so I joined. Haha, seriously, though, 'sup? M'name's D.J.C., and I can't think of much else to say. I'm joining both to ask questions, critique maps, and post maps... Typical reasons, I guess. So, uh, 'sup?
Hey there, welcome to Forgehub. Can't wait to see those maps of yours Feel free to ask any questions that you have. I'm sure myself or other members of the community will have an answer to them.
Welcome to the Hub! As Chronik mentioned, questions are always welcome here at 4chub (a little nickname developed by some of the members for Forge Hub.). Just remember to read the rules before posting, and play nice. We won't bite unless provoked. Have fun!
Man. I love you. By just looking at your post with your signature attached I love you. I'm going to make sure that you really enjoy your time here. If you pick a fight, call me up. I will seriously do anything for you. In case you haven't figured out why I'm awesomeing over you it's because you have a link to staredit network in your sig. I love starcraft. Anyway, Read These and be nice, because I can't protect you from the wrath of a mod. Especially SargeantSarcasm. So yeah. Enjoy the hub!
Welcome to 4chub! I never go into introductions, but your title brought me in. ANYWAYS, go into Off Topic sometime and meet the gang in the PPC(post party countdown) because we're the coolest people on the site, obviously.
I dont know norlinsky, us at G&A are pretty awesome... but welcome dude, I love you as well for liking starcraft, cant wait for the second one to come out, I've been playing the first since i was in like 2nd grade.
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome, guys Been crafting a map post for a few days now. (Various things have happened -- interrupted while on the computer,'s lagging, I want to provide major overkill (download statistics per version)... 'S been kinda slow )
Mason Cobb = Neighbor's real name = Part of your username Gasp! Good morning/afternoon/evening, dude. Enjoy your stay!
Interesting coincidence, and thanks for the welcome. ...On an unrelated side note, I've noticed that some people have alpha-transparent PNGs in their signatures... Yet when I try and add one for my avatar or signature, it receives a white background (despite having functional transparency in Windows Explorer, Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, GIMP, IrfanView, and Mozilla Firefox 3.6). The background seems to be added by ForgeHub's servers or something. Why is this?
It might be the site your uploading to: whether it be ForgeHub or ImageShack or Photobucket....try a different one and see if that's the problem.
Just found the solution in a Customer Service thread. Apparently, FH converts signature images to JPEGs. Hosting it on ImageShack fixed the problem. (On a side note, the signature upload tripped me up... I thought you had to upload a sig to FH to use it. Heheh.)