Author: xItZ jENKiNSx Map Name: Unggoy Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Small Player Count: 2-4 Supported Gametypes: King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer __________________________________________________ Description: Introduction: The 10th is finally here! Unggoy has been under going many changes since the 29th, but the map has inproved alot. Unggoy had some minor issues such as lack of flexability in gameplay and there was nothing really to fight for due to no power weapons. Now, there is an overshield in the center and spawn have improved. Unggoy was normally tested with 4 player FFA slayer, oddball, and Koth. People have been telling me that 1v1, 2v2, and 3 player FFA played unexpectedly well, so gametypes have changed as well. Video: Here is a video of 3 player Koth and a quick notification to you is that the overshield was not in play of this video, so here it is. Big thanks to "Stealth9Sneaker" for producing this video. YouTube- Unggoy BackRound Story: Deep within the sandy dunes of the Talaso Deserts located 76 miles from New Juruselam lies an isolated compound full scientists who observe newly found life forms. In 2546, Sgt. Conrald of squad "Echo6" found a strange life form on Mars, so Sgt. Conrald escorted the unkown species to Talaso Deserts. .....INCOMING TRANSMITION............................. standby>>........................................................... Audiolog Entry#1... This is Dr. Lennard of Research Lab #22. This is my first transmition. Our students and I have started examining and brand new species the other day. The subject was brought in by Sgt. Conrald of the UNSC. We don`t know what to name our subject, but one of my students was "kind" enough to bring up the name "Grunts" due to thier excesive grunting and moaning. We have decided to name the subjects Grunts for now, until we come up with a better name. .............>>>>AudioLog Entry#2 We have finished with our obsevation grounds yesterday. We made the Grounds look similar to the settling ground they had once lived on so we can see what they do in a daily life. ..............>>>>AudioLog Entry#3 On the 7th of July, we noticed something strange on the Grunts` behalf. They were doing some strange ritual in the center of the Grounds. The ritual they were performing was seemingly similar to our birthday celebrations. Further analasis are underway. ..............>>>>AudioLog Entry#4 Oh dear god! My students are dead. These large, brutal creatures had just beached the North Hall and they are slaughtering everyone! They travel in packs and are armed with unknown weaponry. This is my last AudioLog Enrty so I`ll peserve this entry in a safe. So -wha- no stay back! NO! Aughhha!!!! .......................standby..........>>> >>>...........INCOMING TRANSMITION.....> This is Spartan 456 of the II Spartan Program. I`m reporting this log in Research Lab#22. These poor bastards didn`t even stand a chance to the brutes. Its seems that they did some research on Grunts. I`m having John send these files to command as we speak. Maybe now. Maybe now we can take back New Jurusalem. .............>>>>>>>>END TRANSMITION. Pictures: Now that you have seen in depth view of gameplay and dicover the history of Unggoy, here is some eye candy for you Final Farewell?: Fat chance that this is my final farewell, in fact me and my good buddy "SVVEET SAUCE" have a few tricks up our sleves, so yeah. lul. Download Link: UNGGOY
Sorry man I tried but I`ll try again, but if you know you to transfer videos from youtube, that would be great because my links won`t work. >.>
You should think about changing your text colors up. This is what it looks like to a large majority of people: Also, your signature exceeds the limits of 500x200 pixels. So you should resize it or find another one that fits the rules. On to the map. The pics are impressive, and Im digging the feel of it. Ill give it a DL and check it out tonight. Good work. Ill try and get back here with more comments later.
Its a very nice map very well layed out and looks clean to play on deffo i will have to download and get a game on it some time.
looks really good, i'm liking the grass and the rocky shape in the first picture. looks very well made and no doubt plays well. 5/5 Great job!
dude look at how may tabs you have open your internet must be very good cause i can have only 3 before it starts slowing down. Anyway very nice map very nicely put together, with your overview shot delete your roof and take some pictures that should fix it up.
I love the courtyard area, but the rest seems a little small. I know you hit the object limit, but the map seems to be kinda lacking. It's still nice and cleanly executed, not many (if any) bumps in the walkway, its just a little small for me i guess.
I'm loving the feel of the map, it looks great for really intense FFA gameplay. I can't wait to get a game on it with my friends.
I played loads of 1v1 games on this map and may I say I loved it good thing for me is that there is no stop in the battle Absolutely love it
Very nice map, I like the size and the gameplay reminds me of guardian. Btw I <3 guardian. My one concer is that when I went through it in forge with my other controller/account I use to download maps, I lagged pretty bad. Maybe a bit overused ghost merging/ interlocking, but 9.1/10 without a doubt. Maybe more power weapons would turn into ).
Maybe that's a lesson not to switch controllers. Lol. I understand why you are so "upset" over no power weapons, but due to the map's size, the only thing I could get close enough to a power weapon is a overshield.
This would be a great 1v1 map, but I can't really see adding too many more people without it being a total cluster****. There's a nice diversity of combat situations to get in here with the open courtyards and tight halls. I would like to see the outer walkway expanded width-wise, but I understand that you hit the object limit. I might be able to get a match or two on here, and if so I'll be back with more comments. Overall I really enjoyed hopping around on it and will be looking out for more works from you.
I hopped into Unggoy for a 1v1v1 FFA, and it proved to be a very good map. Initially, the layout appears confusing, but is easily picked up thanks to the aesthetic differences in the map. The weapon positioning slightly increased control of the area, with Carbine/OS and Plasma Rifle spawns taking most of the death count. The map really does feel out of the ordinary. The central plaza has been done before, but Unggoy holds its own very strongly. The rocky SMG spawn adds a touch of magic to the semi-open field, and the tiny added touches like the beams, which support even the tiniest of ledges, really make the map believeable. Overall, Unggoy is a very strong map that was thoroughly entertaining to play on. Usually I delete maps after having a few rounds, but this map is staying on my Hard Drive.
I enjoyed watching this map grow, and seeing you create the middle with it's epicness. The amount of time spent forging this map is mindboggling and it was well paid off. When we had one or two test games, it was a bit of a struggle to play with three people. But that might be because I am playing so much COD that Halo controls are tricky. Great map Jenkins, looking forward to seeing more!
nice map, looks well forged with smooth walls ect, the grassy area looks cool and well made as ive seen many people try to rush it and are left with very uneaven ground.anyway looks cool and will definatly download, i think that it wont be as good for team slayer as KotH but ill try both anyway
another amazing map! i just love how creative this community is. any how on to the map, its awesome, i love how you took the time to interlock the floor boards and put in plenty of guard rails, great job!! btw could we get an over view shot?