I am making a VIP gametype where 1 team has more people than the other, how can I make it to where blue team can spawn to a certain spawn point? Because the team with more people spawn on the spawns that the other team is supposed to. Help?
Ok what you need to do is when in forge change gametype to VIP then make sure your STARTING points are set to Attackers=Red and Defenders=Blue, that should work. Message me if im mistaken
I went to the game and map by myself, I put myself on red team first and I spawned as defenders. Next, I ended that game and put myself on blue team. When I started it, again, I was defending.
The key is you started the game by yourself. Do you have two controllers? f you do, plug the other one in. I forge and test my games with two controllers all the time. It helps a lot. As already stated, use starting and respawn points. This is pretty common knowledge. You must be new to forge. Anyhow, good luck with the map.
Well, your doing something wrong. Do you have the starting and respawn points both labled? Most people who have this problem forgot to label both the starting and respawn points. Without any specific information, it is impossible for any of us to really help you. You need to be more specific as to what you are doing. Did you switch the game type?