Vibe Lounge The name "Vibe Lounge" is derived from somewhere and I chose it because of the similarities this map shares with Chill Out. Well, actually theres not that many similarities other than being small, asymmetrical and multi-leveled. So, a new map, one which I didn't use the whole budget on! I'm still fiddling with the weapon spawns. I've avoided putting dual wieldable weapons next to each other as its a small map. The current weapon set has (updated 24/10) 2 Plasma Rifles 4 Spikers (2 pairs) 2 Plasma Pistols 2 ARs 1 Needler 5 BRs Rocket Launcher Energy Sword Sniper Rifle
looks nice with an interesting layout, it also looks smooth. How did you not use the full budget?!?! Yes I agree replacve some weapons with BRs, there is nothing worse than not being able to find a BR. After all it is the best weapon on the game. One thing, could you put the screenshots going down, my browser spacks out when this is done 5/5
I agree with Elliot. Replace the two ARs for two BRs. There will be dropped ARs scattered throughout the map if the gametype is AR-start. But it looks really good. 5/5
The map looks really well Forged and thought-out. I'd recommend keeping the ARs; although not as many people like them, they are quite helpful at close-range combat. However, that huge bridge-like structure seems too open for a map like this. I think that you should add some more cover in that area.
I've tried some FFA games and the Carbines weren't being used much, they've been replaced with BRs The map also feels a bit bgger than I thought it would, so I've added double Spikers and replaced the SMGs with Plasma Rifles.
hmm,very ineresting map design. I like the way the levels combine/connect to each other as well as the arches that go into each different section of the map.
Huh, looks really well done, aesthetically and gameplay. I like the ramps and arches, gives an indoor feeling to it, like an indoor park or something, creative and nice, looks really nice cant wait to see it finished.
Looks very nice. Did you ever get around to finishing the one that was near the ceiling of the crypt? Invite me for testing. This looks very interesting. Do you think it could hold 4v4's?
So with what is see its like a covy map ? Cauz almost all the weapon are from the covenants ! It will be crazy !
I tried, I figured the best fix would involve totally rebuilding the whole map. I could either move the whole thing up, closer to the ceiling, so I would need fewer objects; or build it in the Sky Bubble. I tend to get in to problems when I try to give a map a fictional theme. Cave In (the one I mentioned just above) meant to have a natural feel with uneven surfaces and bases bult in to the rock. Vibe Lounge uses a bit more logic. I decided on arches between rooms and plain, vertical walls and went from there. Its not really a Covy map, the weapons just worked out that way. Also, because there is no roof, there were some weapons I knew from the start I would use. The Gravity Hammer and Brute Shot are the 2 main ones, they're the weapons you can easily use to increase your jump height , without too much damage, and escape the map. Rockets can be used, but only if you have an overshield (hence, no overshields/regenerators) and the Sword on the rare occasion that you lunge, miss your target and go flying.
Try building it up a little and looking for objects that aren't really necessary and are purely aesthetic and get rid of them. Building it in the skybubble would probably take more objects than where you have it now because you'd probably want to include railings.
Should be soon. I've rebuilt the outer edge wall so its the same all the way along. I first built it with whatever I had and didn't think I'd need in the rest of the map, so I ended up with each room with a different look wall (red room was T-Walls, blue room was Double Blocks) and looked messy. I've also moved the lights, they were in the floor but they had a bad effect on the Plasma Rifles and Needlers. Now they're up in the central wall.