This is the AC-130 I made for my infection Map- AC130. The map and Gametype should be up tommorow. The reason for it being so small is I wanted to make it like MW2 where it looks like it's far away, that isn't an excuse. Same reason for why it is tilting, it does on MW2. I wanted to make it most like a MW2 AC-130 lol. If you have any tips for my map before I upload it, reply. I need a new idea for the Human Spawn tbh so lets hear your ideas: AC-130 AC-130 ABOVE! Reign Down (My Trophy Shot) Human Spawn (which frankly needs editing) Please reply with tips for it and what you think of my work. I kinda rushed the Human Spawn but that's the reason it's not up yet.
You need to embed the pictures at sites like photobucket or imageshack, upload them there and then post them here, because we can't see 'um. And frankly, i'm interested in the AC-130 concept.
pretty ugly AC130. you should work on it, so it doesnt look like a bunch of **** put together. objects dont matter, your map is small from the looks of it.
reconsidered: 4. There is is just about no detail. I would suggest adding a bit more detail. I do know you said that it will be far away but it still could use some improving.
The AC-130 doesn't need that much detail cos you only see it tiny as a human and as a zombie you are trapped inside anyway. If anyone has any advice how to improve the AC-130 instead of just saying that it doesn't have detail, please go ahead.
i'd say its bad, you could of made that ring below much nicer looking (circular maybe), its deffinutely breakable, a lucky jump and rocket explosion and you're out, maybe if it was a maze, and in the middle was a way to kill the AC130 (splazer? with fusion coils stuck around the plane) the plane needs work, no one cares if it "looks far away" because, it isnt, either make it detailed close, or detailed far away, otherwise everyone will just say "looks like you've thrown it together" one more peice of advice, make it a chopper gunner instead, that way, it could hover, more than "hmm... AC130 not moving" and i know chopper gunner does move, but they hover a bit also...
Thank you for that, I have remade this map and the AC-130 looks a bit neater, the human spawn is rounder and after 90s bubble shields respawn and after 180s a Rocket Launcher spawns. I'm about to put it up in the mini game section if you wanna try it
I have a full scale working map of a C-130 (Yes, C-130, for all you noobs that think I misspelled). It's a rough draft concept and needs alot of work. The zombies spawn near a bunch of vehicles and the humans are holed up inside the plane with missile pods and such. It's a crappy idea, and I'm about to scrap it. And dude, AC-130's are huge. They look far away because they are far away, not because they're small.
You should make another AC-130, so zombies have two positions to fire from, reducing crowding if new zombies spawn in the plane.
ok is my date all wrong on this thing or something? i helped you with this map back in 2009... i'm not sure whats happened since then but i helped you, i tested with you, you made the plane better... you even released it! i know this seems a little OT but i'm very confused.... OT: needs bigger wings, and the human spawn pic doesn't work, but remember the VIP gametype we played on? thats better than infection i thought... but if infection then make a chopper gunner maybe? or just another AC-130 (or C-130 whatever)
If you are makeing an AC-130 it should look like an artistic masterpiece. If you do not feel like putting the time to build something nice into your map, then ditch the name and just build a platform.