Bots! Basic, easy-to-kill dud players. It could create some fun infection maps where it would be difficult to tell the real infected from the bots.
just more custom games options and more objects to use. although, slightly destructible environments would be cool
lol I know but we only hope for a few things and it's fun to think stuff up! If we did have all this it would be less game and more 3d modeling progrm! :O Well dreams are free.....
exactly, but i want it to be easier to use haha. I was so confused with Farcry 2, it was not like farcry predator or instincts. Having the ability to put every object from phantoms to scarabs either as scenery or usable would be nice. Id have to say the scarabs would be scenery their way too over powering.
Ya it would be very tite to be going towards the objective and then 2 phantoms go flying past you...and also some destructable cover/objects would be nice too. And someone else said something about bots, which would be nice if your connection was bad for some reason or you wanted to test out a gametype before you release it. Which makes me think of something. What will forgehub do when all the new reach maps start popping up?? I hope they keep it the same but add in some new cool ways to publish your maps.
Vehicle customizing options. For example, in the items list, you get a Troop hog, but you can customize it to be a standard Warthog, a Gauss Warthog, the rocket hog from Halo CE, or an armored Warthog. Or, maybe for the Ghost, an unarmed Ghost, a Ghost with super boost, a Ghost with enhanced hovering so it can hover on water... Or maybe, a Hornet. A Hornet is fery similar to a Pelican. It has Missiles and Machine gun, it carries troops, and hovers. So maybe, a Hornet where you can put a Pelican skin on it. It would fly like a Hornet, but could carry your entire team, could be boarded through the cockpit (the enemy player could punch through the glass)... That would be epic.
Ahaha that would be tite. You see some guy jump up on your pelican to highjack you and you try flying off, then the guy highjacks it and crash lands it, killing your whole team...that would be very fun to mess around with.
Me too Count me in for death barriers. Also would definetly love placeable water and controlable weather, but the ultimate would be a flying controlable elephant type vehicle that would be awesome. ManRayX SIETCHHAIL MARYSHADOW-ASSAULT
It keeps dam saying theres a new post and it wont go away! (some guy posted and deleted his post) so I'm posting to get rid of this "new post". I want night and day setings (so you can make it really day or really light, add rain ect)
There's Only 1 Thing That I Would Like To See & That Is A Map Lock Protecter. So People Can't Steal Your Map.
Great thread. 1: I think the ability to re-render objects with different skins (like stone , sand, grass, ect.) would be great. 2: Also, very simple, and you can bet Bungie is already using some form of it is, an X,Y,Z coordinate system for placing objects. This would allow you to pick a zero point (and change it) and place objects relative to it, this would take care of axis rotation and exact placement of objects. This would also help the problem with objects movement after placement. 3: Making all item lists available, no matter the canvas your building on. As well as mentioned before, adding more of a certain type of object and reducing another. 4: 600+ items per map without having to worry about which items are original. 5: No budget limit. If what Bungie said about their new systems for large scenarios is correct, maybe this wouldn't be a problem. Almost forgot, the ability to select multiple objects and move them using a snap and grip system (adjustable) or the X,Y,Z coordinate system.
Portals. Not teleportes, huge circular portals. What would make it different from teleporters is that it could be like if a warthog was halfway into the portal, it would be half out the other side! You could also throw grenades through and get lucky sticks.
F**k yea b**ch now thats what I'm talking about! I played portal and that was like the best game every only because it had that... Maybe even a portal gun so then just shoot it on the roof and shoot people from above or shoot it on a mountain and snipe in an unknown spot! YouTube - Portal Teaser Trailer
Lets see: Loop d Loops Water Deathzones - If you go into a die Ladders Weather Ability to make sky tracks on every map
I'd like to see a lot of these ideas, as well as a new Forge character, as opposed to the Monitor. A Sentinel would be cool, although it probably wouldn't fit the game's canon (H3 was filled with Forerunner stuff, playing as a Monitor would only make sense, but so far Forerunner-ness hasn't been confirmed for Reach). It would also be able to fire a Sentinel Beam, when not rotating objects with the Right Trigger. EDIT: Sorry about the bump, I don't know how that happened! I will fix it tomorrow, I promise.
I'm updating the list again. These are all awesome ideas. I love the portal idea where you can teleport entire vehicles. Heck, there should be some portals big enough that you could even drive a tank through them or fly banshees and hornets through them lol! That would be awesome. I want jail cells too, permanently open and closed ones, and ones that the door can be opened and closed at will. I want the option to give infinite ammo to certain weapons too.