Really? You're just going to come in here, say that you've seen ghost merging before sandbox, and not have any proof to back it up? Not a wise move... Is there any chance we can at least know who "this person" is? Examining his maps might be one way to do things.
What does it even matter if someone knew? If people found out and kept it to themselves that was a lame thing to do but there's no reason to think there was some group of forgers laughing at all of us mere mortals unable to do what they can do. Conspiracies like that quickly fall apart because the more people who know the secret, the more likely it is that the secret gets out. I don't think it's unbelievable that someone found it and used it before it was publicized, the unbelievable part is that there was any wrongdoing beyond simple selfishness.
Why is it that if anyone knew it would be the "higher ups"? What makes you believe that the staff or any premiums are more likely to have found and kept secret ghost merging? It's more likely that a few undiscovered forgers found ghost merging and used it to become widely recognized among the community. Even this is utterly ridiculous. It's completely plain to see that no one kept ghost merging hidden. Ghost merges are honestly better than any merge done in any map previous to it. Not only that, no one would keep secret that technique that most revolutionized forge. Ghost merging does everything; it floats objects, it interlocks, it geomerges. Any soul that found that and was able to fully explain it would be the Godfather of forge. I for one would have blasted that everywhere, and taken full credit for it if I was the discoverer. No way would I be sharing it with a select few friends and telling them to keep it hush hush.
Shadow wannabe -.- i didnt say the group size, we dont even know if this is true, or do I? I do have some rock solid evidence, but it would involve breaking the rules and would be denied by the effected party and theres nothing I can physically do to proove it.
Shadow wannabe? I'm the one that agreed with you and mentioned that I'm pretty sure it was discovered but not publicized a long time ago. I just don't think its that big a deal that some guy found out and said nothing and I'm wondering why you seem to care so much. Do you feel you've been wronged?
Trying to kill the thread, twas a referance. I'm not making a big deal, we are just trying to proove the theory to be true or false. You used the words "seem to care so much" which i don't honestly give a damn, others may but it's just a quest for the truth for me.
Well said lol. Please if anyone else wishes this thread to crumble, your feeding me and the other trolls. Also if anyone has evidence but do not wish to post, pm me i wont use your name, it's not like it could ruin my popularity, lol. Also, night im tired
I honestly didn't think this theory would make it this far. I for one think everything down to human existence is a conspiracy of some sort =P Anyway, back in the day when people started making these impossible maps and tracks there was a lot of accusation of people modding on Foundry in order to make objects stay in the geometry. My theory behind this is that even though people knew, they wouldn't reveal the glitch to anyone but their closest mates. However, under the threat of being banned for constant modding accusations someone cracked. Again, this is just my theory. Until Death Yoyo or one of the other founders contribute to this then there really is no true proof.
i do have some evidence from a trusted member now, but it sounds too good to be true so it's possible it's a joke but if it's not then we have a second peice of rock solid evidence (first will get me infracted banned so i wont post unless i get immunity lol)
I'm curious as to what both pieces of evidence are. Dammit... yet another conspiracy theory I'm getting involved in =P
Tactical bump! As are others who contacted me. I will give one piece of evidence if the user gives me his word about the evidence and I will gladly hide his name. Glad to see you on the team
Note the word BAN, no infract. Your not a mod are you, or are you? ¬.o DW, it's not porn, I won't release one piece of evidence because I promised a friend when he showed me it, I would not release any information from it. I may quote from it but not in exact words for reasons I will not say if an admin personally tells me that I will not be banned or infracted. It doesn't exactly go against any written rules but im sure the moderators would not like what I found and would find a way to punish me lol -.- I will however post the other piece of evidence if the person who gave it me gets back to me.
Your trying to making this thread seem important is annoying me. Get to the point, stop pretending to be all-important, and stop talking like we really care about a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Have I mentioned that the moon landing is fake? Oh, and the Jews control the world.
I have to agree. Who cares if someone knew about ghost merging beforehand? Does it really matter? Can we go back and change things? No. Just be happy you can ghost merge now.
He's on a "quest for truth," remember? Simple curiosity is all if is. Clearly he does not find this important. Its a simple academic interest that he thinks he'll get banned for revealing the truth. He's like Indiana Jones, all he wants is to get the truth out there, maybe stick it in a museum, because it is the right thing to do, but evil forces of doom are going to try to prevent him from finishing his quest for truth by banning him.
All staff members have discretion over moderation matters. So yes, I am. And like Insane said, if you have something to say, say it. If not this thread is a pointless waste of time and do you know what another word for pointless waste of time is? Spam. So hurry up.
Actually, Ace, the idea that the staff at ForgeHub has been withholding powerful forging tools from the populace would contribute to the all-too-popular conception of corruption. In order to control the members who have influence in the site, it is entirely conceivable that a group, upon discovery of a new forging tool, would give it only to those members who are already in position. This would enable them to create maps that were vastly superior to maps made with the old methods, giving an excuse for their maps to be featured and their influence extended. At least I can envision such a scheme taking place--doesn't mean it has, but it is an entertaining, scandalous thought. In fact, that entertainment and scandal is the main thing that gives theories like this one their weight: people love to focus on the moral failings of the people in authority, as though they can some how exalt themselves to be somehow more righteous than thou. Needless to say, it would be disappointing if this actually was the case. But despite my inclination to believe it, there just isn't any evidence to support it. It's kind of like the WMDs in Iraq; a convenient excuse for war, but without sustainable truth behind it. While there may have been a little bit of evidence to say that the WMDs were there, but were destroyed, there's no way to validate these claims. And any wrong that might have been done by a pretentious scheme has been undone by the publication of the knowledge of ghostmerging. Unless, as the conspiracy theorist suggests, they only released it because they have a better trick up their sleeves. But that's nothing more than conjecture. I've said enough.