Outside Influences Affecting Your Game?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Supa Midget, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Just a random thread i thought'd be fun.
    Anything form playing lincoln park and wasting EVERYONE to throwing your controller at someone and getting a stick.

    But please no obvious ones such as "My mum decided to continuosly call me for dinner during my 1v1 showdown match vs zelf even though i'd told her i was going to be busy for the next 20 minutes."(thats right i blame my mum,cuz im classy like that XD

    Me and my mate recently managed something completely bizare.
    This is no joke but whenever we started humming the mario song we got stupidly miraculous scores on objective games(i went from 8 to twelve in one spree :)

    I also burnt my tongue on some hot chocolate once,twiched and killed my friend with a sniper.

    So what have you managed to do?
    Must involves some form of influence outside of the halo 3 mechanics :)
  2. E93

    E93 Guest

    I hate when the sun gets on my TV screen. Even with the blinds shut.
    It's annoying, and i cant move my TV anywhere else...
    That's usually like 5, 6 pm east, so if you want to beat me, ever, there's the time to do it!
  3. sammydb

    sammydb Ancient
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    I don't really have anything related to this, but sometimes, when I'm way to involved in Lone Wolves and my play is sub par, whenever I die and I think I shouldn't have, I stand up from my chair in the middle of the room, huck my controller at my recliner back and it comes right back into my hands as it bounces off. The chair is like 6 feet away too. Then I sit back down and start playing again (when I come back to life of course). First time I did that and the controller rocketed back at my face and I barely caught it. Now I mostly do it out of fun or as a small stress reliever. I really need to get a life and quite worrying about halo huh?
  4. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
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    My friend was on top of one of the bases on valhalla and I bumped into him, he knocked the fusion coil into the man cannon. He then sniped someone, and the coil gave him a double :D
  5. RMLol

    RMLol Ancient
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    I sometimes say "Let's do this." before I spawn to start the match.
    (COD4 S.A.S.)

    Then I suck.
  6. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I don't really have any positive influences, but I have plenty of negative ones. It is amazing how drastically my game get worse if music is on. If Halo isn't the only sound playing, I play terribly. I can't play MM with more than 1 other person in the room (allowing the 2+ other people to talk thus distracting me) because I just can't concentrate. I also can't slay well leaning back.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    i dropped my controller then headshoted my teammate and got booted =C
  8. swooshz56

    swooshz56 Ancient
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    Usually if i'm listening to some Black metal, Naglfar, Dimmu Borgir or something like that,i usually do really well. I win like 15 matches in a row when i'm just there playing and listening to music.
  9. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    My controller is known to die at the worst time, for example:
    About to snipe the flag guy before he jumps in the man cannon, controller turns off
    Running with no shield to score the flag, controller turns off.
    Driving towards flag score with wraith behind...guess what?
  10. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    This is exactly why you get a wired controller or play and charge kit. When you are making a run for 50, you can't afford these moments.

    I play really well after playing basketball for some reason. It must be the adrenaline or something.
  11. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Idk why, but whenever im singing my awesome songs, i play better. running riot today..

    And whenever i talk to my GF i always seems to be a more casual player and arent very agressive.
  12. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Sometimes it gets REALLY cold in the room I play in, and then I just suck, badly.

    Or if it's really late at night, I start to do bad.
  13. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    i completely suck if i have friends over playing with me, if there is music on, i'm not very good, if there is absolute silence, i own
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    If let the bodies hit the floor is playing, I seem to play awesome.
    So I created a Halo Playlist for my xbox.
    It consists of songs which I believe have the same effect the bodies has.
    Some of the other songs -
    • I dont wanna stop by ozzy osbourne
    • Paralyer by Finger Eleven
    • Youth of the nation by POD
  15. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    I just always suck
  16. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Cold Air = Cold Fingers = Slower Reaction Time!
  17. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    onetime my sister pissed me off so i hit her with the controller and threw a plasma grenade tht shot off a mancannon on valhalla, nd stuck a 3 person warthog for a triple... the rest of the game i sat there hitting her (despite her protest lol) to see if itd happen again, it didnt unfortunately :[

    or the time i blew up a ghost on a tower nd then began to run as it fell but accidentally swung out my foot, stubbed my toe, yelled nd got pummeled by a dead ghost... lol tht was retarded when it happened
  18. ScottyRanger

    ScottyRanger Ancient
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    I've gotten a few sick no scopes while eating cereal. It's always cereal though.
    like, if I'm munchin on doritos I suck. But gimme a bowl of cereal and I'm sick.

    I don't want to post any though, because if I do all I'll hear is "YOU WERE COPIYNG THAT OEN GUY YOU SUCK"

    So, yeah.
  19. JaceMc

    JaceMc Ancient
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    Ooooooh, perfect opportunity!

    I get that effect when I talk to your GF too!

    YES! Booyah!
  20. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Don't know if this fits in the topic but I fell asleep once halfway through a race on Nascar 2003 and still won.

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