Debate Haiti

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BASED GOD, Jan 26, 2010.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    This is a debate about why we should/should not give Haiti money. So debate away
    #1 BASED GOD, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2010
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    Frankly, I don't see any bad reason to give money and/or aid.

    The country's in dire need. The US should help, within the parameters of aid.
  3. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    We should be donating, but I just hope that this doesn't sprout many, many funds claiming to be giving to Haiti, but keeping the profit for themselves.
  4. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Like their government?
    I believe that the U.S. gave Haiti alot of money.
  5. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I only have a problem with doing these things because we are in a multiple front war right now and in a large recession. Honestly its doubtful we will be repaid for all the work we have done for these countries like Hati but as of now e are obligated because we do have so much to give. How long we can keep on giving is unknown.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Possibly forgetting the countless other countries that have followed you into a war where, if anyone, only you will benefit (begins with 'o' and ends with 'l').

    Frankly i believe that we have a responsiblity to anything we can to help.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    why does it take a natural disaster to make everyone notice poverty and ****?

    Why? They slaughtered all the white people on the island because they wanted independence, then let the country fall to **** and didn't prepare for the inevitable (they're on a fault line ffs) and now all of a sudden white man come help me. Not to mention the aid workers they've shot, the swarming of aid stations and the stealing of dead bodies. And most of the money won't go to the people.
    #7 BASED GOD, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2010
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    There is a fault directly line below Tokyo. You can't make it out that it is their own stupidity or ignorance that they choose to stay. And i don't recall any 'White man help me', instead lots of 'Were white men, and we should be helping'. And i think that to say that you are generalizing it's population wouldn't even give it justice. There are thousands of families, children, teachers, doctors etc that may not have survived had we not intervened.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    The Haitians have refused UN high energy biscuits and chose to eat mud instead because they think of cookies as baby food and they have refused water for no reason. So lets pretend that throwing money at the problem will fix it? Then what? Unless any government decides to get aggressive, the Haitian excuse for a government will continue screwing over the people, all money can do is improve infrastructure and give out food. I didn't say anything about intervention, I'm talking about the millions of dollars given to Haiti that could be used to sort out domestic issues and other foreign issues. Everyday in Africa and South East Asia there are people in need but it takes a news story for anyone to notice.
  10. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I realise I'm nitpicking but in contrast to Haiti, Tokyo prepares for Earthquakes. Their buildings are made to withstand an Earthquake and the Japanese Government goes to great lengths to inform the population/Tourists of what to do in the case of a major Earthquake.
  11. FSCnightstalker

    FSCnightstalker Ancient
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    When natural disastors occur it is the job of those not affected to help out. Why should we not help out when we have everything and they have nothing. I know that other people might say that we as America go around and just look for who to help next. Not only as a nation but we need to help them but as human beings we need to help others that are in need. If it were any one of us out there we would be pleading for help and for those that would say things like "Well were not in their position now so why does that matter" or anything close to that is an irrelevant respones to my statement it is just the response of someone that can is too narrow minded to say anything different... Yes we should concentrate on our own economy but one of the things that makes us humans is the ability to care about eachother even the lowest dogs will care about their pack mates when they're wounded... No throwing money is not what we should intend to do... They will need man power to clear rubble and start making preperations for the summer when it gets hot and then hurricane season. We need to set up stations where we can give clean water and food and more medical stations. Of course they swamped our medical stations!! They have many wounded people that need medical aid and for you who would bring race into this GET OVER YOURSELF America is a land of many races. I do not know how to say this more clearly but just we need to help them more te death toll is high enough and it will continue to climb until we get some real assistance.
  12. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I give money because I'm morally obligated to.
    Same reason I give a homeless person my change, a simple but beneficiary choice.

    Also, I would like to see more sources being stated in this "debate"
  13. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    First off, race shouldn't even pass into this debate. Regardless of what's been done the the white race in the past on Haiti, they're in dire need, and we should help them.

    They let their country, "Fall to ****," because they were too poor. Even if they had the idea to earthquake-proof their country, they wouldn't have been able to.

    If they actually shot aid workers, then it's because they're angry. I'd be upset if my country was leveled, wouldn't you?
  14. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    We're dealing with a country that has a corrupt government, severe poverty, desperate people.

    Our country at the moment is in a war in the Middle East, is in a recession and is losing it's title as "World Power". Now, I would have been O.K with the U.S allowing the citizens to donate and perhaps have Obama send in 250 Million with all the aid... But we sent 1 Billion plus the several millions of donations.

    Not only that but we still keep forgetting just how corrupt the government is, the U.S has always been giving money to Haiti and it has never improved... The U.N has always been stationed in Haiti and the country has never improved... While it is a catastrophe that happened, the Haitians don't really need $1 Billion that will probably never be completely or hardly used towards it's citizins.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I never brought race into it, the fact is that they wanted independence and if you want that you need to grow the **** up and take responsibility. Every country started off poor, the original settlers of Australia started off with nothing but now we're the third most developed country in the world. They didn't shoot aid workers because they were angry (at who?), they wanted to steal their ****.

    YouTube - Haitians shooting Aid Workers
    Aid worker shooting

    Haiti rejects Mexican food aid over swine flu fears | FP Passport
    Food rejecting

    Freedom's Lighthouse: Haitian Crowd Refuses U.N. Food Distribution in Confusion over Expiration Date for Biscuits - Video 1/15/10
    Food rejection because they think cookies are for babies

    Edit: Anyone that thinks we're helping Haiti is misguided, all we're doing is keeping them alive. There are a lot of internal affairs that no one will fix, mainly because every country involved and the UN are pussies and won't take the initiative. The UN needs to set up aid stations, and make people line up one by one, if it starts to get hectic, shoot rubber bullets.
    #15 BASED GOD, Jan 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
  16. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Those events are of a few in millions. Laughable that you would view an entire country based upon the actions of so few.
  17. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I think the reason I donate is not because of turmoil they put themselves into, or the terrible standards they live by. But to hopefully help an innocent child, mother, father , doctor, teacher, who's life was suddenly changed in a heartbeat. Your debating over whether you should save lives or not.
  18. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Are you saying it's the people's fault that they built their houses out of poor materials and didn't prepare for an earthquake? You do realize they are the poorest country on this side of the Earth, right? They can't afford to have all the nice things you take for granted like water and a stable food supply.

    If you were in power of some country, what would you do? Not send them money?

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