Lost: The Final Season [Discussion]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Feb 2, 2010.


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    The 6th and final season of ABC's prime-time phenomenon LOST begins tonight, February 2, 2010.

    "It only ends once, anything that happens before that is just progress."
    -Jacob, Season 5: The Incident, Pt.1

    Who will die? Who will return? What is the Island? No more questions... Only answers!

    >>Season Six Trailer<<

    Discuss the premiere and future episodes here. Theories, post episode thoughts, hopes, angers, etc here.
    #1 LIGHTSOUT225, Feb 2, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2010

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    #2 LIGHTSOUT225, Feb 2, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2010
  3. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I've never watched one episode of Lost and I just got done watching the hour recap of everything that has ever happened in every season and I'm excited to start watching it.

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    You can in fact get through the first 5 seasons in under 2 weeks.. but since you likely are in school, 3 weeks. Netflix it to your XBOX.
  5. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I got a simple basis of everything that has happened and if I do do what you say I'll get more a thorough in depth basis of what has happened if I do watch every season, yet I don't have netflix.

    As for tonight's episode, I have one question.

    Did the flash(The Hydrogen bomb) keep the people on the island and in the future?
    Their were some people in the future yet, they had no idea who each other was, and then they were still in the past....? That's the only I was confused about for this episode.
  6. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    As Agamer did, I just watched the recap, and about half of the Final Chapter. I've actually watched Lost before, about the first two seasons, untill I was just so totaly confused that I stopped.

    And bam, I'm back on it again.
  7. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Such an awesome episode with a lot of questions answered and many new questions unaswered. John Locke (who is now personified by a new character whom I am trying to figure out) is apparently the black smoke. That just sent me chills and definitely set up for a great season. Sayid wakes up and bam another great moment. It seemed like throughout the episode, it was the series finale but by the end I can realize how great of a season this will be.

    Until next week fellow Lost admirers,
  8. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    OH MY GOD.
    I am speechless. This episode was so much better than I expected it to be.
    Jacob's nemesis was definitely the star of this episode, no doubt in my mind. He rocked.
    Plus, we got some classic Hurley.
    "Why is this guy missing an arm?"
    "The smoke monster ripped it off."
    "Well, this is going to be awesome."
    (talking to Jacob)
    "I died an hour ago, Hugo."
    "Sorry dude. That sucks."

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    If you read my Theories thread here in GC, youll understand the smoke monster bit more. It's basically the same as the guy who was 'friends' with Jacob that we saw in The Incident Pt 1 of last season. He can manifest himself as smokey, and as other people in order to manipulate them. He finally found his loophole he talked about it Incident Pt 1, that helped him kill Jacob in Pt2 (the season finale). You can see that scene with Jacob and him in the very opening scene of Pt 1, if you look it up online (you can actually watch it on abc.com, or on netflix, youll know what im referring to.

    Anyway, both theories I posted ended up being correct, so Im stoked. Im pretty curious to see how they work the alternate reality angle though.

    I think one of the most interesting things from ep1 was Desmond being on the plane. He was never on it to begin with, so his presence there is mysterious enough, even without him disappearing randomly to boot.

    The ash is pretty interesting. Apparently smokie can't penetrate (giggity) it. Jacob's cabin in the jungle is encircled in it, but when the bodyguard's carrying locke's body go there at the end of S5, they were VERY worried when they saw the circle of ash had been broken. Then, one of them circles himself in it in Jacob's lair in the presence of smokie. But smokie doesn't fret, he smashes the ceiling, causing him to step out of the circle of ash and proceeds to smash seven shades of **** outta him. The 'other others', as theyll be referred to for now, enclosed the temple in Lost when they found out Jacob was dead. They also put out all their fires. Itll be interesting to learn more about the ash and why it, and the sonic fence, keep smokie at bay (though the sonic fence is more believable on its own i suppose).
    #9 LIGHTSOUT225, Feb 3, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2010
  10. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Reserved for unlikely interest in this programme.
  11. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    My Theory:

    Yes my sister and I discussed this "Black Man" as we call him as he was wearing a black shirt with that encounter with Jacob. The man said, "You do not know how badly I want to kill you...someday I will find a loop hole." Therefore, I believe he has taken the body of Locke. Next, Jacob who told Hurley to bring the guitar case to the Temple had his own plan in mind. Knowing Sayid would die, he evidently thought to take the body of Sayid. This explains Sayid miraculous wake up by the end of the episode. I feel this entire season will be based off this "fight" for the island. By the way:
    Black Man=BAD
    Who would have thought?

    Who's ready for next week's episode?
    #11 Phenomenal, Feb 4, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2010
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

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    I actually don't think its a case of good vs evil/bad.. its more complicated than that. They are just....opposing. Body counts are pretty high on both sides.
  13. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Great episode! I can't wait to see how it all plays out.
  14. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    We learn of a connection between The Smoke Monster and MIB. Fake Locke gets an old friend to join his army. Ben lies to Illana about what happened inside the temple. Jacob is dead and his ashes are collected by someone whose name has 5 letters. Someone tries to persuade Sun to visit the temple claiming that Jin is there. Frank want to try and see if his plane on the other island will still work Sun insists they bury someone properly. Frank makes a comment about the "weirdest funeral ever." Ben makes a touching speech. Sawyer is drunk when he reunites with a familar face. Someone reveals that they know a lot more about the island than Ben. We find out that Jacob has a child. An old friend crosses paths with someone unexpected off island.
  15. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I think that the third to last clue is Richard. He's one of the most mysterious characters. I want to know more about him so badly.
  16. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I never really kept up with the series, my mom and I saw the recap and finale for last season and now we love it. Great show, and I'm veeery interested in this story.
    I think the whole Black Shirt/Jacob thing is like good vs. evil.

    My question is why we're seeing two dimensions I guess. In one part they're in the airplane, which doesn't crash. In another they're still on the island. WTF? lol.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Basically in the Season 5 finale, the Losties goal (in 1977, they were time traveling a bit. sounds out there but just take it for what it is right now) was to detonate the hydrogen bomb at the Swan Station. The Swan Station was built to study and harness the strange electromagnetism of that specific area. Desmond later works at the Swan, pushing a button every 108 minutes in order to keep the pocket of energy at bay. One day, he doesn't push the button in time, causing the magnetism to spike and go crazy, which is what ultimately tore the plane in half and crashed it at the island. Their goal was to detonate that bomb there so that the Swan was never built in the first place, so that Des never forgets to push the button, and their plane never crashes, so that they land safely in LAX and their stay on the Island never happened.

    But instead of working how theyd hoped, what happened is the detonation mixed with the electromagnetism pocket caused a rip in the universe so to speak, and an alternate reality branched off. One where the detonation worked, and one where it didn't.

    I could talk about that for daaays, but Ill spare you. Thats the basic premise as of now.
  18. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Whered Matty's uberspoiler come from?
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

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    its not a spoiler, its speculation.
  20. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Hmm he could probably sell that

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