Who's (On) Escort Duty

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Youtuber, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Aight, so this is my newest map. It is inspired directly by the Modern Warfare 2 special ops mission Wardriving. The reason the name is that, is because about half the time the tank escorts the attackers, and the other half, the humans must unlock new areas for the tank, in turn, escorting it.

    YouTube - Wardriving- Modern Warfare 2 (veteran)

    The game will be territories, and the attacking team will have to try and get as many as possible before the time runs out. As of now, the gametype will allow people to drive vehicles, however the defending team will pick up a custom powerup that prevents them from doing so. The attackers will then blast their way through the urban environment, eventually reaching the gatehouse to capture the final territory.

    Heres a few pics of what I have so far.

    This is just an overview shot. Don't worry, a few more small houses will be added, as well as fences, doghouses, etc.

    So that the tank cannot just drive on through the entire level, I've added a simple min-max switch to stop him. Located in one of the houses, about mid way through, is the trip line, which will activate the pallet bridge.

    This is just the ending gatehouse.

    Remember, its not completed, and there will be alot more structures, and rubble everywhere, to provide both cover and realism.

    Also, I plan on making another spec-ops mission, specifically Overwatch, out in the dunes of sandbox.
    #1 Youtuber, Jan 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
  2. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
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    I hate the MW2 Wardriving but translated to halo I think it could be quite good. From what I can see it looks clean so far, looking forward to giving it a go when it's released. I'd suggest making it so only one person on the attacking team can drive, although I'm not exactly sure how you could do this.
  3. Killor118

    Killor118 Ancient
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    It looks pretty sweet so far...

    Cant wait to see the final product.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Vip or use custom power up and set it so only custom power up allows you to drive. Everyone else must run along with the tank.
  5. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I think VIP would work a lot better for an idea like this than Territories. Although I don't know if you plan on making the territories in the homes, or on the streets. But when editing a VIP game type, you are given the options to set up traits for both the attackers and the defenders. But I can see why you didn't use VIP, because it would only allow one person in the team to get through the goals.

    Oh, by the way. Is it going to be exactly like the MW2 version where there's only two people on the Escorting team? Or are you planning on making the teams even?
  6. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    As long as only the attacking team can drive, it doesn't really matter who can drive, shoot the machine gun, etc. Its only the defending team not being able to drive that I have to worry about.

    Eh, I'm most likely going to stick with territories, as I want everyone to be able to grab bag them. I'm probably gonna give the defenders a small area that makes them pick up a custom powerup, making them slightly stronger and not able to drive vehicles.

    And so yeah, I already answered your second question, sorta. Yes there will be even teams.
    #6 Youtuber, Jan 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
  7. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Well Rifte and Cyote are pretty much done with a new style of conquest. I think i would use some the ideas they had for your map. Put 2 custom power ups for the driving team. Make it so the custom power up allows the person to be a tad bit faster and stronger (they will be MFC or Army Ranger) where as the rest of the team is normal marine or army. In the sense of the mw2 special ops map use buildings as territories (you know the part where you have to capture intel) Then make the territories lock after capture. Make the map at least 6 territories long. That way after say 4 rounds (equal time for each teams) the person who captured the most territories wins.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Although insanely difficult usually, I really liked the wardriving levels of MW2, especially the one in spec ops because of the teamwork. My only real problem with this is that having territories would be too much like a normal territories game just focused on a single tank. Placing a VIP in the tank and giving no one elso on the VIP team vehicle capabilities would require team work because the tank cannot really defend itself. It also remindes me of two similar levels of ODST, costal highway, and another in which a tanks are used on the mombasa streets.
  9. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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    You know what'd be awesome? If there were triggerable "Thwomp Pods" that one team (or both if you were feeling teamkilly) could use--when activated, a drop pod (possibly loaded with one or two fusion coils?) would fall from the sky and smash into an area on the bridge. Notably, one could be on that small pallet part as opposed to the pallets simply dropping, but could also be used to deal damage to the tank here and there. Or, you could make it so that you could actually teleport into one of these and fall down with it. Just an idea.
  10. o1000LioNs

    o1000LioNs Ancient
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    I was thinking I would make something similar to this a while ago but never I committed to it.How does the pallet bridge work?I definitely cannot wait til this comes out.
  11. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Sorry bought that guys, I kinda forgot about this thread.. will update more regurarly.

    Well, I kinda wanted to make the vehicle indestructible, so I might actually convert this to a vip gametype. However, this would make the territories impossilbe to capture unless the VIP actually got out of the tank...

    I'm thinking of doing this, I already have made a few fusion coil house cleaners, where you shoot a button which drops a few into a certain house. These would take time to reset however.

    The pallet bridge is a simple min-max switch, once the attackers destroy a certain set of pallets, those pallets on the bridge instantly spawn and can be used to cross. Easy as pie.

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