Concrete Jungle is a remake of two of my other maps (Urbanization and Park-it!). "Park-it" almost made it into matchmaking last summer, coming in the top 44 maps for Atlas' "summer theme", but alas, it fell short. Well, I've re-made the map in hopes of re-submitting the new one, but it looks like Atlas is done taking new maps (Or the complete silence from Shishka means something else). Basically, I've re-built almost every stucture in the map, and put much more thought into the flow of an asymetrical objective map with regards to the weapon placements. I've gotten rid of the hogs, and put one occupant vehicles in its place. Map is set-up for everything, (including multi-team) but would play best on one-flag or VIP. Best suited for 4v4 or 5v5. Multi-teams can be up to 3v3 (based on the starting spawns) Weapons on Map: Battle Rifle Sniper Rocket Spikers Plasma pistol Carbine Needler Plasma Rifle Smg Shotgun Mauler Equiptment on Map: Energy Drainer Regenerator Deployable cover Grav-lift Trip-mine Flash bomb Radar Jammer frags Plasma grenades Vehicles: Mongoose Chopper Ghost [bungievid]105092062[/bungievid] Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details Pics: Overview 1 Overview 2 Building 1 (Defense Base) Rooftop of Building 1 (Access from sender teleport in building 3) Building 2 (Showing floor 2 access) Building 2 (outside showing 1 of 2 first floor access and invis.) Building 3 (shows bridge that connects building 3 to building 4) Building 3 rooftop view. Teleporter to building 1 rooftop located on floor 2 Building 4 front door. Building 4 (inside showing stairs to top floor and access to underground passage) Building 5 (Attackers base) Rocket shack located in front of Attackers base Parkade (upper level) Parkade lower level showing access to underground passage Underground passage (connects the lower level parkade with buildings 4 & 5) A look at the flag spawn. Level 2 of the main building. Front of the Defensive building, with the flag teasing you!
You just had to show me get BR'd didn't you. JK, at least you showed me getting a couple of kills. (I was the blue guy w/ Recon) Anyway, the map, while the urban theme isn't all that original, was a pretty decent FFA map. I really don't know how team games would play, Team Slayer would probably work the best. there doesn't seem to be much cover around the map for CTF games. I bet territories or CTF would play nice, you should try those out.
Oh, we've tried them out lots (refering to trying ctf games). Concrete Jungle, a slightly different version was released a few months ago on a couple of other sites, but I've lost all the play vids (the Atlas req. vids) of those games. I've modified the map alittle since then, but nothing to ruin the epic flag captures. That actually was one of the first FFA games I've played on this map. I wasn't impressed at all with the way it played FFA, but I saved that game anyways to use for a little play vid to show people the map without a boring fly-through. Anyways, thanks for testing the map with me, and YES I enjoyed killing you that game!! lol
yay! I see me jumping on the rocket shack! I think that the only thing that got on my nerves is the wood ramp on Building 1. I remember watching people off of the roof because the ramp leads off of the side of the building. Other than that, the map was great, played very well and was fun.
I think you're onto something here. I really dig the urban style'd maps down in the crypt. It seems like it could use a bit more map, so to speak, but nonetheless its an appealing style and Im always happy to see it come to fruition, especially since its somewhat rare. It kinda reminds me about some of the old urban Foundry maps like Rooftops by Tactition and Intersection by Lintendo64. Keep up the good work.
Lightsout, I don't even want to comment on my map, I just want to ask HOW. How did you make 6355 posts in a year? Thats over 17 posts per day! Seriously, how do you even find stuff to comment on? lol. Anyways, glad you liked the map, I'll have to check out the other two maps you likened my map to!
It's been two years actually But I agree with lights, Urban maps are not something that ever really became a trend and that's sad to see. Halo 3 was lacking urban greatly and I would have liked to see Forge pick it up more.
Thats over the course of over 2 years, not 1. Anyway, the two maps I mentioned are both very very old, and were actually based off one another. Lintendo's Intersection was very raw, while Tactition's Rooftops was more refined and elaborate. We're talking, the very early merging stages. Well, one before merging and one after. But yeh they are still tried and true formats.
I agree with you completely!! Its too bad that Bungie didn't use "player-created" forge maps more. They stopped making maps for Halo3, but they could've thrown in a bunch (TONS) more Forge maps, cause there's plenty made! Anyways, I realize NOW that Forgehub existed that long. I thought it was started Jan 09! My bad