 minutes is bad? I haven't been on for 21 or so days because I'm grounded. I just now download cod4 for the mac to pass the time. Stupid geometry, gettin' me a damn D lol.
Geometry is easy, algebra is hard. I loved math until I took honors algebra, i failed every test and never passed a term... Curse you algebra!