Sandbox Ac-130

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Possessed Adam, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. Possessed Adam

    Possessed Adam Ancient
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    Created by ACES Xx BliTZz

    Supported Gametypes:

    Map Description
    High above the dunes of Afghanistan, an AC-130 reigns down
    upon anything within reach, if the humans can withstand
    the heavy fire of the AC-130, they will be rewarded with
    such things a bubble shields and even a Rocket Launcher
    to gain sweet revenge.

    As the AC-130 Gunner, you will spawn in a small area which
    tilts towards an area of humans down below, you will find
    you have infinite ammo on your rocket launcher and three
    missile pods to use, time your rockets carefully, they take
    around five seconds to reach the ground.

    As the humans down below, you will spawn with energy swords
    in a large area, you can't run fast or jump high so don't
    try getting out of the area. After 90 seconds, a ramp will
    take you up to a pile of bubble shields, only use these
    when nescessary. After 180 seconds you will be given another
    ramp which takes you up to a Rocket Launcher. Aim in between
    the wing and the tail of the AC-130 and you should get to
    kill him.

    There are ten rounds which you can edit, each with four
    minutes (leaving a minute to fire a shot into the AC-130.

    Reign Down

    AC-130 ABOVE!


    Sweet Revenge

    Boom Boom Pow

    Thanks to all the people who gave me advice to change some
    stuff on the AC-130 and human spawn in the screenshots
    thread. I hope if you play it that you actually like it.

    Download AC-130 HERE
    Download Spectre HERE
    #1 Possessed Adam, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
  2. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    Well no the best forging but I sorta like the idea

    1 question are the bubble sheilds and rocket no respawn cause if the are the zombie could hide behind the wall when the humans have the rocket and live

    Anyways I would suggest merging the ramp to make it cleaner and possible make more Ac-130s depending on the amount of zombies you want

    Congrats on the idea though
  3. Possessed Adam

    Possessed Adam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The AC-130 has fusion coils inside. I might make more AC-130s but I usually only have
    one friend on Halo and if I set it to 2 players or more, it won't work. Maybe if I did like 25% or something all in the same AC-130. I might redo the ramp but for now, gameplay is quite good and I reccomend having at least 4 people playing. :)
  4. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah cool didn't know it had fusion coils sorry if I angered you in any way

    can't judge gameplay soz allready downloaded max things and can't get on the xbox right now
  5. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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    this was already made,a little different.sorry...
  6. Gelatinous Yam

    Gelatinous Yam Ancient

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    My friend had a similar idea, but it never got anywhere. I hope he doesn't read this, but you did a much better job.
  7. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    yay... my fusion coil thing got it

    you didnt really listen to anything else though did you?

    i'll say again... i am that kind...

    1. better middle arena, maybe circular
    2. more detailed AC130, either detailed far away, or close up, either way, need more detail
  8. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just because it doesn't need detail, doesn't mean it would suffer because if it. You've used maybe $200 out of Sandbox's $1500 budget, so I know you have the resources to at least make a bigger plane. Also, make a more dynamic terrain. Little hills and dips made from ghost merging would be an excellent aesthetic touch to your confinement area.

    Just thought of this: what if you make multiple AC-130s? Put a Sender and receiver node between maybe 3 or 4 ACs, making it seem like the multiple ACs is only one.
  9. Possessed Adam

    Possessed Adam Ancient
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    Nahh, this AC-130 will make do for now cos I'm starting on my Apatche. It will probably be better anyway. Basically it's a chopper hovering next to a big Duck Hunt course.
  10. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I understand you're busy with another map, but that just means this map won't benefit from all the ideas that people have given you. You should at least make a V2 in the future. The map really is a nice idea, but everyone can tell that it hasn't been pushed to it's potential.

    EDIT: 1400th post :D
    #10 Black Theorem, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
  11. cheezcakep

    cheezcakep Ancient
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    I have played this map, I like it good job. The map seems rather small mabye add vehicles and just let the lasers get them? i dunno. For a v2 mabye add a chopper? that would be awesome. Way to go kaythxbai
  12. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    Im going to put this very simply i like the idea but the forging looks uhh.... terrible
  13. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    Rather than having to design a whole new map around the AC-130, why not simply place two above the standard Sandbox? If you put a teleporter at each base to allow players up and down, you could have the addition of the AC-130 without having to reinvent the wheel in terms of map design.

    Just a thought.

  14. Possessed Adam

    Possessed Adam Ancient
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    I have decided to not carry this forward anymore, if you don't like the map or the forging, don't download it. I'm guna carry on with more maps.
  15. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    ok this map could use a lot of work as stated above but just so you know humans can escape the bottom, the lack of cover or any real items on the ground is disappointing, the ac 130 looks very very basic, there should be more then one weapon up there ie: a tank, rockets and gauss to represent the different guns or something along those lines. O and is the AC 130 in the sky bubble?
  16. Possessed Adam

    Possessed Adam Ancient
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    Okay, I am completely making a new one. It is 2x5 walls space. Any ideas what to do with the humans?
  17. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    First I think their should be an objective for the humans besides killing the AC-130 gunner. Second the enclosed area is like shooting fish in a barrel. My suggestion is to make houses in a linear progression(Length apart is up too you) towards a goal for the humans. Could be a bunch of different hills or grabbing an oddball to win. Currently this map is tooooo simple.

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