Ghost merging conspiracy...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Feb 7, 2010.

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  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Hiding something? It's not a pointless subject because if it was, the thread would be locked and uncommented, but as it turns, it's not. Im sure insane and the rest of the team are watching carefully for comments that are unfair to a person but i think they also want to see what gets dug up.

    I totally agree. Even if it was, it could be done without.

    Edit: @ladnil -the definition of a conspiracy is for a group to stealthily plan an act. In this theory, i beleive a group stealthily covered up the glitch.
    As for the rest of your post, thats proof people did it accidently and who says someone didnt repeat their steps? I know i would have.
    #21 B3NW, Feb 7, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Of course they're going to get defensive when accused of conspiracy. This website has a history of people piling on and claiming corrupt staff, and even though you haven't used that phrase the sentiment is the same.

    Besides, if they had ignored the thread you'd be in here responding to regular ol' grey members like me saying that they're refusing to deny it and that makes it true. If they had locked the thread that would just confirm to you that they've got something to hide and don't want it discussed.
  3. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I always enjoy your threads

    On topic: No. Why? You don't have any evidence to support such a theory. I also don't see this as being helpful to anyone, rather, it will probably turn into an argument.
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I agree. Also i didnt point my finger of accusation at the coloured members, i made sure not to do that just to see their reactions. Either they class theirselves as the top forgers i described, are hiding something or they are just here for the hell of it, or their staff. Lol.

    &@ shanon - i strive to entertain :) an arguement is a discussion, ill try to filter the profanities to more suggestive wording if you want :D
    #24 B3NW, Feb 7, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  5. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    I don't see why you guys are shoving it away because it wouldn't be productive.
    It would still be nice to know, am I right?
    For example, what's the point of getting achievements. There really isn't one other than increase your gamerscore. Does that really change anything though? It's not productive, yet everyone still wants them.
    Finding out certain people knew ghost merging before everyone else did wouldn't change anything, but we still would like to know if it's true or not.
  6. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I discovered ghost merging when I was building conduction a year ago, before the maps were released. I though it was an annoying sandbox glitch, got pissed and deleted all the items. I kept that to myself, if that's what you mean.

    No but seriously..the fame of announcing a new technique>keeping it for yourself.
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I doubt that people would have kept glitches secret. People never hide glitches that they find out because they would rather be referred to as Forge Gods by showing everyone how to do it and putting their name on it. Just like every other glitch that is known.
  8. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Lol, I can second that Zombie did all of this geos by old methods IE Door method, save and quit. (Been his friend around the time before he started Ephesus or w/e)

    The only reason people like zombie could pull off amazing geos was that he/they have tremendous patients and would redo geos over and over for about three hours until it was perfect.
  9. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    people have hidden glitches; for example, duplication which goes hand in hand with dummying and ghost merging was found out a while back and was kept from the community. if it wasnt kept from the mass comunity and was instead revealed to everyone it could have provoked more discussion and messing around with it which could have discovered ghost merging a while back
    #29 Orange, Feb 7, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  10. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Eh? Duplication? What is this you speak of?
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    This whole conspiracy idea is ludicrous, there is NO evidence to back anything up here. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people beleiving in conspiracies... you just need some form of evidence to get anywhere though and that, good sir, you do not have.
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    lol, he has my vague unsubstantiated testimony that an unnamed friend once saw Toxic Spade doing ghost merging on Castlanche. Evidence!
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    There is your proof good sir. But srsly i agree there is no proof and thats why the thread is open, to accumulate some
  14. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    Ok, Ill stop crawling around this thead, PM me when you do think you actually have hit hard evidence, ill probably be able to proove wether or not it is true.

    And I have actually changed my mind, the idea of this conspiracy isn't ludicrous. The idea that someone would actually be able to stay quiet about knowing how to ghost merge is. Which to my knowledge is the basis for this conspiracy theory.
  15. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    As far as I'm aware, there was no conspiracy. It is interesting you note how similar it is to the floating vehicles glitch, yet no one came across ghost merging until much later. I think the main reason for that is to do with the fact that both objects have to be displaced or "dummied" which is something no one would have thought to do, or believed achieved anything.

    I myself had made regular blocks float around with the no gravity glitch, just for fun in the past. I also was the first person to use a "Never/No" object in a map, but I never put two and two together to create ghost merging.

    I don't find it much of a stretch to think that no one simply discovered it sooner. It was only all the business with OLN objects on Sandbox that suddenly the glitch came to light and then further tweaking that created the glitch we know today.

    Maybe someone, somewhere, did discover it before the rest of us and maybe he didn't tell anyone; but I highly doubt that, if more than a very very small circle of people knew about ghost merging, it would have been kept secret. People love to share their discoveries and, more importantly, people love to boast and show they're the first to discover something new; I'd say that's a primary reason to believe there was no conspiracy.
  16. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    No, I'm not hiding something. I would have released a ton more/better maps if I knew about ghost merging back then. Don't you think everyone would have? If Toxic Spade new about it, he would have released more maps after Castlanche. Why would he just create one map and quit if he knew how to ghost merge? That just doesn't make sense. As for your justification of "if it was [pointless], the thread would be locked", there are plenty of pointless threads that don't get locked. Creating pointless discussion threads isn't against the rules.

    Who, exactly, is "they"? You realize that the only people that have gotten defensive AREN'T staff, right? Premiums aren't staff. Rook isn't staff. And why wouldn't we get defensive? You realize what they are trying to do right? I figured it out this morning. The ENTIRE reason for this thread is to try to shortchange the great forgers. You're trying to make others believe that they didn't spend hours and hours re-doing geomerges until it lined up perfect. The whole motive behind this "discussion" is ego. You guys are trying to make it seem like you could have made the maps they made if you knew what they knew. You're trying to say that they weren't really good forgers. They just knew a secret technique that nobody else knew about. You're just trying to make yourselves feel better because you didn't have the skill and patience to forge the maps they did. The REAL conspiracy is the reasoning behind this thread. It hurts me to say this, but maybe you guys should learn to show some respect for forgers who have made better maps without ghost merging than you could ever make with it.
  17. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ouch, I felt that bullet wiz past my face. I'm just lucky it didn't hit me. :/

    In some respects, Shaddo, I agree with you. I don't understand who else in this world would make one incredible map, and then just leave forge. It doesn't make sense. I also agree with you in the fact that good forgers are good forgers, with or without ghost-merging. I only disagree with you when you attack the maker of this thread by saying that it's only his ego which assumes that ghost merging existed earlier. I certainly don't doubt the skill of great forgers before ghost-merging, including yourself, but it can at least be discussed. I would short-change the great forgers of their well-deserved ranks and accomplishments, but attacking the maker of this thread certainly doesn't prove anything.
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Fine with me and correct. Some people like the power that comes with knowing something 'Really really good!' and delaying the release of the something 'Really really good!' delays the loss of the power.

    Never & No (How the ****!?!). I agree, people like to share their discoveries. I'm not denying, it is kind of unfair to withhold such information but I'm not saying their intentions where wrong, it could be have been for the reason that lots of maps with lack of work would be released.

    Your ego is crying suspicious to me, that's why I said "hiding something?". I haven't accused a single person in this thread, others have, so please refrain from talking about my ego when your so held up in your own, you don't realise people are wanting to investigate this idea and slinging 20 line paragraphs at me trying to call me disrespectful and to basicly keep me and others from investigating an idea is not going to slow down the process. The thread will die if people get bored of it. Now please if you have nothing more to say than "WHEREZ MAH RESPECTZ!?" (which by the way is not true, how am I disrespecting anyone? It is not possible to disrespect someone when I have not directly/indirectly accused anyone.) then please just withhold from posting.

    Thanks for the backup, I also agree. If a member is found to have withheld information for their own personal gain of popularity.
  19. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    This discussion is just to propose the idea that certain people knew how to ghost merge before it was "released." This has nothing to do with ego, it's just an idea.
    It's not like 11 year olds would have known it before everyone else. If anyone knew it, it would have been the people higher up. That's the only reason why it suggests those people.
    Now I love how you go telling people to show respect for "good forgers" who can forge without ghost merging. You are accusing people of not being "good" without any proof. You're accusing the people who consider the idea, when they haven't accused you, or anyone else directly.
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Ghost merging has been around since foundry. I do not know when it was first published here, but long ago a friend of mine showed me a secret way for merging (of course he never told me how to do it). Mostly this was used for Race maps which this person built on foundry. I do not claim to have found the glitch but it has definitly been around for nearly as long as immovable objects. Before everyone flames me saying this was not actual merging, I saw him move an object in the scenery of foundry.
    #40 pyro, Feb 8, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010
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