i just got the game oh a couple days ago and i have to say this is my favorite over the shoulder shooter game. I had played the first one and it was okay but the customization limits were gay, not in this one my friends. Full on weapon customization and you can create your own masks for Salem and Rios. The mp has pre set classes but they are still very good. I hope for an update of (like cod) being able to create your own classes. You (Salem & Rios) are a private military basically, you take on suicide missions for money and always come out alive. Your location is Shanghai the misson simple enough, infiltrate some buildings and then place beacon indicators, what for you don't ask. All of the sudden the city is bombarded with tactical strikes and merc's are everywhere. You fight your way to your intel director save her then get the hell out of dodge. The game is explosive packed also with decision making scenes where what you do has either good or bad consequences. Very interseting to say the least, in my gaming opinion you should at least rent if not buy this game. The game isn't very long (depending on your gaming level) but is still fun non the less. The mp doesn't get old with variants like Koth (control) and vip. Oh and did i mention the mask creator haha (Army of Two: The 40th Day - MY DESIGNS & EMBLEMS) i linked my profile and the masks iv made so far just to give yall an idea. Overall the mp could be tweaked a lil but this is still by far the best game like this so far with Gears being a close second.
Dude Could you add your masks to the Army of Two Masks Forum. Its Located here. I agree the multiplayer needs tweaking. I got an achievement for killing myself and my teamate with a grenade. LOLZ. 10 Easy GS.
wait where is a mask forum? And yeah i got that same award, also killing my partner with a grenade i was like wtf he is on my team.