Vibe Lounge David White Sit back, Relax, Respawn. (a cookie for anyone who gets the relevance of the maps name) Its been a while since I posted the Map Preview thread and I was hoping to get some mock-matchmaking tests done for submitting this to Atlas, but activity in Atlas and the Bnet group Test Pilot has dropped a bit. So here it is, Vibe Lounge; an asymmetrical map fit for FFA, 2 Team and Multi-Team gametypes, both symmetrical and asymmetrical, casual and competitive. The flag icons indicate the starting points for each team and each of those rooms acts as the base where flags and bombs are located. (note, the arrows indicate a downward slope and darker areas are higher up) The whole map is built in half of the Crypt, but the different levels at varying heights and having the map split in to smaller rooms gives the impression of having more space which allows for 4v4 and multi-team games. Blue Base looking towards the central arch Above Red Base, needler spawn right at the top of the image.[Note, no SMGs are present on this map. This screenshot was taken with a different weapon set, see weapon layout above] Rocket Spawn room (next to the Blue Base but the rockets spawn equidistance from both teams starting points) The top room - jump off the edge to get in to either teams base area, sword bridge through the arch. Jumping down from Sword Brigde to the Rocket Ramp Rocket Ramp, rockets spawn in the room at the top, right next to the arch. Taken out in the top room. Download Vibe Lounge
I Have to admit i haven't played Halo in about a month but modern warfare 2 can get a little boring. This is the First Map in the Crypt that I've ever seen to Successfully Make a multi level Map in the Crypt. the bridge idea was pretty smart kinda like construct. the arch is also very unique and i just might take that design with credit of course. ill have to play some custom matches on it to comment farther But so Far 4.5 out of 5
Wow this took a long time to post....i remember this in the forums like months ago, but i liked it, and i still like it. It has an urban feel to it. And it does look very successful multi level crypt map
Use it if you wish but please don't give me credit for it. I've seen several other maps use the arches in similar ways, either to make door ways or holes in the floor. I couldn't take credit for it being my original idea.
I'm downloading this. Maybe more pics of the individual areas? Either way, I like the wat the building merges with that platform.
This is a pretty unique map, and I still can't decide if it's a good thing or not. The linear design reminds me of a campaign-style map, having to start at the bottom and work your way up (and around) the map until the boss battle (which would be at sword spawn). For that reason I'm apprehensive at it's abilities as a competitive map, but I won't say more since I have yet to play any games on it. Regardless this is something that I haven't seen to much of, and I give you top marks for a solid map design that creates a different atmosphere than the crypt normally gives off. Once I get some actual games on here I'll be back with some more comments.