BFBC 2 Discushionzzz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah, I agree. The only trusted method of taking down the Apache is the UAV. It's hard to kill and is easier to control, totally dominates it's ass.

    I want teh mortars :(

    Ahah, probally a steam fanboy ;p Sniper can't take down Apache from what I know. It can kill drivers in the Black hawk and the gunners, but not the Apache from my knowlage.

    #101 B3NW, Feb 6, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2010

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    It WILL be in the final game so Apaches won't be OP. Yes use a sniper as the glass isn't bulletproof.
  3. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Yep. the UAV is the perfect counter. Choppers can't take them down so its only a matter of time. Of course, you must have the Alt Weapon fire specialization on for it to work.

    Btw, i finally did it. I took the T100-MBT tank in the very beginning of the game and used it all the way through the game (we won) without losing it. I got 28 kills. Win.
  4. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Lolz, I've done the same thing today. i took the heavy tank and shelled the crap out of the Alpha crate, getting objective damage and destroy points. I raped with the heavy tank until my team reached the enemies third base, then I stole the enemies Apache and dominated until we took the last crate... 16 kills 0 deaths, best player, best squad..

    I love the Apache, I just wish that all the crappy people didnt baby sit the heli pad for it, to only end up dying 3 seconds in.

    Im excellent at flying it, but better at manning the gun. Its so easy getting kills with the Apache, whenever my dumb team mates have it, they never kill anything... When BF:BC 2 comes out, I hope the people playing actually knows how to play...
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah I hate people that babysit the heli pad. I got a triple splatter from people doing it tough and neally did exactly the same thing yesterday as well but they all dispersed when they saw me. Lucky I had a good gunner on top, he got me a lot of points :p They were all XM8 noobs so they couldnt kill me for **** ;p
  6. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    XM8 noobs? That gun takes the most skill in the demo...
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Lol does it heck. X24 is the most skill-full IMO, then the default gun in the assault class, can't remember its name sorry. XM8 has fast rate of fire and high damage, that makes it a very strong gun, and because you unlock it so easily, it's a nooby gun.
  8. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Well, yeah, the first gun in the class obviously takes more skill, but nobody is ever going to use it after unlocking the XM8. So calling someone a noob just because they use a gun that is better in all facets than the other is ignorant. I was saying compared to the the Snipers and Shotgun, which are just point and shoot, the Engineer class guns which are always going to win at close range, and the Medic class guns that you just hold down the trigger for 5 minutes until your target dies, the Assault class guns take more skill to use since you have to either shoot in bursts or learn to pull down as you shoot. You have to time your shots wisely as your clip disappears rather rapidly. You also have to use strategic routes and positions since a sniper is going to beat you at long range, and SMGs are going to beat you close range. Sure, the XM8 is decent at all ranges, so I guess you could call it nooby in that aspect, but being able to use it effectively at both close quarters and long distance is not an easy task, which is why I say it takes the most skill.
    #108 ShaddoBlade, Feb 7, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  9. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I agree in some aspects. Yes it takes skill but the level of skill needed to use it is laughably pathetic. Close range, just shoot from the hip. Mid, zoom in and spray. Long, zoom in and tap trigger fast, counters the recoil incredibly effectively. I agree with the medic guns, they are THE noobiest guns in the game, engineers gun, I kind of enjoy, fast rate of fire but it's got shitty damage and it's silenced as well which I like :) Sniper, takes a lot of skill. Well the M24 does (I think it's called M24) take much more skill, reload time is incredibly slow and is not bolt action.
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Well, I agree with that. However, although the sniper might be harder to hit and kill people with, most of the time you are shooting at them with nobody shooting back. You can take your time and line up a shot, and even if you miss, you aren't going to get killed instantly like you would with any other class.
  11. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Entirely dependant on your location. I always get into a high spot, out of people's visual and logical sight of path and snipe the fk out of them lol ;p You cannot compare the sniper class to a rapid firing gun like that, the sniper is designed to kill someone from a distance, and this game does it very well, it's hard to take snipers down unless you have a stead XM8 aim or an awesome quick scope if their staring down their scope at your cover waiting for you to come out. Now don't get me wrong, if I'm needed by my squad and I'm a sniper, I will go into the battlefield and rape. Easy as fk to quick scope someone, then if it doesn't kill them in one, pistol them. I've got someone from the defenders tower in the first area, with a snipe no scope and finished them without scoping, with my pistol, all the way across the map.

    Do you want to play a few matches with me BTW? I'm bored :p
  12. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    The LMGs or medic guns are not something you want to hold down the trigger with. They deteriorate pretty bad. Shoot in bursts like you would an AR. Ive managed to get sniper range kills a number of times from burst fire. Thats what makes the medic class so appealing to me. I can revive teammates over and over and heal them and myself, and i also have a gun that is powerful at all ranges if used right. Also, for the LMGs, in close range, dont look down the sights. Just spray. It works alot better for some reason.
  13. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I'm glad to hear that. Attacking snipers piss me off so much, and often times my team will lose on the first base because everyone is sniping. Snipers have a role in the game if they are good enough and coordinate with their teammates to take out opponents in problem spots, but most of the time they just try to get kills without any motive toward helping their team. I would love to play sometime, but I can't today as I am preparing for the Super Bowl.

    I almost started using the Medic class since the starting Assault gun was so sucky, but I prefer generating ammo rather than health (infinite grenade spamming ftw). I actually might try being Medic again later just to change things up. As for close range, I think with any gun besides the snipers and shotty, it's better to start shooting from the hip, then scope in as you get a better lock on your target.
  14. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah only problem with pray and spray guns is the spray -.- Especially from the hip. I literally only shoot from the hip when theres **** loads of people in the area shooting at me or if im in close combat and som1 is trying to knife me.
  15. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Yeah, your right. I suppose that is true. That gives a good balance between accuracy and starting to shoot quickly.
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Talking about sniping from the hip, i have a nasty noscope. Normally takes one shot but a quick pistol shot is sufficient lol
  17. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I hate it when a sniper kills me close range.

    Its like, "oh yeah, looks like you don't have a super uber assault rifle to fire back at me mr. sniper, time to di... *gun shot* ...WTF!?!"

    Hey, this is the 117 post. I swear that is like my lucky number or something, i see it everywhere. Whenever I play Smash Bros. I always see the number pop up...

    Edit: 2/8/10
    Just when i thought this game couldn't get any better, i just pulled of a crazy snipe shot on these guys a couple of minutes ago. There was this guy on the attacking team sniping on the hill, I spotted him, one of his squad mates spawned his location and move behind him, in the right position for me to get an epic double headshot from the 2 story house on the defending side. MW2 may call it collateral damage but BC2 calls it a Marksman Headshot, Boom! Headshot! I feel uber...
    #117 Shihuru, Feb 7, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Bumping thread with new content.

    I got a random twitter message linking me to Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Tactical Field Manual which is run by EA and "Is not affiliated with MW2" BUT you can enter your MW2 GT to gain access or you can get in if your a battlefield veteran. Anyway I looked through the source of the files with a flash source decompiler I have and found it was coded to import other flash files when you clicked a button, so I downloaded all of them and guess what! I found 2 new weapons and 2 new maps! :D

    Heres the images.

    Laguna Alta

    Nelsons Bay

    Image was classified and could not be extracted


    Mortar strike (Is mentioned in demo but image was classified)

    Enjoy guys! I submitted this to Kotaku and I'm posting on the official forums now.
  19. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    The mortar strike really is new... Its been in the Battlefield series for like forever...

    I find it very useful that the snipers now gain control of the mortar strike rather than the support or what is now the medic...
  20. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I wish it was still on the medic. I love the medic class and it was an awesome thing to have.

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