The cgi wasn't perfect though, any time a blueguy was touching a human (ripley's burial and after the final duel when whatserface holds john smith and puts darth vader's mask on him) the ragdolled human looked way off...
I saw it on it's release day before word of mouth hype and the one person I heard talk about it (he saw it early at Buttnumbathon early) said that he was disappointed so I was not expecting much.
I think you mean Jake Sully... But anyway, I personally thought it was good, can't wait for it on iTunes though.
I would say clever, but it really isn't anymore. I think it's generally understood that Avatar, Pocahontas and Dances With With Wolves have very similar stories. It's only clever if your name is Trey Parker or Matt Stone.
Both are based on what really happened, difference being is we(Native American's) did not have such a happy or satisfying ending...yet. lol.
I know you didn't mean anything by it, I just decided to post that because some people are not intelligent enough to understand that those are just stereotypes and I didn't want it to get out of hand.
Yea I feel the same. My theory about Avatar is the same as how I felt about Jurassic Park. In Jurassic Park, 4/5 of the movie is sceen's of the main characters looking at Dinosaurs. When I watched Jurassic Park I thought "Why are there so many boring sceens in this movie?" Because these were new effects that were amazing. I felt that Avatar was made for the effects, even though I liked the movie, it was for the effects for me. Thats my theory.
First of all, the plot doesn't suck. Predictable, yes, but it didn't suck. I've seen horrible plots, trust me. Graphics did SEEM great, but some of the textures were a little meh. The characters is probably what seemed to bring the movies together. I mean, the general was BAD-ASS. I've seen a lot of action movies, but his acting looked pretty good. He wasn't a scared governor behind a desk, he wasn't a gone-crazy scientist, he wasn't a copy-n-paste of a hero-then-turned-bad, and he wasn't out to do revenge. The girl wasn't that original, sure. However, the Scientists friends AKA teachers pet felt like he was real. His emotions really showed. The personality of the cast was pretty good. Better than most I've seen. The really horrible part, was the part when he joined the Navi. Or whatever they are called. The Navi(?), having no idea about the genetic creations, or the fact that they are two bodies, all of a sudden, out of the blue, know that they can transfer the soul from one to another. WHICH WAS NEVER DONE BEFORE. Because then that would go against their teachings. Their teachings of "One must give when his time has come." It was good, better than okay. The speech about humans taking whatever they want was pretty good. True, in fact, but it does not mean that it applies to everyone. That's the mistake people make. You don't have to worry about that if you aren't taking everything for yourself.
Yes, when your numer is up, your number is up, but to the Na'vi it only applies when nature ends you, not something outside. As for the transfer of Jake, cut the man some slack, he just saved an entire race so doesn't he deserve something? Karma baby. As for them knowing how to do that, I can see some excuses to why they might know, but most of them are pretty weak. I thought this thread died a long time ago.
News flash, it sucked when Disney did it - it sucks now. The premise is Romeo and Juliet, the setting is ridiculous, and the characters are flat. If you think bestiality, floating mountains and a direct copy of Pocahontas qualifies as a "plot" then you're ****ing crazy. How about that dialog? - sucked.
Hundreds of movies have similar or same plots. Action Movies: That one guy who kills hundreds of enemies almost unscathed then he kills the bad guy in hand to hand combat. Horror Movies: Retards running away from a bad guy, deranged murderer, alien/monster who only walks and appears ahead of them then proceeds to murder them. Romance Movies: To people meet, fall in love, have a good time, difficulties emerge, they separate, one of them does something and they fall in love again and live happily ever after. Now a days it's hard for movies to be unique and mind you that the movie is a ten year old project. So understand that as well.
Comparing bad movies to each other doesn't make them any better radiant. The movie may never be heralded as one of the great cinematic masterpieces, but I still love it.
Listen we can sit he and argue about it, but what does it really matter? Those who liked it, liked it. Those who didn't, can go shove it up their ass didn't.