What do I do if Halo 3 Forges stole my map?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MetaWaddleDee, Jan 24, 2010.

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  1. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Lmao. You guys really pwnt that file's comments. It's now a "View at your own risk" file for violating the code of conduct. Nice.
  2. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I know, right? They've only accidentally forgotten to credit the authors that and put their own names on them. It isn't like they've done this...oh, I don't know, pretty much every episode?

    Of course, once you complain, they make some asinine excuse about 'not knowing who actually created it' and then edit their video information to credit the authors.

    I can't even remember one where they actually have used their own maps. Or one that wasn't inherently shitty.
  4. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
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    Well I posted my criticism, Rated it a 1, Added to your tag, reported it, and gave you a legit download!

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    These guys have made a huge habit of this. They do this ALL THE TIME. the fact that they still get away with it is absolutely baffling. They stole Ice House from me (my Cold Storage Clue map, quite some time ago.

    Ya know I actually paused to read the Hammer & Anvil message that pops up when you save over a map for the first time. Second time Ive read it since I started forging 2.5 years ago. It actually states that the map is the intellectual property of the creator. So there's that. What to do with it, I've no idea. I had just forgot what it had said, and was always under the impression that all content was property of Bungie. It may still be, but at least they made an effort I suppose.
  6. iTz BruJiN

    iTz BruJiN Ancient
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    Allow me to state this to make something clear, we're not stealing maps. Yeah, we've ****ed up a lot, but we don't have any ill intention at heart. I've contacted Meta, and apologized on behalf of our group.

    The fact of the matter is, we simply underestimate the volume of lies we get day in and day out. We take people's word and think it's true. While yes, this isn't a good system, it's gotten us this far and we've only slipped up a handful of times out of the 120 + episodes we've filmed. Falco Maton submitted the map to us, and we assumed it was his. Falco Maton is NOT associated with us. All of the maps you've seen on our show, have either been submitted or found on here or on bnet. If we've accidentally credited someone with your map, there's not much we can do other than change the fileshare so that it downloads from your fileshare and not the person who ripped it off.

    Now, I'm not saying any of that out of anger. We deserve the criticism, because we've ****ed up once again. But I don't want anyone thinking we've taken credit for these maps.

    I'd like to apologize to you for crediting the wrong person for your map, or anyone else who has been screwed over by the long arm of plagiarism. As I said before, we don't do this intentionally.


    We ****ed up.
    I'm sorry.

    As for anyone (and everyone) else who has not been given credit for their map, would like to say something about the show (good or bad), or would like to insult me, my mother, or my grandmother, or grandmothers mother, just drop me a line, and I'll see what I can do for you.

    Hope we haven't angered you too much.
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I would be willing to accept that - had I not seen that on mine and Shock Theta's Duel of the Fates, the description had our names in it. That description was removed, and thus the creator's name was changed. There's no way that that's accidental, sorry, especially considering it was featured. I haven't checked on any since that time, but I assume they do similar tactics to keep the creator's name out of the description and credit.

    What's done is done, but I haven't seen any change since the beginning.
  8. iTz BruJiN

    iTz BruJiN Ancient
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    YouTube- Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 38) "Duel of Fates 2"

    It still has your name on it, Insane.
  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Ah, I hadn't seen that, after I saw the first 'version'. I suppose it's nice to have redone it, though it shouldn't have happened in the first place. My bad, then.
  10. iTz BruJiN

    iTz BruJiN Ancient
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    Also, Lightsout, I just looked over our fileshares and the videos and both have credit to you. The fileshare we have downloads directly to yours, and in the description of the video it says 'An oddball game made by Tender Bisquit, on the map Ice House made by LIGHTSOUT225.'

    Sometimes Machinima takes down our videos and reposts them for some.. odd reason. And when that happens, the guy we had that managed our videos being uploaded to youtube didn't give us a notice. So we'd have it brought up by people saying there's no link or anything like that in the description, and then we'd have to submit a query to them so they'd change the description. All in all it takes like a week to do.

    But, I do understand your frustrations, and I'm sorry that it happened.
  11. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    All I care about is the DL link for now, just change that and I'll be happy, but the more you fix the better.

    Might I ask why it takes so long to get the link changed?
  12. iTz BruJiN

    iTz BruJiN Ancient
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    It's not a problem of changing the link, it's a problem of changing the description. The link goes to our specific fileshares, which we just have your (or other people's) maps on there so it downloads from yours. It's basically just a glorified redirection.

    Machinima has an upload schedule, and they upload everything in blocks, which is all done by a computer. Everything takes awhile to do in machinima-land.

    I'll talk to the fileshare holder and make sure he takes down the map/game variant and puts up yours.
  13. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    These guys are douchebags, they stole both of Makisupa007's maps.

    Filing report.
  14. iTz BruJiN

    iTz BruJiN Ancient
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    Ok Meta, it's been fixed now. Apologies for the inconvenience.

    Once again, if anyone else has had this happen to them send me a PM and I'll get it fixed.
  15. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Thank you so much.
  16. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    You know BruJin, you could probably fix this problem with a little bit of background research. Someone says "Oh hey, I made this map check it out", that's fine, use it if it's good. But also actually check it out. Check other forging websites, if it's an extremely well built race track you could talk to/look at Dream or Shaddo or something like that.

    Also check the users other maps. If all of them are terribly forged, but for some reason they have a godly map, that could be a warning sign. Even if they have twenty different awesome maps, if they act like they don't know what they're talking about (bullshitting, trying to act superior, t4lkn liek dis) check those other maps. If the maps are all different styles and all have different mentalities that went into making them, it's a pretty solid sign they may have not made all of those.

    Maybe I'm just talking to much, but this stuff would be pretty simple to check before creating an episode, and since you've have so many... mistakes like this in the past I would definitely recommend it.
  17. iTz BruJiN

    iTz BruJiN Ancient
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    While yes that is a great idea, the only problem with this is that (right now, atleast) we're getting a **** load of submissions from fans, because of a contest we have going on.

    We'll be sure to do this in the future after Ep 60.
  18. UndoingChales

    UndoingChales Ancient
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    hahahaha who cares? we know it was you and all the controversy is making it more popular so yes ***** like crazy. they are gonna get away with it so you have the right to mace is a ***** like it was 1969
  19. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Another thing you could do is give the map name a quick search on here, and see if the authors match up (if its on here) Its good to see that you don't ignore the public brujin. I'm glad you decided to fix that info.
  20. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    Um... not to bring up a sore point.. but did you see the latest Halo 3 forges? At least they gave him credit for design.
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