"An MLG map on Citadel. 'nuff said." I'm going to start this off by saying that this is a rough draft of what I hope this map will be. I made this map in an hour total, so be nice. Pictures: (The entire map is perfectly symetrical, so what you're seeing in the pictures is what is on the other side) Front of base: Sniper spawn: Other ramp away from base: Rocket spawn & middle of map: Here's a short list of all the weapons on the map: BRx6 Carbinex4 Sniperx2 Rocketsx1 Maulerx2 Fragsx4 Plasmasx8 Just some extra things: In terms of cover, I've used only barricades & crates. Snipers & Rockets spawn at the same locations that they do on normal Citadel, except they use a drop spawn on this map. It's set up for Slayer, KotH, & CTF. Works good on all MLG settings. Have fun. Link to map on my fileshare: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
yeah thier bigger now, i have to say this seems like good changes but your gona want to add some "aesthetic" peices. Some pillars or arches out of colored blocks that not only serve as cover but make the map look better over all. Also if you didn't i would merge the little v things into the ground just a tad.
all this is is just a bunch of corner thingys but the weapon look placed good. nice to see a other mlg map on this website there are not that many