BFBC 2 Discushionzzz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    Has anyone else had problems with the Demo freezing your xbox? It's happened to me twice. The last time it was right as I got a notification of a friend getting online.
  2. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    OMFG, played the demo at my friends house cuz I'm grounded from the xbox... Holy crap this game is amazing. I love every aspect from recon, engineer, and assault, I just haven't quite gotten used to the medic yet. I am for sure going to get this game when I get my xbox back or it comes out(whichever comes first)

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    What the **** why is everyone so bad at this game? No one heals, no one resupplies and almost no one spots, even in UAVs. I top the scoreboard even when I'm playing badly.

    Anyway it's definitely an improvement but I don't like the map that much.
  4. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    I've played it for a bit and it's a lot of fun, but one map is not enough!
  5. J4M NUTST3R

    J4M NUTST3R Ancient
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    O nly find it fun when you play with friends/people you know. That way, you can have a squad of guys who help each other out. last night, the four of use came top 4 every game, because we worked together. It's a lot more teambased than BC1 and most other games, and that's why it's enjoyable. Again, i'll only play it with 2/3 other people though.

    P.S. quadbike sniping FTW.
  6. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    its an iffy one BC2
    i like it, but the demo doesnt entice me enough.
    i like it, but i need others to play it with, and my mates dont sound so pleased with it.

    i think ill wait until its cheap
  7. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I really hated it at first, but now I love it. Theres only one problem. The map. Its horrid. We need Oasis back. Its what made BC1 demo so damn good. And a few more available unlocks would be nice.
  8. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    It's just a demo Hari. And besides, it's coming out in like two months.
  9. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I like certain parts of the map, but some are just bleh. I mainly use the sniper or I'm an engineer(gotta love that damn RPG).
  10. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Well, they had better have some more open maps in the real version. Tanks are so underpowered on this map. Theres nowhere to go. Also, explosions are underpowered. I could literally shoot someone with a tank round and they keep on going. I remember the same thing happening in BC1 though. Also, the UAV is pretty cool once you get the alt weapon. The only problem is that it attracts more attention then D:

    I agree. There are too many bottlenecks and too many open but thin areas. I always use the shotgun on my engineer class with a tracer gun and RPG. So, especially for me, there arent enough close areas in buildings to be really effective, and at the same time, there arent enough huge wide open areas for tanks to drive around in. Also, the AA tank is a piece of ****.
  11. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Does this game still have that natural lag of the first? You know, how it seemed to take an extra half second for your bullets to connect and your target to die?
  12. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    based on what i've played so far, yes.
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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  14. Hari

    Hari Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes it does. and sometimes it counts them too early. Like with the stationary AT, ill get points for killing a tank before the rocket actually hits.
  15. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm thinking about selling all my games but halo 3 odst to get cash for this and funds for my next paintball gun :p

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    That's travel time. I got in to the PC beta and it has more weapons and players.
  17. QKT

    QKT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the uav is ridiculous

    really should give us stingers if there are uav's, how the hell am i supposed to hit that thing?
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Sniper and basicly any heavy fire gun...

    played 17+ hours now and im 280th in the world :p

    Sad but not as sad as 35 hours by the top player lol ;p
  19. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    My hearing had fallen into a perpetual state of ringing, the surrounding gun fire stringing through a stream of dying wails, suppressed by the continuous shell shock. My exposed fingers, the tip of my nose, all numb from the biting cold. Legs stiff, feet probably swollen, but senseless. The pounding of my heart against the inside of my skull was one of the few sensations I had left.

    They had pushed us back to the third position, and morale was as low as the temperature. Many had set up in close proximity to the objectives, awaiting the oncoming assault. Me? I had situated myself at the forefront, behind a wall of concrete roadblocks overlooking the only road leading to our current position. Steep mountain walls on one side, the frozen arctic waters on the other. The perfect choke-point. A man could take foot across the unforgiving strip of wilderness to my right, along the shoreline, but I had to trust that few would. My position was at the fork in the road, beyond which was sure destruction should any single squad member squeeze by. They'd be spawning right behind our defenses.

    I was a sniper, and definitely not in my element. A bolt action rifle, a hand gun, a single grenade, and three C4 charges. These were my tools and I was taking a stand against an oncoming juggernaut. Solo. However, given the cover-less road, it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Pulling back the bolt, I stuck my head out into the open and pressed my eye against the cool edge of my scope. Ready.

    The first victim took shape over the horizon. Within a fraction of a second, a 7.62x51mm NATO round was blowing out the back of his skull along with a liter of blood. He was the first casualty, but more followed. Two, three, four, the fatality number racked up, and yet they kept charging forward, ignoring the sacks of meat that were dropping at their boot heels.

    The concrete protected me from their projectiles, providing adequate coverage when I absorbed the pain of a shot or two. As long as I kept them off of me, I would be fine. They were still coming in reasonably small numbers, and seeing how there was about a 500 foot gap between us, I wasn't worried. However, one explosive shell and I was dead, and my only defense was the C4 I was packing. I downed another offender before I saw the materialization of my fears, a BMD-AA light tank.

    Hoping that it hadn't spotted me, I ducked below my cover and took a chance. Throwing two C4 charges to my left flank, I attempted to tune out the sounds of death the best I could. Grasping the detonator with my frozen hands, I listened as the he crunch of gravel under heavy metal tracks (which cried from the cold) grow louder, and closing my eyes I hammered the button.

    Shrouded in a cloud of dust and shaken by the concussion, I saw the product of my gamble. One smoldering body of twisted metal and three dead. Triple kill. Wasting no time to celebrate, I raised my M24 once more and continued the slaughter, but my pause had cost me. A considerable wave had advanced, and they were about 200 feet from my position. One shot. One miss. Another shot. A hit but not a kill. It was below freezing yet the sweat was beading upon my brow. Hit. Kill. Hit. Kill. Hit. Kill. It wasn't enough, and I had to reload. Crouching back down, I fumbled with the spare mag as I saw some friendly artillery come to my aid. Click. Bolt. Bang. Thud. The trespasser's luck fell with his body at the mercy of my no scope.

    Still breathing, I didn't think twice before placing myself in harms way once more. Had I been thinking rationally, had I paid attention to my dangerously low clip, I probably would have fallen back. A few more fell in a shower of blood. Click. Click. ****. Pulling out my sidearm, I blew away a medic using every round. I released the mag and reached for another, 5 seconds from death by a man a few feet away. An explosive round shattered his very structure, the force causing his body erupt within. Instant death. I glanced over at the light tank that had saved my life, just in time to see it demolished.

    Turning, I spotted a heavy tank approaching. A quick rustle in the bushes, and I whipped around in time to knife my assaulter. Lobbing a grenade in panic, I saw no signal of it's success. Arming my C4 once again, I awaited in silent anticipation, knowing that this was it. The tank was near, and standing up I threw the C4 with all my might. Time stood still, and I watched as the adhesive package stuck to the vehicle's metallic hull. Overcome with a sense of relief, I pressed the detonator and watched it explode into flames, taking out a few surrounding enemies. By now my teammates had finally decided to take the battle to the front lines, and I stood there exhausted in both supplies and stamina. But it was over, and I had survived.

    "How do you like that!"

    I fell to my knees and watched as my screen faded to black, before my view is transferred to that of the bastard who killed me. A damn combat knife. Just like that, my spree came to a sudden end, and in a few seconds I was re-spawning with my squad mates. Although I died, one of my most epic moments in multi-player gaming lives on in my memory, and it came from a mere demo. It was so epic, I had to toss my dignity to the side and write this bit of "fan fiction," an activity that isn't the least bit trying to distract me from my currently red ringed console. Typically, I would be raving mad, but seeing as this happens every couple of hours, I've learned that it is best to just let my console cool off. Apparently the moment was too epic for even it to handle.

    God, I need a hobby.
    #39 X5, Jan 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2010

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Two sniper shots while its calling in.

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