Sandbox Escape From LV-426

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ManRayX, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Escape From LV-426

    Download Escape From LV-426 Map
    Download Escape From LV-426 Gametype

    VIP Escape (escort), Infection, Slayer, Team Slayer, One Flag, One Bomb


    LV-426 was originally conceived and built to be VIP Escape map but plays great with a variety of game types.

    In the VIP escape gametype the team fights its way up a giant cylindrical tower and holds out in the attic. At the 3 minute mark a deployable grav lift spawns to enable the team to escape the map. Click on the link below for a video walkthrough of the map.

    YouTube Video Walkthrough400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request

    Escape From LV-426

    The VIP team must protect their asset. The VIP is the only one who can fly the hornet.

    Note: Because the VIP is the only one with vehicle privledges hes also the only one that can pick up gun turrets.


    The VIP has mostly normal attributes except that he can sustain 200% damage and has 90% speed. He and the Vip team spawn with magnums and can pick up weapons and equipment.



    Attackers are zombie like in that they cant pick up weapons or equipment, spawn with swords, have no shields, and can only sustain 50% damage. They also spawn with plasma pistols. A charged shot can strip the shield off the VIP and make him an easier target (the vip shield regenerates slowly) also a charged plasma shot is good for a last ditch attempt at disabling an escaping hornet.

    The attic is the holdout point.



    Zombie attacker spawns surround which make for epic and frenzied gameplay while the escaping team waits for the deployable grav lift to spawn so they can reach the hornet.


    As you will note this map has a creepy feel to it. I placed a man cannon in the central kill ball that pushes and blows up a chopper every 20 seconds. This gives it an industrial kind of steel forge kind of feel, and adds to the atmosphere.


    Stay close and guard your VIP. Attackers will spawn above you so cover all angles.

    Download Escape From LV-426 Map
    Download Escape From LV-426 Gametype


    Infection Gametype

    Is a lot like the VIP gametype but the alpha zombie is quicker and has regenerating grenades
    Download Infection LV-426 Gametype


    I also created a Day Version that plays better for Slayer, Team Slayer, One Flag, and One Bomb.

    Download Day LV-426 Map


    Enjoy! This map took me almost 6 months to create. Thank god for ghost merging or I would have quit.


    #1 ManRayX, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  2. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hit enter and it posted before I finished

    Sorry guys will have full post up in about hour hit enter and posted before I finished creating it.
  3. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    your missing a download button for the map and the game type which i think is soposed to be like asset but nice job its well forged huge and hollow my type of game also the big double swatstica window looks nice u might need more photos too so fix that and i will download
  4. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Are you retarded?
    Anyway- i am looking forward to seeing how its played and seeing more pictures. Im also pretty sure thats not supposed to be a swastika. People in general need to read more-they always just skip straight to the pictures or totally ignore fixes or changes. Just from the exterior, the map looks great. But im not sure how it'll play. Ill try and remember to come back and review it in more detail later.
  5. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Post is fixed

    Post is fixed. Enjoy!!!
  6. WhichTeamIsMine

    WhichTeamIsMine Ancient

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    Is that a sentinal beam I see? If the settings for health are what you say, then I think that a sentinal beam might be a bit overpowered. Just my opinion. Aside from that though, this map looks fantastic. The asthetics for it just look awesome & the gameplay looks like it'd be interesting.
  7. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Some of the weapons are powerful, but as you will see the attackers have the advantage. They always spawn near the top of the map and have stealth on thier side. Ambush style attacks make this map almost campaign like in difficulty. I designed it to make the defender players nervous and force them to work as a team in keeping the VIP alive so they can ultimately escape the map.
  8. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    This is a very fun game.
    Some minor things though were that it seems like it takes forever to be any fighting in between the beginning and the end.
    Also, this is just me, but instead of having deployable grav lift spawning just have a stationary grav lift spawn. A lot of people didn't know what to do and unfortunately my mic is broken so I couldn't tell them.
  9. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. From testing this map definetly requires team collaboration so mics are a must. We tried a few things with the grav lift like an earlier spawn time or making it stationary but the rounds would end to quick. A coordinated team will make it to the attic where the frenzied fun ensues. Attackers will swarm in from every corner and in through the windows so having a delay to escaping on the hornet was much better we found. Also when attacking players become familiar with the layout they will take advantage of spawning above the vip team and pick good spots to drop and ambush the team. BTW love ur thread on Halo Reach wish list will drop a post on it now. My vote is for an air vehicle that can drop Napalm. Like a giant incendiary grenade. Thanks again.

  10. wonderin

    wonderin Ancient

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    very nicely forged when i first looked i was like "WOW" looks amazing i will have to download thanks =]
  11. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    When I first saw the screen shots I was anticipating a huge inner structure. I was pretty disappointed to find it hollow and filled with kill balls. I hosted this map to some friends with the gametype and everyone seemed really confused, and most people kept falling repeatedly. What I like most are the jaw dropping aesthetics, those windows are sick. and the way you used tubes to create a winding pathway around the building was very cool. Its just the gameplay everyone had troubles with. I really hope this isnt the final version.
  12. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    I had visions of so miuch more, but then i hit the item limit. I wish I could have done more in the way of the internal structure. It turned out that my imagination was bigger than the forge. It might help if they had a walk through of the map first. like the you tube video in the post. I'm used to playing with the same group of guys so everyone knows the map so the action flows beginig to end. New players I take them on a forge tour first before playing. Thanks for the feedback>

  13. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Arghhh! You took the name of a map I was gonna create! At least your map looks nothing like mine will... assuming I have enough pieces for the entire thing. The forging looks good, the buildings look decent. Nice work. Not sure if I would have gone with a VIP variation over an infection since Aliens was all about infecting humans...
  14. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Dude check out the post. The attackers in the vip variant are like zombies/aliens. Also check out my infection game variant although I suggest no more than 10 players otherwise its too overwhelming. Thanks

  15. Kampy

    Kampy Ancient

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    Downloading ASAP...
  16. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Amazing Aesthetics! This looks like a really cool map, kind of like just protect the VIP and get him through a building, kind of like a secret service job with the President or something
  17. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Dude... VIP will NEVER be like infection. No matter how you tweak it. There is no substitute to having an ever increasing enemy and decreasing team to defend you.

    Just because you make the non-VIP team one hit kills doesn't make it like infection. If I'm guarding the VIP, I can go gung-ho and just rape the enemies knowing that I'll respawn as a human. Basically, you have nothing to lose. In infection, you can't do that. You try and do that, you're the one being raped by one hit kills. In infection, most people don't want to die.
  18. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    DUUUde. I know thats why I made the zombiesqe attackers always spawn above the VIP team. To make it almost impossible to escape unless you work as a team. Also I included an infection version because yes there is no substitute to the increasing horde, Njoy.
  19. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    with the stationary grav lift all you'd really have to do is make the radio tower spawn at like 3 minutes and the grav lift spawn at like 2 minutes. That way, when the grav lift spawns initially it'll have nothing to set on and will fall to its death. The radio tower will spawn at 3 minutes then at 4 minutes the grav lift will spawn again this time being stabilized by the radio tower beneath it.
  20. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    This made my day. lol.

    Anyways, the map looks pretty good. I really like the asethetics on the map and it looks like you put time into it.
    Just remember dont put overpowering weapons in such as sentinal beams.

    Overall I think it is very good. 7.2/10

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