Ching Chong Kid's Here Hey, I'm Ching Chong Kid (also my gamertag) I joined ForgeHub a while ago to just check out all the neat forge stuff. I'm back now because the other site I post my switches on (H3Artificer) is dead. My main focus and joy in forging is SWITCHES. I like making new switches and posting them for people to see as well as helping others learn about switches. I have a small informational site I run called Guide To Switches to share my knowledge of switches with everyone. If you ever want to make some awesome switches or have any questions about them, message me and I'll be happy to help. >> CCK OUT...
Because this is how I'm known here... Bluejayfan94 was the name. Shortened to Bloo. FH will be the only place I'm Bloo.
Hey Ching Chong Kid, I saw your switches in aesthetics a while back, they're awesome. Keep making switches, and you'll get something shiny.
I remember you. I think I replied to your intro thread... Anyway, seeing you used a Chinese reference for your name, are you really Chinese or you just liked the name and went with it?