ughh... idk if ill make the release date. At this point, whereas i was on track to be done forging three days ago, still havent finished the body. I had to redo it about 7 times so far lol... luckily i finally got it done today so now im doing the inside and then the head and then ill test. If u want u can help me test. Ill let u know when im ready. Also, my friend came in and helped make a rebel base so tht went smoothly. As the armory hater i am, i booted him when he tried making one lol, (let him back in later) so the rebel base is just the other side of the maps' base with blocked entrances and exits. Spawning is only way in. Teleporters get u out (one ways) nd one person spawns as luke. Outside there r some vehicles and somewhere on the map, not to go into details, is a snow speeder hangar thts quite fun if u imagine it as real star wars. Then theres going to be some things in the other base for the empire side and thtll be it... until next time im zstrike nd tht was my update lol... so anyway, not sure on release date (thinkin of movin to 27th, or even May 1st at latest) idk, only time will tell...
lol at the armoury thing..i do that to on aboutevery map i make..or on some i download... but yea ill help test if u wanna
yea, seeing as u were 1/2 inspiration (im giving u half credit lol) id be glad to have u test :] EDIT: oh, barefoot, just wondering, but would u say a map as playable as this will be yet as aesthetic as it will be belongs in competitive or aesthetics? cnt make up my mind...
lol i dont deserve any credit ..i just need my star wars fix.. september is along way off for force unleashed
oo yea, well ill still give u credit, especially for testing... nd i CAN NOT wait for force unleashed. Tht will be the sickest game ever made. (Except Halo of course lol) have u seen the vids about the gameplay... sick
yea it will be sick...doesnt look like we'll get multiplayer though =/ and id say id would qualify as a competative map
thx... actually i just watched the movie today lol, nd when i got to the scene tht this represents, i laughed. It actually does resemble it slightly well lol. tho it was much cooler in the movie of course... nd jean grey kicks ass, nearly killin wolverine nd killin everyone else... i was thinkin, itd be sick if i could have remade the part where she makes a tidal wave, but thts impossible :[ o well...
This kind of gimmick classes thing doesn't work, as I've tried (with fantastic 4). Although, it does look like a good map and it appears you have put a lot of though into this. So B+ for effort, it gives you room to improve. I tested my fantastic 4 map a fair bit and no one (including me) liked it. So I'm not promoting anything of mine. I'm saying that these gimimick classes maps generally wont work. They look good on paper but they dont play great. But who knows yours could be really good
idk what u mean? how dont they work? this map wrks fine... u spawn in the rooms as it is nd its impossible to break into one of the rooms once uve left... u dont choose
I had another read of the description, and you seem to have set yours out differently to mine, it looks like it'd actually play pretty good. I'd download but I've filled my 100 slots, GRRR. I might have another go at making a classes map
just thought id comment since your in forge heaven. Really interesting concept, really tall and looks well made 5/5