Brink- Discussion thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shihuru, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Brink is an upcoming first-person shooter being developed by Splash Damage and Publish by Bethesda Softworks set to release in Q4 2010, Fall.

    Brink is an immersive first-person shooter that blends single-player, co-op, and multiplayer gameplay into one seamless experience, allowing you to develop your character whether playing alone, with your friends, or against others online. You decide the combat role you want to assume in the world of Brink as you fight to save yourself and mankind’s last refuge. Brink offers a compelling mix of dynamic battlefields, extensive customization options, and an innovative control system that will keep you coming back for more.

    Brink takes place on the Ark, a man-made floating city that is on the brink of all-out civil war. Originally built as an experimental, self-sufficient and 100% “green” habitat, the reported rapid rise of the Earth’s oceans has forced the Ark to become home to not only the original founders and their descendants but also to thousands of refugees. With tensions between the two groups growing, Security and Resistance forces are locked in a heated battle for control of the Ark. Which side will you choose?


    Brink is a first-person shooter which features the "SMART" (Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain) Freerunning System. In a similar manner to Mirror's Edge (Grif would definitely love this!), SMART lets players maneuver around environments in dynamic and unique ways all based on player position and immediate need.

    It has a story mode which can be played cooperatively online in missions with up to 7 other players/friends. Players can create custom characters with additional rewards bought with experience points. When joining a game, the player replaces an AI fighter. Players are offered objectives that will award them with experience points if completed. When one player selects a particularly important objective, other team members are offered complementary objectives.

    Brink's engine is based on id Tech 4 with a new rendering framework and improved support for multiple CPU cores.

    For dummies:
    This game is like a blend of Fallout, Mirror's Edge, and Borderlands.

    Its unique because its a class based RPG Shooter where the story mode can either be a single player or multiplayer experience. Players can play co-op with 7 friends against 8 other human players in either the Security or Resistance campaign. One team is the Resistance, the other is the Security. Players can choose between 4 different classes. Before you choose a class, you have to locate a command post; not only can you choose a class but you can also select your loadout as well.

    Soldier: The soldier is the main fighting machine in the team. They're also able to plant explosives.
    Engineer: The engineer is able to fix and repair things. This class is good for supporting roles and allows to circumvent obstacles. Additionally, they can defuse explosives.
    Medic: Yeah, we probably all know what they do...
    Operative: This class can disguise themselves and sneak around. They can also interrogate prisoners and hack into computer systems.

    YouTube- Brink Character Customization Trailer HD
    YouTube- Brink - Freedom of Movement Preview
    YouTube- BRINK Container-City Walkthrough Part I
    YouTube- BRINK Container-City Walkthrough Part II
    YouTube- BRINK Container-City Walkthrough Part III
    #1 Shihuru, Feb 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2010
  2. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I can't wait for this game.
  3. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I can't wait for either. The original release date for it was Spring, now its releasing on September 27, 2010. I start college by September, I cant spend enough time playing the game if I'm knee deep in school work...

    One thing that bothered me about this game though was the lack of a customizable female character. I mean a game boasting huge customization for player's characters would also include female customization.

    On the developer's website there was a discussion thread 22 pages long talking about the need for female characters. Its been a huge issue for Splash Damage. I believe the reason they didn't add female characters was because of limited resources...

    Splash Damage would have to cut back on the number of customizable options for male characters so they can fit in enough options for female characters. They decided it would be better for now, if they just offered players more for male characters and hopefully add female customization in a DLC. So that means only hot guy on guy at launch...

    Either way I'm way too interested in this game to care, even though I was part of the large population of perverted gamers who wanted female characters... I just want to see how the whole game works out, with the SMART and the multiplayer campaign...
    #3 Shihuru, Feb 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2010
  4. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    The game looks amazing in every way, something to really look forward to.

    To your comment on female characters:

    If my girlfriend cant really customize her character or really as much as the males then this kinda isnt worth the buy, I mean unless they do have the dlc, but if not meh its not worth it : /
  5. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Not entirely true. The game is more than worth it as far as I can see. Splash Damage is a small studio and this is their first game that isn't attached to an already existing franchise/title and the game is looking pretty awesome right now...

    So I understand their decision to offer players a vast amount content for players just for male characters instead of a way smaller amount, just so they can also include females.

    They would have to create a whole new set of customizable female content such as clothing and gear, player models, voices, animations, etc...
  6. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Well if they would then that would be great but if not then im not really to into buying, being if she's not going enjoying playing it (even as something as small as a character), then its likely ill play it for a week and never touch it again.

    Also if its money problem that is the deal with not adding onto the female characters,
    then im not to really to against it to much, however if its a time problem, being there just rushing it and think there no point now to add something new in, then meh, not a good decision on there part.

    Again its my opinion so.
  7. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    to change the direction of discussion,

    Who's excited to see some of the smart button features?
  8. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I have been tracking this game. The first thing I noticed was it's "Mirror's Edge" movement system which I think would go nicely in a combat driven game like this. The player customization also looks pretty sweet. It hasn't been dated yet has it?
  9. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    The date has been pushed to Q4 2010, I guess the exact date is September 27 as stated by Shihuru.

    Yes, it is very similiar to Mirror's Edge, but will the SMART button allow players to do most of the things you can do in Mirror's Edge?

    For example, jump from one wall to the next? Wall run?

    But I highly doubt that you will be able to do that. SMART, as the Game Director said, will allow players to move through obstacles much more efficiently than a traditional fps, and nothing more than that, IMO.
  10. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Well you CAN do that stuff with the smart button, or manually... and he says those who do it manually will have a slight advantage, but will be harder... I suspect things like wall running will be hard to get the smart button to pull off.
  11. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I'm all for manually doing things, IMO, i think its more effective when you do certain things with your own ability. I don't think it will be harder though, I bet once a person gets the hang of using SMART, it could potentially be easier.

    Off course they wouldn't be able to wall run, or jump from wall to wall, they're just police officers and pissed off rebels. I mean, I guess a Slim Covert Class should probably be able to do something like that. Their small body size will give them the agility, and their spec ops training should give them the expertise.
    #11 Shihuru, Feb 13, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2010
  12. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i cant wait for this game. especially since september is when CODMOD2 is probably going to bore me. who knows, but i will be a rapist, and one of the few 1st prestiges lol.
  13. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    Lol, they might as well throw in the whole package if players can already vault over and onto objects, then we might as be able to jump from a wall onto a ledge or something.

    My character is gonna have the biggest body type with the most badass gear on, anything that would increase my characters badassery Im gonna put on him. Then I'll only use him as medic, to show his softer, more compassionate side...
  14. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    You don't need gear to look badass, you need a war face!

  15. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    Lmao! A life jacket and gardening gloves! Yeah, his face does look menacing...
  16. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Yeah, one thing that bugs me about the character customization is that its all rendered by artists. All the faces, bodytypes, and skintones are already rendered. So the players cant adjust things to their character.

    So in essence, you really don't make a 1 of a kind character if mostly everything is rendered...
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Yeah, there isn't a reason why I couldn't see them having done this before. Same with females. You do have the resources. Just push the game back a good week to do it.
  18. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    Yeah, they do have the resources and yeah they could of added female characters, but in doing so they would have to limit the customizable options for males. So now instead of having a variety of customizable stuff, they would have to split the resources so they can make stuff for the female character customization.

    Think of a cake, we have enough ingredients to make one huge tasty vanilla cake, but some people want chocolate, in order to give the people what they want we gotta cut the amount of ingredients in one cake in half. So now, instead of having a huge tasty vanilla cake to eat, we have a smaller, less satisfying cake...

    Its been a huge issue at Splash Damage, but given the trade-offs, I would way rather have a lot of stuff to play around with than to have little. Plus they have already push the game's release date from spring to fall and they are planning on adding female character customization as a DLC...
    #18 The Yankee, Feb 17, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2010
  19. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    The thing about manually doing them is you can do exactly what you want because you control it manually, whereas the SMART button guesstimates what you want by using info of your current location, body position, and surroundings, then makes the judgment of what you want. All the power to you for manually doing it because you wont make the "wrong" judgement in what you want to do.
  20. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    So are saying that it is likely that players would be able to pull off some Mirror's Edge stuff?

    I mean, Mirror's Edge was dedicated to freerunning gameplay. Everything revolved around freerunning.

    Brink is different though. The way im seeing it, SMART is a whole new evolution for FPSs to get around the map. Now instead of having to jump onto multiple objects or walk around a tall object, you can now quickly climb over them, or instead of running erected trying to get to safety, you can slide to cover.

    As much as I would like the fact of being able to pull of some parkour stuff, it just doesnt seem like Splash Damage would allow it, no matter if you can use SMART manually. We already don't have female customization at launch to begin with...

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