When you bring you sights up it makes you more accurate. I'm talking extremely close range here, where you don't even look to make sure the person is in your crosshair, just fire, sometimes before the crosshaireven pulls up. mid range however, quickscoping is a legitimate strategy.
Sounds like your talking about increased chance no-scopes. (That's what I call them.) It's when you start to scope in, but you fire before it scopes in completely. It's still considered a no-scope, but since the cross-hairs get closer to each other there's an increased chance of it going down the middle. It's an okay tactic, but it's better to quick-scope, if you can. Even for close-up. That way, your guaranteed a hit. I think that's what your talking about.
Agreed. I only quickscope. Pisses people off that I can pull an accurate shot off faster than they can kill me with an assault rifle
When i quick scope 80% of the time it's luck so i usually refrain from doing so. I always make sure i ADS, i feel it keeps my accuracy where it's at (Not all of us are freaks like Sarge, his accuracy is stupid high). I just want a guaranteed kill with each pull of the trigger. It's also why i always have FMJ's and stopping power.
I'm pretty good at quick scoping now, most of the time I have a successful quick scope, I just need to work on getting quick scope head shots.
Lol back and alive again? haha, third times the charm I guess. I've gotten ten times better at it and have pulled off some really badass ones(3 people in a room? not anymore!). I usually play by myself, but If my friend GuidedBanana is on I do a private match quick-scope only game, then we play... ****ing Dominant. I always try to do a warm up game if I can.
I will say right now, I dont like you. I have a 1.75 K/D 3000 Kills with the Intervention I Quick Scope all the time, it is VERY effective. I rarely come in worse than second on my team. Usually I am carrying them. Words of Advice to the OP Sleight of Hand Pro DOES help, but it isnt required. Try HIGH sensitivities. 6 would be the lowest one I recommend, this allows you to scope in REALLY fast and then drag your cross hairs REALLY FAST to their body. Thus SCOPE, SWISH, BOOOM, Death. I dont recommend camping, Stay in one spot for maybe 2 minutes (3 Max) than if noone comes your way, move. Try to be like a real Sniper, Sneaky, flank them and then practice quickscoping from behind, this allows for a few fails before you kill them and gives you a better chance. Once your better at it, THEN try for frontal assault quick scoping. Any Questions just ask me. I have some experience in quickscoping. The only Attachment I ever use is FMJ. ACOG isnt all that reliable, it moves too much. Thermal is for D-bag N00bs, Extended mags is useful, if you take the time to unlock them.
Hey killroy that sounds alot like what happens to me but i have a few questions so add me or ill send u a request.
I do close up quick-scoping, me and my friends will play private games alot with quick-scoping only/no scoping fights. My class is Sleight of hand Pro Lightweight Pro Steady aim Pro I quick scope by finding my enemy, evading them and getting close, while still sprinting, and then as im done sprinting, i bring up the scope for the kill. It works very good, with lightweight pro being on, the scope comes up alot faster; then with the obvious boost's from the other 2 perks, i usually get the kill. But im terrible at anything past close range, and will have to do a longscope to get them, but i find it very fun.
I personally use stopping power just because I like to ensure the kill, even if my accuracy is off for that shot.
You must be related to me; my thoughts on sniping are exactly the same. However, I find extended magazines kind of inefficient. Since I'm using Slight of Hand Pro, I'll be able to reload faster. Not only that, but extended magazines reduces the total amount of ammo you have, in exchange for having more per clip. So if your using Slight of Hand Pro, it's best to go with FMJ, or, at least, in my opinion it is. Care to have a friendly sniper match?
you are officially an idiot. you posted on a thread one week old telling people to stop bumping old threads. and dont call me a hypocrite, this was already high on the list. msg me for quickscope lobbies guys, im always looking for people to play with. last game i played people were hardscoping, and spamming the trigger. which pissed me off. so cool people are always welcome.
Hint: in QS lobbies, intervention only.... It works better lol. and watch killcams and DEFINITELY THREATEN TO KICK.
I'm sorry, but this kid FBIRyan just keeps annoying me. I'll message you; I love quick-scoping lobbies.