Thanks! I was sorta thinking the same thing. The only problem i can think of is that if you had to drive the warthog to the destination I couldn't place choppers because their dual cannons could tear the warthog to shreds. Maybe ghosts instead of choppers?
Could be possible, but from the maps I've played so far with warthog escape vehicles, people would usually either make a break for it or destroy the choppers first.
I just ran into a problem. When the warthog falls from the sky at 5 min it can't survive the impact and it explodes. Any suggestions? Otherwise i am just gonna have a hornet as the escape vehicle.
1.Make it closer to the ground. 2.Have a shield door waiting at the bottom. 3. Make it spawn on the ground except blow it up with fusion coils in the beginning.
I personally run about 5 - 10 tests on a map before i release. For one you have to decide (especially for asset) what vehicles/ classes work better than others. Here i'll give you an example based on my new asset map. It is a cliff in the skybubble so first off i know i can't use Brute Cheiftan, the hammer will knock people over the cliff. So i substitute for a Brute Major. Secondaly i have to think of how the covenant come into the map. Should i spread out their locations or just make them all spawn on top and come racing down to the odsts. Next i decide weapons for both ODST and Covenant. ODST need close quarter weapons but alos 2 or 3 range weapons. The Brutes need a variety of weapons but none that are too overpowering (for the safety of Vergil, also to make the game harder). All in all test alot get varied opinions then change the map up as you progress to the finished product.
Good question; Tthis all depends on how much you're willing to test. I usually keep on testing over and over, usually this takes about a week and I'll play 4 or 5 games each day (sometimes more depending on how many people I can get) until it feels right. I've learned from experience that testing maps only once or twice will usually lead to failure, so just remember that you're not in a big hurry, and take as long as you need.
Thanks for the replies! I will make sure i test it a fair amount of time. My map is a six leveled skyscraper on the main level of sandbox. It isn't short range, but it is still small enough for the chieftain to be a problem(higher up in the tower where there is not as much space). Do you think i should replace the chieftain's custom power up with a overshield or do you think the odst can handle it.
Just a thought I'm not sure if this idea has been thought of before but what about and asset map based on AVP 2 where the humans are caught in a battle between aliens and predators and have to work there way up a building to a hornet on the roof. As I said just a thought that occured to me the other day.
Hey um im making my first asset map. It ends with a warthog being chased down a sort of tunnel. but im thinking what vechiles i could use for the brutes. heres what i thought: option 1: 1 prowler 2 ghosts option 2: (open the roof at points) 1 banshee 1 prowler 1 ghost option 3: 2 prowlers any opinions?
This might work, I believe you can have one sided VIP games where there are multiple teams. It'd be tricky to get the settings right though.. because obviously the predators would be the strongest faction, but you can't make it so that they had set lives(unless they respawned somewhere above the map and could not do anything else after they died). Humans would be defenders, and then just make sure that the aliens pick up custom powerups to give them different traits. This depends on the size of the map, how big is yours?
That could work with Halo Because there's loads of 3 way battles between the Covenant, the Flood, and the UNSC or the Flood, The sentinels, and the UNSC and so on. EDIT: I just thought about this and now im thinking of making one. Can I?
I already posted a possible solution to this, it's not showing up though. quote somebody and see the posts, mines somewhere there. This goes the same for you dargie.
I tested my map today for the first time and the defenders never lasted over 2 minutes, but I don't think i overpowered the covenant. Maybe the defenders didn't get the point of asset?
Perhaps. Or maybe the covenant had too many weapons at one time? Try to spread around the respawn time for your weapons, and even have some of them spawn later in.
well its not done but so im not sure on how long it will be but as an estimate about 1 side of the skybubble to the other including turns and the small facility
So it's pretty open then? I guess you could try using asset convoy(same as asset but with 3 destination points) with either option 1 or 3. The VIP can't get into vehicle passenger though.