A 90 Kill Spree I got on Standoff ages ago with Dthen as my driver, just goes to show how much you can do in a gauss turret with an excellent driver, even without a particularly good shot. YouTube- 90 Kill Spree
Omg there were so many times that i was certain you were going to die but you got really lucky. I hope the gauss hog is balanced in Halo Reach if it is at all present.
Lolzors. I've never been a good shot with the gauss, but I've gotten quite a few massive kill streaks with it. I love how your team hasn't even gotten 1 flag capture by the time you get over 30 kills. And you didn't even let your driver get a splatter, haha.
Why didn't they quit? Lol, I would have rage quit a while back. Simply ****ing amazing, lol, nice job guys.
too bad you guys died, i'd like to see you get a kill streak of 100+ nice driving Dthen, your not to concerned for splatters, unlike some of my friends