Ok there have been some new Halo: Reach screen shots leaked onto the net but sadly my computers a little screwy at the moment so to see them you need to click the link: Removed The first picture is of what appears to be a new type of enemy also theres a screen shot of a vehicle you can now drive that may suprise you. Personaly i think the photos look awesome and i can't wait until the game comes out.
posting leaked information is against the rules and can get you banned for doing so. This looks like it isn't leaked though (not judging because it has the "EB Games logo") and seems as if they were released... `The new enemy is called a "Skirmisher" and are related to Jackals.
Halo: Reach looks great. It's gonna be another good edition to the Halo series, I just hope they don't make it half a game like ODST. I swear if this game doesn't have Forge, I'm gonna be pissed! lol That's a very interesting vehicle there, the orange one. It's like a civilian vehicle or something.
Yeah not leaked, released. If it was leaked you think they would have had time to capture the images with a capture card lol? ;p The new NPC looks awesome ;p
Yea hate to burst your bubble but these are the pictures that were released and can be found in the latest gameinformer.
EB games released these pictures? Then are they OK to be posted here? Glad taht we finally get some good quality pictures rather than scans (and when I mean scans I mean pictures taken with a camera phone). The skirmishers heads look a lot like a raptor in a way.
Correct me if I'm wrong on the link, though...at the moment I can't tell but can assume it's leaked GameInformer pics. If it's IGN or otherwise openly accessible and legal, yes it can be posted and it wouldn't be called "leaked"
if it it isnt "leaked" why has it been removed? I want to see them now and cant find them anywhere.. EDIT: sorry didnt see your last post insane nvm
Some Halo: Reach Screen Shots - Halo: Reach - Kotaku Say's they are the screens for GI but I don't think GI leaked them, that would be illegal and I dont think their stupid enough to do that.
If it isn't leaked, the thread will be locked because it has nothing to it, except claiming already released pics are 'leaked', which wouldn't be true obviously. If it is leaked, this would be locked anyway. Check the other Reach thread. :lock:
EB games is the canadian version of Game Stop.. I don't think they would illegally scan magazine copies and stamp their names all over it.
Checked the post. Legal, but again, redundant. It's not leaked, but doesn't belong in a new thread. They should be in the already existing Reach thread. Title is misleading, thread is redundant. LOCKED