Xtream paintb-= my paintball map (under construction)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by comedianmasta, Apr 23, 2008.


What would you like to see most out of this PaintBall Map?

  1. New Weapons

    1 vote(s)
  2. New Setting

    0 vote(s)
  3. Vehicles

    0 vote(s)
  4. Other GameTypes (assault, CTF)

    0 vote(s)
  5. Tweaked Rules

    0 vote(s)
  6. Nothing, I like the PaintBall map and rules as is...

    0 vote(s)
  7. IDK, I don't play the Paintball gametype (or: What's Paintball?)

    0 vote(s)
  1. comedianmasta

    comedianmasta Ancient
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    Ok, so I'm still constructing it, but it's basically a GIANT map using the "Paintball" game type downloadable on bungie favorites. It's going to utalize the FULL SPACE of Foundry, not just the standard small paintball coarse (which is good, don't get me wrong). OK, these are the three new things I'm putting in the map compared to other paintball genres.

    1) More Weapons: Unlike normal maps that just use plasma pistols, there will be some other weapons set up on the map. The Plasma Rifle will be placed in various areas for a more automatic approach. This evens out because it over heats, leaving players in the open, unlike the standard plasma pistol (you'll start off with). Another weapon is the cleverly hidden Covenant Carbine, which will act as a paint-ball sniper. Hard to get to and low in ammo, it'll be more of a treat then an all-out pownage weapon. The third and last is the Plasma Cannon, which will act as the all out pownage weapon. The thing to even this out is it will be in the open, on top of the massive tower in the center. It's fully exposed, so getting to it will take skill in itself. Also, it slows you down, so death is certain eventually. So it evens out quiet well how they will play in it.

    2) Arena Style: The way the map is set up also will add a unique feel to the game. It has a large tower/base thing in the center, acting more as a giant bunker then a fortress. It's fully exposed, so being on it doesn't give an advantage. Many bunkers, barrels, and random walls make up the area around it, which act as the main battle area. If all works, this area will be the focus point(s). The outside (inside/room) areas will act as an off-set. They add an area of their own, and a new feel to the game full of different choke points and ambush areas then the regular area. Hopefully, they won't turn into a sniper's paradise, so I'll need to tone down the cover in it. This will be a big part in the deturrent of keeping people off the middle section.

    3) Enhanced Rules: Eventually, I will modify the regular Paint-Ball rules everyone knows about (if you downloaded the game type) and make it more regular. I was told that the gametypes now may disable the new weapons, which is ok, they're only extras, and/or make certain areas of my plan unreachable. Also, I'm not a big fan of the low jumps, even though it makes it more realistic. I will make the jumps lower then usual, but they will not be THAT low. So, after the map is done, I will get to work on tweaking rules to go along to make it work better.

    Hopefully, with help from friends and the community, we can perfect this map and gametype and make it a favorite of Halo 3 Fans. I will have a tes-run of the map on my Halo 3 profile soon (GamerPowWow) but for now we only have this. WHo knows, maybe the whole paint-ball genre will be up there with swat and infection one day.

    Thanks for your help and thoughts. I will update this thread as time goes on.

    Edit: I am aware this post isn't up to "Forge Hub Expectations" and that will be fixed shortly. Thank you, have a nice day.
    #1 comedianmasta, Apr 23, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    You havnt finished it? Then why are you posing here?
  3. comedianmasta

    comedianmasta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Posting, you mean. Because I'd like people's input before I go through ALL the work to finish it to find out it sucks major noob. I'm not going to post a new thread every time I update something, so this one thread should suffice and not spam. Besides, I'll be done soon anyway.

    Does it bother you?
  4. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Posts like this should be in Forge Discussion, not boards for finished maps.
  5. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you klink.
    Map sounds good but isnt paintball jsut swat with Green sh** flying around the map? :p
    I dont see the appeal *shrug*
    Maybe make a normal gametypes version for us haters :) just move weapons around in a second type
  6. omgImg0d

    omgImg0d Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i think i'd give it a try.

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