This is a great small 1v1 Showdown map. It is fun to play Team slayer or swat games on. The weapons on this map include two sniper rifles two plasma pistols and one carbine. It also includes a couple gernades but no many. The sniper tower is accessible by grav lift. On the left side of the map is a tunnel connecting the two sides. With an elevated overshield for more interesting fights. There are also three small tunnels in the center of the map. With an oversheild in the middle tunnel. This is a funn small sided map and features some great interlocking of the the double boxes so there isnt a lot of uneven bumps. Overview of map Sniper Tower Middle Small Tunnel Large Tunnel With Elevated Oversheild. Some Fighting across the map. Link to map Fun Map So Check it out.
Thats because i helped him make this mag sgt, i posted it long ago and he is just getting to it no worries
i give u half credit on ur pic posting abilities, dont use the link from bungie. download and the upload to photobucket imageshack u kno the places
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This map looks pretty decent. I have a few things to say: 1) You are obviously playing by yourself lol. There is nobody with you. I like the comment tho, "Some fighting across map". 2) No battle rifles? 2 snipers, a carbine, and 2 plasma pistols is like the weirdest weapons I have ever thought about putting together. 3) I do not know if I would put camo on the map for 1v1. That is kind of unfair unless it spawns like every 3 min.
I would like to just tell you that there were two other people in the game the pictures are actually of whited3vil 911 to me I am a brown elite.
the interlocking is great, but dosnt it seem a little spawn camped? like it seems asthough as the game starts im allready dead due to lack of cover, i dont know thats just me
I don't like those shield doors up by the sniper locations, seems a bit too overpowered up there even with the fusion coils. I'd suggest deleting the fusion coils and putting a couple barrels in the place of the fusion coils. Spawns seem like a major issue, especially because the map is very small and has a large open area. I'd personally rather see the "valley" as part of a larger map, because I don't it works as a standalone small map. Also, you overshields have somehow metamorphisized into camos, so something is wrong here...
Yeah the spawns are a little cramped but thats y its made for team games cuz they are set for attackers and defenders also there is cover at the top of each base and the fusion coils will make you think twice about the sheild.