They just made a video for Alpha Site, and they failed to give my co-forger credit. I know I'm just pointing out another one of their little mistakes, but these people have some issues.
Co-Forger? Damn, I didn't know you actually did that. After Ep 60, I'll be sure to do all the research from now on for the credit of maps. ****'s getting out of hand now.
Yeah, seriously. I'm thinking of starting a new system where we feature the map maker on the episode which we feature their map.
And you can give a lot more information on the map as to why things are where they are and how everything works in accordance to map flow and what not, if you talked to the map creators. That way you guys wouldn't seem like a bunch of children showing what map you think is cool and steeling it all at the same time.
That would probably work really well, since you'll find most of the map creators on this site or other similar sites. And it should be easier to find more, high-quality maps as well. Which reminds me; shouldn't you recieve the 'respected' rank for being a part of Halo 3 forges? I really don't know how that rank works, but guys like CMNier and other machinima makers are the respected rank.
Affiliate members are members that administrate one of our affiliated sites, and Respected members are members that the staff have deemed well-known enough to hold the title.
Well.. I tend to think most people around here don't 'respect' us, due to the mistakes we've made. Which, again, is all deserved. But we'd really like to make Forge Hub one of our affiliates. I literally just got off the phone with Kenburn speaking about this. I said that not only would it bring up our reputation on here, but it'd also give us a better way to describe maps. And the only reason we act like 'little kids' is because.. that's pretty much our demographic lol. I don't really like the presentation, but it's what our fans like, so we stick with it.
Don worry, just blowing off steam. CMNier, and his Halo 3 tricks series, seems childish, but that's all in good fun.
I know this seems like a far-fatched idea, but maybe you can use Forgehub as a search engine when it comes to verifying maps. Say, you get a map from a random person, and you like it. The anonymous forger claims he made it, describes his inspiration, whatever. You then take pics of the map, and post them in a stickied thread you can make, like how emilio does it/in your blog and have people from Forgehub provide proof if they created or recognize the map. People presenting a thread created here with the dates of the maps posted can be compared to the map info in the anonymous forger's fileshare to verify if he had edited it after the posted date. This was quickly thought up, the process can be refined, but I think I got my point across.
You know, I've been reading this thread, and I have to say that the guy from H3F... He seems like he's just giving all the answers we "want" to hear.
That's what I've been planning to do from episode 61 onward. See, we already have all the way up to ep 60 recorded. So if we have anymore mistakes, that's why. Not true. Everything I've posted is true, and it should happen because it'd make the series better.
I say just choose the maps yourself by just coming here and doing a little research. It's not hard, and if you're having difficulty, just send an active member a PM and they'll be more than happy to throw 40 or so high quality maps. Can't go wrong there.
This issue is over, as I think they've proven they're turning a new leaf. We're even working on a partnership between us and them, as well.
Yep, that's what were doing soon, actually. In episode 61, we're featuring Mick and Bizzle's map 'Archiapelago'