BFBC 2 Discushionzzz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Moral of the story is: Pick up other peoples' packs when you run outta ammo.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    everyone is so baaaaaaaaaaad on xbox, literally no one spots, NOT EVEN THE ****ING UAV PILOT. To give you an example, I was in the 2 story house close to A in the first base as attacker, I was reloading my grenade launcher and then an enemy broke down a door next to me and instead of shooting me he get his grenade launcher and completely misses (we're 5 feet apart) and kills himself. What the ****? Seriously its like I'm playing with 8 year olds. So I'm going to get the PC version instead so I'm not playing with ADD kids.
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, it did take me awhile to figure out that you tap select to spot, but my issue isn't so much with the enemy as it is with teammates. Medics never revive or give health, and soldiers never hand out ammo packs. If I ever get revived, it's a bloody miracle.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    This a thousand times this. I just checked and I'm 101st on the leaderboards.
  5. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I still don't get how to fly the helicopter. Apparently the guy who whipped his tail boom around as I was jumping off the roof of the five story building didn't know how either. It was like, right in front of my face.
  6. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I always throw out ammo. Easiest points to get ever. Plus, you can camp somewhere while defending, and just chuck grenades as you resupply. Like my own little mortar system. Also, getting revived isn't always a good thing. More times than not, the times I get revived are right after I get killed, and the medic doesn't kill the guy that killed me first, so I have to try to scamper away or kill the guy really fast. People just don't think much in the game... and it really is a game of strategy. Too many people just rush straight in. Flanking is invaluable in BFBC2. I'm sure teamwork is as well, but I have yet to experience that since none of my friends ever play it when I do...
  7. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    yeah i feel like my team is pretty useless. I'm always the one who runs on in, killing everyone, and actually destroys the objective...
  8. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I always work as a team. If you mark the base to storm to your team mates, more often than not they will follow you there and back you up. You do really need a squad of friends tough, you can communicate to your friends to help you etc.

    I've had a squad of friends where we got in the copter and gunned the hell out of the enemies and one guy just healing us up from inside of the copter whenever we got shot. It was awesome! ;p
  9. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I think tagging/spotting people is kinda lame, though. Even if you have a good hiding spot, like in a bush (people seriously run right past you if you let them), all you have to do is scope in and and scan while pressing select (back) constantly, and it lights them up for you. I have done this while defending and couldn't see the snipers on that hilltop, but I knew they were there. But, I suppose that's what they get for camping when on offense.
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yer I agree, it can be really useful and when defenders are sniping you just need to tag and turret them, easy..
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I'd rather have the spotting system than not having it. It's hard to work as a team (especially without mics) if you can't tell each other where the enemy is. Besides, I don't see it abused all that often, and I haven't ever accidentally spotted someone who I didn't know was there already.
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Cool story, bro. ;D

    Actually I thought that was fairly epic/hilarious. Nice job writing that. Now, onto the game times I've felt the game is directed too heavily at snipers (which I might mention seem easier to use than in the first game, but that might be because everyone sucks). There's also massive noob rushing/camping. Me and a couple of friends who are more than proficient at helicopter driving (IgnitedProphecy and Cheerful Dub) hopped in a chopper and went on a massive streak, destroying 2 bases more or less single handedly, racking up kills like crazy, and destroying AA guns as they tried to get into them. I'm hoping when the game comes out people will learn how to play the game...I mean, I'm nothing great, but I know not to rush straight down the middle over and over with an assault rifle when there's a helicopter overhead which has been pwning my team over and over and over.

    I also don't like how it feels like they took too many stuff from MW2. I feel BFBC's main draw was it's kind of funny-half serious gameplay and single player, and this seems to be too mature. The colors are muted, there appear to be 'perks', etc. Now, I'm not going to go and say they're copying MW2 - I've played more than enough games to know that these ideas aren't particularly original and that everything that's vaguely similar to something else isn't a copy - but I'm just not a fan of those kinds of games. I feel if you want a realistic game, make one. America's Army is a realistic game. Operation Flashpoint was....well, an attempt at a realistic game. Modern Warfare and Battlefield are not realistic games and shouldn't be trying to pretend they are.

    With my surround-sound Trittons, the sound is absolutely beautiful. I love how you can hear everything and where it is, and it really immerses you. However, it just doesn't feel as...intense as the first. Maybe it's the map, the colors, the beta. Whatever. But in the first, you'd spawn and there's grenades going off, shells exploding near you...just like crazy noise and explosions coming from everywhere that really put you into the game. I didn't particularly care if I died randomly...that's what happens. This game doesn't have that 'feel' least not yet.

    I'll probably be buying the game when it comes out though - if only for the fact that I've bought every Battlefield game ever released (yes, even Vietnam...). If anyone wants to play, shoot me a message on XBL. I'm not very good, but it doesn't matter all that much.
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Im up for a game or two. Want to start a squad? BTW, have you checked that message I sent you?
  14. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I hate the fact that snipers can hit you a mile away in your spawn from a little hill in their spawn.
  15. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    snipers are terribly irritating. I use the stationary AT to snipe them back. Ive gotten a triple kill from doing that.
  16. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I think so many people suck ass because it is a demo. Many people who have no experience with a battlefield game download it because it is free. I was chatting with a random who was my squadmate, he said he plays a lot of COD and has never even played a BF game. This is my theory on the idiots...
  17. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    They just have no experience with BF games. You should've told him that BF games require more teamwork and skill, to an extent.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    In the PC beta you get the mortar strike, snipers get raped by it.
  19. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Im addicted to that demo! The sniping is great, it seems very realistic, actually kinda better than CoD:MW2's sniping. You actually have to compensate distance, height, gravity, and also moving targets if you want to hit them.

    In CoD:MW2 its almost too easy to hit someone, especially at very long distances.

    Playing the gold rush game mode always gets me mad. People never defend the damn objective. Its like they're acting as the attackers when they should be defending, and whenever the actual attackers arms one of the crates, NO ONE ever TRIES to disarm the damn thing... Thats when I start cursing like a sailor...

    The spotting is different this time around though. In the last game you just had to put your crosshairs on a target and/or shoot them, now you have to press the back button while targeting them, I guess this is the reason why no one spots targets now, well for the demo at least. Whenever i see enemies, I ALWAYS spot them out, because it is so helpful when you actually know where an enemy is located. Thats why I only like playing with friends who knows how to play and work together. A well coordinated squad can dominate a round if the enemy team isn't on their guard...

    Anybody wanna play a round of rush? Gamertag is Shihuru...
    #59 Shihuru, Feb 1, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2010
  20. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I will, give me 30 minutes. Ill only play for like an hour max. I got pink eye from playing 26 hours LMAO -.- (Not that kind of pink eye -.-)

    Im kind of annoyed at the reactions from the MW2 crowd. I expected a lot to realise that MW2 isn't as good as they all make it. Yes it is very good but there are other games that are better, such as BC2. I mean the demo kicks MW2's ass on it's own and all the MW2 fanboys can do is make mediocre excuses as to why there such fanboys -.-

    At spotting and sniping. I don't see why people love the sniper so much. 90% of the time they suck at it and are just a waste of time. There is a stigma on the sniper that it gives a very easy kill, which is kinda true in halo because its very easy to use, but real life games such as MW2 and BC2 even FC2, the snipers are much harder to get good kills with.

    Newho, hit me up in about 30 mins. GT: B3NW

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