For the next month in my Art class we will be doing a major project where we'll be drawing a person of choice in great detail and we will have to take a picture of said person, make a grid over the image, and use the gridded image to keep the size in relation to the larger piece of art we will create. I didn't really know who I wanted to do this morning and still don't know. I'd really appreciate some suggestions for a person to do this project on, it could be a man or women, musician, actor, actress, athlete, or just a normal person. Pictures would be of a big help to me, but they're not required if you are going to suggest someone. If you do decide to post a picture of said person, please make sure that there are varying tones in the persons face(light, mid-tone, dark, etc.). Thank You. tl;dr suggest me a person so I can draw them for my art project
I don't know which meaning of iconic you're referring to, but from what I teacher said, there must be different values in the person's face, so there should be a light, dark, mid-tone, etc. Chuck's face would be o.k. in my opinion. lol Attractive is better in my opinion, but I could really care less, I just want to get a decent person/face to use for this project.
Yeah, she's the only legitimate post in this thread, and she's a good candidate to use. As for your cropping, no matter what picture/person I use I have to specifically crop it to the size dimensions my teacher gave me.
Alright, I got some pictures, any one of these you guys recommend? Spoiler Tell me which one you guys think would be best and/or if you don't like these and have a better person to use, then please post
This would be a really fun one to draw. Freckles are a blast. The eyes and hair would be really fun as well. If you don't draw that one, I'm looking up a picture of Predicide...
The first greyscale picture... epic hawtness but i must leave you with this otion too, although not as hawt, this one is acceptable instead of your greyscale lady p.s. I am being serious about this.