What game to make?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Turkey bag56, Jan 20, 2010.


What game should I make

  1. FPS

    10 vote(s)
  2. Tactical

    4 vote(s)
  1. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    The past god knows how long and the next 15 years of my life will be used to make 1 hell of a game but I have 2 legendary ideas and I can only make 1!!!!!! Here's a small descripcion on both:

    Mammoth sized FPS
    This game has 2 disks, 1st is 1 player (3 players max) and it's HUGE! If I can fit the size of all 3 halo's into it thats what it will be!

    The other disk is for PvP and that is huge too :shiver:! It will have around 20-30 maps, over 100 guns, and so many killstreak rewards. And yes, killstreak rewards in this are nothing like cod... You get 4 and the best one is at 36 (not nuke). And also different kinds of rewards that I cannot say of right now but they are awesome as hell :happy:.

    The mother of all tactical games
    This will literally be the most tactical game every made with very long games and if you don't have a mic I wouldn't even try playing it till you get one.... This game is also 2 disks... I can't say much about this at the moment.

    So what one do you think I should make?
    #1 Turkey bag56, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  2. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    First, do you have a software developer kit? A developing team? A graphics team? Advertisers? Music Composers? Writers? and what is the name of your developing company?
    Also, your ideas lack detail. I like the enthusiasm though, get a degree with something to do with game development then go work for bungie or IW...
  3. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Yes I have all that but only a few people to each job.... I can't say much because of companys like Microsoft that will milk my idaes for all there worth! I'm making a company not working for one, I already have just about everyone I need for it. (not disc distribution company but they are easy to find) How do you think bungie got there? Started off small and got bigger.....
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    What every game needs is a story, character names, music, up-to-date graphics, and great overall gameplay. I don't think it's possible to just go right out there and make a kickass game like MW2, or World of Warcraft. No game developer has started out with a beastly million dollar project. Infinity Ward started the CoD franchise with Call of Duty 1, and it took four years for them to get the consumer's attention with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Even Blizzard (Founded in 1991) started with a simple racing game in 1991 for the Super Nintendo before releasing anything in the succesful Warcraft, Diablo, or Starcraft series. Both Blizzard, and Infinity Ward existed for about four years each before releasing just the start-up to their very succesful games now.

    Game developers blossom over time, not instantly. I'd suggest giving us more information about these games, if you even know any. By the way, do you even have the funding to make any of these? Think about how rich Infinity Ward must be, and the fact that they weren't even able to add a Co-op Campaign, or map editor without detracting from the multiplayer gameplay... I don't know if the first option is even possible for you at the moment, and your second idea lacks details from just about every perspective.
  5. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    What program are you using?
    How old are you?
    If you had to question whether or not the poll worked, how the HELL do you expect to script a whole engine?
    #5 Camel Carcass, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  6. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    I do have funding... I'm not dumb and I have one hell of a story. I've worked on it for the last 2-3 years or so. I didn't say much about the last game because it's not fps, mmo, racing theres never been a game in it's category before (not tactical) and if I said even a little Microsoft would be all over it.... I'm going for a big game and thats why I said 15 years and 2 discs... So I can get everything I need into the game....

    as you know, there is more than one job and I'm on modeling, storyline and a few other things, not programing or crap like that. I'm using Maya, bryce and even blender. On here I think I'm 15 if I changed it from 1 xbox live I'm 22 I think... Age isn't important... There's 10 year olds in college and 25 year olds in school....
    #6 Turkey bag56, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  7. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    So you're 15. How much funding could you possibly have? And you're using blender for your 3D modeling? I mean, it's good, but seriously? Blender is free for a reason. It just can't compete with things such as 3D Studio Max which is what was used to do the modeling for Halo. And even then, there was so much extra bungie themselves had to manually program into that game.
    And the fact that there are 10 year olds in college and 22 year oldsin school is irrelevant. You don't see those 10 year olds in college asking their other 10 year old college friends if they want to start a video game production company. And, even if after you get past all that, you don't see a small game company just pop up over night and make millions of dollars.

    What I'd reccommend you do is either bury these thoughts in the back of your head and never speak of them again, or keep developing on them until you have so much stuff you've basically made the game already then sell the idea to a production company for a huge royalty grant. Though if you're going to do the second option, you'd have to be at least 30 anyways. Who would listen to a 15 year old?

    Also, don't take this as an insult, but more of the truth. Trust me, it is the truth.
    #7 stickmanmeyhem, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  8. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    How many people do you have?
    Modeling and storyline? If my modeling you mean character art, you know that the textures and physical builds are more complicated than creating a poll on a vBulletin forum. As for storyline, I honestly doubt that you've been 'working on something for two to three years' after reading through the OP.
    Programs, I haven't heard of them, I was just curious. I advise using the UDK (Unreal Development Kit) To demonstrate your 'ideas', and your 'modeling' on a program called Make Human.
    On age, I'm not even sure what you were trying to say. Those 10 year olds in college can spell and use the correct grammar, and the 25 year olds at school are the idiots that bunked off.
    Age does matter. I can promise you. Especially if you aren't even confident enough to announce it.

    Also, if all you're doing is this 'storyline' and 'modeling', then why would you ask about what sort of game should it be?!

    Do me a favour.
    Read through this thread again in five years time and palm your face to the point of bruising.
  9. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    what is your funding source? how much funding do you have? what makes you so confident that you can do in 15 years with obviously minimal research and education, what it takes many skilled educated progammers and designers to make a game that stands out, much less a great success? where do you expect to get your money from for those15 years? are you going to be able to pay for this and college? will you be able to finish this in 15 years if you are still in school, and will most likely have to get a job? there are a lot of unanswered questions, and if this isnt some crazy scheme you thought up while still young, you should have put more thought into this. what makes you think that your programmers can handle the obviously complex responsibilities of making these complex games? what makes you think that you can do better that some of the CORPORATIONS that have failed?

    if you have answers to any of these questions, just quote me and write the answers in with red font.
  10. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    First, I didn't say how old I was... For all you know I could be 40. I started this company as I said I'm on modeling, storyline and a few other things so thats why I'm asking... I don't only use blender and I'm getting more programs when we really get into this(after planing). Blender is good for getting people used to things because it's free and I use it to show them and because I like it.... I'm an astronomer with alot of savings and I'm doing that as well. I may need to hire more skilled programmers for the more complex things.
    Also, I have enough people to do every job needed.
    #10 Turkey bag56, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  11. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I am 16.
    I am at college studying ICT, Maths, Physics, and Electronics at A level.I have another year and a half of this.
    I am also doing the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award, and 'COPE' level 3 (Extras that will help me get into university hopefully)
    I do have GCSE qualifications, which I can't be bothered to dig up at this point. One of which includes an advanced Flash actionscript course.
    There is a intensive programming development course in Southampton I wish to go to after my A levels. This course is two years long. After this, and heavy home tutoring from Internet tutorials on scripting programs, I hope to research during a GAP year, with which I hope to find a temporary job to earn money for University, I will hopefully go to university, (I have a couple of choices I'm currently looking at for choice of university) and study coding and programming physical values to objects. This course is four years long, and one of these years includes company working for experience. I then hope to study a master degree after this, which could be up to another six years. After this, I will seek developer advice, and find out my best options with what companies. I expect I will have at least 5 years searching and switching before I find a placement I am happy with.
    (I would be 35 years old before I have an ideal opportunity to have any impact on an ideally 'good' game.)

    This is to become employed by a developer.
    I don't expect to BE a ****ing developer at 11 when I can't spell properly and still think that green writing is cool.

    (I think you're aiming a little too high)
    #11 Camel Carcass, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  12. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Does spelling have anything to do with modeling? And I was starting to think forgehub was "friendly" but I guess not.... Just because you are having a hard time in your life doesn't mean you need to take it out on others. Anyway just think this... if Runescape can get all it's players then what ever I do can't fail because I can make a game as good as Runescape easy without help. It would just take a long time. And think this, if everyone acted like you and only wanted to "join" someone what would we have? No companys what so ever.

    I said "may" and I have the money to hire them so I'm not missing anything.
    #12 Turkey bag56, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  13. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Read and 'palm.
  14. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Spelling shows professionalism. Professionalism shows work ethic. Work Ethic shows whether or not you can do this. You can't.
    They've spent 8 years WORKING on RuneScape, constantly updating it, maintaining their own servers, as well as re-skinning the entire game to High Definition.

    "Jagex has over 350 employees, with all content development, management, and customer support provided 'in house'"
    "By December 11, 2003, RuneScape had 65,000 paying members, and Jagex had 29 employees."
    We would have the leaders, and the followers. And those leaders wouldn't get pissy on an internet forum because others are trying to help him.
  15. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Spelling has nothing to do with modeling, but I was trying to emphasize that Nobody is going to take you seriously, never mind work for you, if you can't spell.

    Don't let me speak for the whole of forgehub, I am just one person, with my opinions. I am not even an administrator or any sort of representative of forgehub at all, just a member. Forgehub is friendly, if you don't make yourself look like an idiot.

    How am I having a hard time in life and taking it out on others? I very much enjoy what I am doing currently, and I wouldn't take it out on anyone else if otherwise.

    Better than Runescape without help? Prove it. I'll make an appointment 15 years from now, and will judge this if you honestly believe that you could do this.

    If everyone was like me, then some of us would join up to create a development team. From the little I have experienced in creating games, I can tell you that it is not a one man job, and expecting to run such a promising company isn't very realistic.

    My advice to you, is save your money. Stay in school, and take the path you can to experience game development. In ten years, if you still think that you're able to fly it solo, and run a development company, go for it. Not saying that it will definitely fail, just be ready for disappointment.
    #15 Camel Carcass, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  16. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    I rest my case..
    I already said I'm not the only person in this company! And everyone else takes me seriously even though I'm not the best speller. My dad was a teacher for making games at university so I know what I'm talking about. And Runescape? Don't even get me started on that.....
  17. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    You said you could match Runescape or better, and the title of the thread is what game should 'I make?
    Who else takes you seriously? These' programmers'? Are these programmers 11 as well?
    And was he really? Your dad? well that's a bit of a lucky coincidence for you. (I don't believe you) Which university, and I want a photo with his lecturer's certificate before I will.
    RS why not?

    By the way, if I were you, I'd stop soon. You're digging yourself a hole, and reading what you type makes my head hurt. I don't care if your mum and dad are brothers and sisters, there is some sort of a limit to how stupid you can make yourself. Even on the internet.
    #17 Camel Carcass, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  18. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Kid, listen.
    We're helping you to not waste your life making a 2-bit game. Every game that became a success (still to this day) took at least 5 years, not only development, but design wise BEFORE the development. Every successful game is from a developer with a big, skilled staff.

    Yes, you brought Bungie into this. They started out with one person working in his basement, yes. However, it was a pong... For the mac. Once he released that, he becan to grow Bungie, until what it is now.

    Please, do some research, and please show us his degree.
  19. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    You guys are all Pricks. If he and his team want to create a game then suggest ideas. Don't call him out by age. There was a 10 year old in my high school. I know some people who can do so much more than their age is expected. Everyone is different, and everyone is an individual in this world. Bill gates pulled Microsoft out of his ass, and were on a forum for one of the games that Microsoft funded.

    Now to your game, I suggest mixing elements from games we know and love. Call Of Duty, Rainbow Six Vegas, Grand Theft Auto, and even MX vs ATV or something of the sort. I picture an open world game with CoD/RSV elements, while allowing anything to a point. For example, your team could be low on Ammunition, and go into a back alley and buy some from a gang member. Or kill the gang member and take it. You could Commender a civilain car or do a Grand Theft Auto styled car theft.

    Oh, and Camel Carcass; good luck with college. I heard in england you graduate at 15 or just about 15. Then you go to college, then University.
  20. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    You guys are all Pricks. If he and his team want to create a game then suggest ideas. Don't call him out by age. There was a 10 year old in my high school. I know some people who can do so much more than their age is expected. Everyone is different, and everyone is an individual in this world. Bill gates pulled Microsoft out of his ass, and were on a forum for one of the games that Microsoft funded.

    Now to your game, I suggest mixing elements from games we know and love. Call Of Duty, Rainbow Six Vegas, Grand Theft Auto, and even MX vs ATV or something of the sort. I picture an open world game with CoD/RSV elements, while allowing anything to a point. For example, your team could be low on Ammunition, and go into a back alley and buy some from a gang member. Or kill the gang member and take it. You could Commender a civilain car or do a Grand Theft Auto styled car theft.

    Oh, and Camel Carcass; good luck with college. I heard in england you graduate at 15 or just about 15. Then you go to college, then University.

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