What game to make?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Turkey bag56, Jan 20, 2010.


What game should I make

  1. FPS

    10 vote(s)
  2. Tactical

    4 vote(s)
  1. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol thanks... I guess forgehub still has the double post bug.
    Sorry but the name of the poll is what game should I make? The thread is "what game to make?" And who the hell ever said I was 11? My dad taught at SIT(Southern Institute of Technology) and also your making yourself look stupid as hell because this is a poll to not the "Fail at insulting Turkeybag thread" I'm guessing your doing this because you can't do anything good with your life and think that means no one else can too!
    #21 Turkey bag56, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  2. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Yeah, and runescape sucks.

    Your lack of professionalism, the fact you think two discs are necessary for any game, and your pseudo-business model shows me you are no where near ready to start your massive indie project.
    #22 Fbu, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  3. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Why can't we all just get along?

    Ok guys, the thread was made for us to choose between his ideas, and say which of the two we would like to see made, not to rag on him because we think he can't do it. Let's get back on topic, shall we?

    Personally, I like the first idea. I would love to have an epicly massive campaign along with a huge multiplayer. So idea 1 for me :D
  4. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Lol yep runescape does fail... Also the fps has 2 discs because of it's variety and big campaign and the tactical has 2 discs because of the HUGE levels, massive customizability and the power of the game engine needed...
    Edit 2: Who ever said anything about a "massive" project? I didn't, I didn't even say I would sell it EG(just for me and my friends to play)! It's going to be a very slow moving project where we work on it in our free time and work at our jobs to pay for rent while making it!!! I have all the money needed to buy the programs and PC's but after that I'm low on $$$!!!
    I completely agree with you. And everyone else, in 15-20 years if it's not out you won and thats all that need be know...

    Edit: Fbu how am I "pseudo"?
    #24 Turkey bag56, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  5. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    That was what I said.
    I like this guy. He's funny.

    Oh my ****ing god. Read the goddamn OP.

    You keep counter asserting your own posts.

    You say the project is massive in undisimilar wording throughout the whole thread.

    You said you had all the funding.
    Which I didn't believe either. From your 11 year old astronomy qualification.
    It costs hundreds of thousands for the employees in a GD studio. More for the equipment.

    Seriously, I'm going to stop posting here. Helping you has halved my intelligence.
    Good luck with your 'better than Runescape' 'mammoth sized' 'legendary' 'hell of a game' 'mother of fps' with all your 'funding' and these 'programmers' and this 'team that you do and don't have', that you don't even have concept sketches for, any designs, written ideas, proof of generation, or any documentation.
    I'm sure your 'University of Southern Technology dad will help you'.
    Maybe one day he'll teach you how to spell and market ANY idea.
    Best luck for the future, you OBVIOUSLY need it(!)
  6. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That was a nerd rage and a 1/2! No I said the game would be massive as in alot of data on the disk not as in a big hit! And please, quote me anywhere where I said I'm selling the game, I'm 11 or even something that says making the game wasn't just for having fun! and when you don't come back with any quotes I'll be happy with my victory!!!!
    Also the whole thing is "Sorry but the name of the poll is what game should I make? The thread is "what game to make?" Guess you only like 1/2 the story!!!
    Oh yeah I'M NOT 11!!!!!!!
    #26 Turkey bag56, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  7. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    According to your posts you show no indication of knowing how to set up the project other than your loose (see:pseudo) plan.

    People assume you are 11 (or whatever age) because of your writing style, and because (I assume on this forum at least) everyone has had that phase in their life where they wanted to create a big video game (usually in their early teens).
  8. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Uhh yeah. Be happy with your 'victory'.


    Mass public humiliation.

    Seriously, read through this thread in five years time.
    You'll feel like the biggest idiot in the world.

    I'm gonna leave by quoting the OP so that you read through it. Maybe you'll think next time you want to say anything ever again.
    #28 Camel Carcass, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  9. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I don't want to kill his dream, But I do think it's a bit far out. Kid, If you want to do this, you truly want to waste the time and hours doing this, by all means do so. I can't stop you, and no one has the right to tell you not to, we can give you advice against but in the end it is your choice. Who knows, they may just pull it off if they're dedicated enough. It'd be a hell of a success story. But just be sure this is what you want to do with your life before jumping in and doing it. So take our advice or leave it, and believe me the world will hold you against everything said here in this thread. So if you commit to one of the two projects you'd better go all out, and it better be good. I wish you the best of luck, and BTW, tactical FPS ftw...
  10. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Just about everyone on this thread has the wrong idea. Me and my friends are making this game in our free time because thats what we do when where bored (I have to teach some of them how to use the programs). Some people play wow some go to town we work on this game! Like I said It's going to be a very slow moving project but also very big (alot of data). We never even intended to sell the game. We were just going to make it because we were bored, then play it every now and then and make another... My career is astronomy not dam game making!!! I do that for fun...
    BUT NOW Camel Carcass!!!!! I will go into the big leagues and make this game dam good and put it on 360 just to show you who's boss!!!!

    Oh yeah, the tactical game does have FPS in it but thats just 1 of the many things used to make up your team...
  11. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Hahahahahahaha. Kid, you make me laugh so much. These two next lines will both showcase a different part of the above quote.

    Grmmr r imprtnt n lyf.
    Good luck. For an Xbox 360, you need an Xbox 360 Dev kit. To get these at your age is almost impossible. Next, you need to find a publisher. Hell most likely no one will want to sign you, so you will have to release it as an Indie game on the Xbox Live marketplace. However, Microsoft accepts the indie games, and no one can just put something on it, unlike the App Store on the iPhone/iPod Touch.

    Oh, and Lol/

    As well, please quit typing in light fonts such as silver or white. These fonts make it harder for people using this website's lighter styles. I don't use one, but many people I know do.
  12. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Like bloo said, a dev kit is needed for xbox games, and you are likely to not ever see one unless you have a friend that works in the gaming industry, this being that their expensive and to my knowledge they dont just sell them to anybody.

    now on topic,
    I'd like to see the tactical one, especially if its so special it cant really be grouped in any genre. but tbh more details would be nice and would also help bring us to a conclusion rather than an arguement.
  13. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bring it on BJ!! Well see about that in the years to come! First, I never said my age!!!! Second, grmmr r nt imprtnt at al!
    YouTube- Star Size Comparison HD
    And lastly I'll type in white if I want!
    All I need to do really is make the game really good, copywrite it and show Microsoft and they will convert it to 360 and publish it for a % of what it makes.
    Yeah I like the tactical one most but if I say alot about it microsoft will milk it for all it's worth!
    #33 Turkey bag56, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  14. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    You will need a license to copyright.
    This does involve advanced education and qualifications to obtain, most likely some sort of degree in law.

    Microsoft will DEFINITELY NOT convert it.
    You are required to develop different versions if you want to go multi platform.
    As Bloo Jay said, you need to download separate xbox development kits if you want to get creative with this.
    And don't think that just anyone can get hold of these.
    Microsoft don't publish games either. They can invest and fund games, but they won't solely publish.
    Also, they're not gonna get much milkk...
  15. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Sorry, but most of your points are completely wrong.
    First of all, he said he's using Maya for modelling, do you know what that is?
    Go look it up.

    Secondly, game developers frequently do take on people from very young ages, especially if they see lots of potential.

    You're wasting your time. You should just start doing things, do something awesome and start sending off job applications a bit sooner.

    Bungie have a three year development cycle and up until very recently Call of Duty had a two year development cycle.

    Also, stop it, he doesn't have to prove himself to anyone.
    He came here asking for an answer and only got attacked in response.

    Uhm, Apple approve iPhone apps, you have to submit your code to be reviewed and it costs $100 each time.
    I wish he'd stop typing in light colours too, but whatever.
    Oh and I sincerely doubt we'll still be gaming on Xbox 360s in 15 years.

    Stop trying.

    Finally, to the OP:
    I wish you the best of luck with your project.
    I sincerely doubt it will ever reach completion, but good luck with it anyway.
    Sadly, you are being quite rude, although this is to be expected when attacked by everyone who has attacked you.
    I really do wish you would stop using light colours, as for some people they are harder to read.
    I would appreciate you brushing up on your English skills as it makes what you say easier to understand and you will come over as more professional.
    #35 Dthen, Feb 1, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2010
  16. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And drop your ballzzz lul.
  17. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Okay, cut it out.
    Stop trolling.
  18. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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  19. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    lol, the sad part is to be honest I don't think it will get completed either and I don't really care. It's something me and my friends do in our spear time and is really enjoyable. We improve our leadership and creativity skills, and make really good friends doing it. Here's my plan...
    -If the game isn't made 100% keep working at it till it is!
    -If the game turns out not that great we'll keep it to ourselves.
    -If the game is alright we might put it on the internet for free or maybe $10 a pop!
    -If the game is really good we will copyright it, take it to someone that can convert/publish it to 360 (or whatever where using then) and sell it like a normal game giving the guys who converted it around 30-40% and a lot for doing just about nothing. (I'm aiming for this and hoping everyone else is willing to try with me!)
    #39 Turkey bag56, Feb 1, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2010
  20. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    In all seriousness, this isn't going to work. At all. You're 15, and chances are that you don't have sufficient resources for this kind of product. You'd need a team of trained professionals, whose careers revolve around this kind of thing. It would take a few years to plan, let along to program and code. I highly doubt that you and a few of your friends would be able to make a game that would be even remotely successful. Besides, even if you finish a game, I'm not sure that Microsoft or Sony would want to publish a game made by a 15 year old.

    Stick with flash games. They're fun, and don't take nearly as much resources or time to make. Not to mention, they can get pretty popular if you release it in the right kind of crowd.

    Oh, and a couple other things.
    1. Please, don't type in white. A lot of people use this site's lighter themes, as I believe Bloo Jay mentioned earlier.

    2. In response to the above post, I don't really think that there's an Average Joe out there who's able to convert coding into a 360 game, besides people who have worked with Microsoft. Besides, if there was, I'm sure you'd run into some sort of legal issue.

    Given the information, I applaud your determination, but it really doesn't seem possible. As I said, flash games. Flash. Games.
    #40 Panncakez, Feb 1, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2010

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