Sandbox Asset Convoy Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Rifte, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Click here to download Asset Convoy gametype!
    Asset Convoy was built with Escort style gameplay in mind. With the recent lack of Escort style maps for Asset, I realized one of the major reasons was because of the gametype. Asset V2 just couldn't be mixed incredibly well for Escort and Holdout style games. Therefore, Asset Convoy was created. The player traits haven't been changed too dramatically, so that players won't have trouble adjusting.

    -In Convoy, each map has three destinations. This is just to make sure that games do not end in a tie, and players do not go off track.

    -The VIP does not have a waypoint over his head. By not having a waypoint, players will be given more options as to how they will get to the destinations, and opens the door to almost stealth type gameplay. For example; two of the maps feature tanks. DO NOT have everyone simply stand ontop of the tank. It doesn't work. You're destroying the whole point of not having a waypoint, and will most likely die. What you should do instead, is plan ahead. Use the tank and a handful of ODST as a distraction, while the VIP goes around the combat and safely arrives to the destination points.

    -With each passing destination point, it will get much harder to get to the next one. Your resources will be lower, and you will be closer to the enemy.

    Honor Rules
    As much as I hate to say it, there are honor rules. They're straight forward and won't be too annoying though.
    -Covenant are not allowed to drive designated human vehicles.

    -Covenant are not allowed to unblock checkpoints.

    There are three maps, made by myself and Given To Fly 93.

    Arctic Dispatch by Given to Fly 93
    Roll Call by rifte gifle
    Desert Package by rifte gifle
    #1 Rifte, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    8-14 players recommended
    Creator: Given To Fly​

    Click here to download!​

    Arctic Dispatch is a breath of fresh air. This frozen over shipping area has become a refuge for a small squad of ODST and their important package, Virgil. The mission is to get to the other side of the canyon. There you'll find a new hideout with a beacon to let the UNSC know where you are. Along the way, ghosts, choppers, prowlers, a banshee, a wraith and an army of Brutes will stop at nothing to kill Virgil.
    Shipping crates are all you have for cover so use them well; they're full of surprizes.
    Teamwork is the most critical in this near-suicide mission, so don't screw it up. Good luck. ​

    Map Destinations:

    First. Very easily achieved destination. If you play your cards right.
    Second. You must ditch your tank and make a break for it.
    Third. here is where your brutal instinct come in. Kill every single threat you can see in order for Virgil to get to the safe house first. Or of course you can try to sneak past defensive lines on the back wall and run to the bottom area.


    ODST Spawn

    Brute Spawn


    Checkpoint 1

    Checkpoint 2

    Action Shots



    Brute Cheiftan / Stalker will be able to spawn after 60 sec. of Gameplay.
    Weapons are scattered, forcing you to scavenge.
    Use your sneaky instincts to protect the Asset.​

    This map underwent a lot of changes to get to where it is right now. Arctic Dispatch takes place in a shipping area that nature took back. Dispatch meaning "To get to a destination with speed." Arctic of course meaning "Snowy terrain." This map really forces you to take care of eachother like real ODST would.​

    Download Links
    Gametype: Asset Convoy
    Map: Arctic Dispatch
    #2 Given To Fly, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    8-14 players recommended
    Creator: rifte gifle

    Click here to download!
    The original idea was thought up by Mr Ipod Touch, I just tried to apply the concept myself into Convoy.
    This map plays much differently than the other two. You can forget about stealth; push the elephant to its limits if you want to get to any of the destination points. Have the VIP stay inside the elephant as much as he can, you're going to be ambushed wave after wave of brute attackers. Note that two of the destination points will force you to actually exit the elephant.

    Map Overview
    First. Very simple to get to; you don't even need to walk out!
    Second. You must walk inside the structure
    Third. You need to have the VIP get ontop of the crane to get to this one. You're also right beside the enemy vehicle spawns...

    Brute spawn
    ODST spawn
    Chieftain spawn
    (blocked off until 2 minutes)

    Action Shots

    Beware of boxes.

    The map is called Roll Call, because of the frigate in the background. What Roll Call means is basically attendance, and the ship is just waiting for the ODST's and Vergil to get to on board. Clever? I think yes ;) The map itself didn't take too long to make, but there was definetly a ton of testing that had to be done. The chieftain spawn was moved around about 6 times until I decided that outside of the map was the best place to put it, actually. Thanks to everyone who helped test this, Mr Ipod Touch for thinking up the original idea, and also G043R for teaching me how to ghost merge teleporters!

    And remember;

    Download Links
    Gametype: Asset Convoy
    Map: Roll Call
    #3 Rifte, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2010
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    8-16 players recommended
    Creator: rifte gifle

    Click here to download!

    The biggest out of the three maps this map pack has to offer, Desert Package will force players to think about their situation, and find the best way out. If you decide to stay in the tank and drive for it, the farthest you'll get is probably the first destination. If you're lucky.

    Map Overview
    Anywhere outside the red columns, the guardians will come after you. D.P means Destination Point. To unblock the checkpoints, simply shoot the fusion coils blocking the teleporters.

    First destination. The easiest to get to.

    Second destination. Beware of bridge trolls.
    Third. Good luck getting there.

    First Checkpoint.
    Second. Where do I remember seeing this?..

    Third. Capture this, and getting to the last destination will be much easier.

    Brute spawn
    ODST spawn

    Action Shots

    Originally, this map was made for only walking Escort and used Asset V2. Roll Call was originally named Asset Behemoth on Convoy. When I saw how much better that the Behemoth gametype played with this map than Asset V2, I immediately tried different things such as adding the tank. Thanks to everyone who helped test this!

    Download Links
    Gametype: Asset Convoy
    #4 Rifte, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  5. Ring 127

    Ring 127 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice, VERY nice. I'll need to check these out. If only my friends would stop playing MW2 so we could go old school with halo 3 :p
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It is always fun to play convoy maps because its like an even more epic version of escort. These unlike other kinds of asset maps dont get boring after you play them like 20 times, which is always a good thing.

    Desert package is probably the most vehicle based convoy map in the map pack, also the most annoying, to me atleast. Roll Call in my opinion is the most epic though, whats more epic then driving and elephant and kickin ass! And that sparta pic is da bomb. Artic Dispatch is also a great map, I think the main reason i like it is because your team sorta has to seperate and communicate to take out the enemy, its also a good thing that Given made it so you have to get out of the tank at a certain part, other wise it would be too impossible for the covenant.

    All and all this map pack is great and is sure to make asset more popular!
    #6 Xang, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  7. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it is truely a shame that I was not able to test the maps. These look really fun, no doubt. I have no comment, other than one question. So, what happens if the squad leaves the area, preferibly on "desert package?" Are some of the towers un-blocked? Just wondering. It looks pretty bullet proof, and I hope that you can come out with more of these asset themed game-types. Whenever your playing a game, just invite me! This stuff looks really cool!
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Anywhere outside the red lines, the guardians go after you. They've been marked with red columns for your convenience :D
  9. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Ancient

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    According to you, these maps have quite a few honor rules such as:
    • You have to protect the VIP to win
    • You can't leave the elephant (until you need to)
    • You can't get in certain vehicles
    • You must stay in your tank until a certain point in the level

    There are much more, but these maps are much too complicated. Sure, they sound simple to you and me, but are you aware of the age of the people playing Xbox Live? I shouldn't even have to say.

    The only reason I would ever download these maps would be to play them with extremely mature friends. Too bad that isn't going to happen. This is one of those ideas that worked better on paper, not in reality. In reality, these maps will be downloaded once, played once (with the leader constantly shouting through his microphone and kicking people), and deleted.

    These maps aren't worth the space on my hard drive. I save the space on my hard drive for simple games that I enjoy playing (This is a game, you play for entertainment not for frustration) and that everyone can get. Reminds me of all those board games that took forever to learn and ended up sucking. Sure, the looks may be nice, but then it would have to be in "Aesthetic Maps", wouldn't it?

    I give these maps an honest rating of 1/5. Better luck next time :).

    Oh, and Seaboro Kibbles already had the idea for the map on Sandtrap.
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this is a really cool new idea for asset. the level on avalanche reminds me of the COD spec ops mission where you must stealth around to the bomb plant areas in the blizzard then head to the evac area.

    just by looking at the pictures and such i have a feeling that this is going to be more popular then the original due to its stealth elements since i know a lot of people out there love a good stealth game.
  11. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    1.Protecting the VIP is just common sense. Not an honor rule, its the game of VIP.

    2.As for staying on the elephant, yeah otherwise you would be able to run ten feet and score. It would suck that way.

    3.Only for covenant. Them getting in a scorpion just isn't realistic. Humans may take covy vehichles as they please.

    4.Stay in your tank till the end? No. You don't have to take the tank at all if you don't want to.

    You clearly have no clue what you are talking about.
    Maybe read the post entirely and test a game on at least one of them before you *****.
    Love, Given​
    #11 Given To Fly, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  12. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -1 rep for you.

    Actually play these maps first you retard. They're very fun, especially desert package. I love the epic atmosphere that the map has, especially when you and your team mates get pushed back to a checkpoint, kind of like conquest.

    great stuff, hope to see more of this.
  13. ryguy3298

    ryguy3298 Ancient

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    Simply Amazing. I like how you put check points in your maps, this will make it less fustrating to people on the ODST side. I also like how you used sandtrap because I haven't seen a decent map on sand trap in a while.


    Would anyone wants to play these maps or any other Asset maps tonight ( Sunday January 17, 2010)? If so please message xRyrox.
  14. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played Desert Package yesterday and it was really fun. Especially when I grabbed a random tank (which wasn't meant to be there) as the covenant and p4wned all the humans.
  15. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You obviously have not played asset much.

    You dont have to protect the asset, but it sure helps.

    You can leave the elephant if you want, although you need it to get to the last VIP point, and do you really want to be walking the whole way while choppers, prowlers and wraiths are charging at you? I dont think so

    You dont have to stay in the tank, but why would you just leave it at the starting point?

    If you really want you COULD drive their vehicles, that wont do you much good in convoy and chances are you will destroy them before you can enter them.

    It really isnt a complicated game, I know a bunch of little kids that understand how to play it, the main thing kids have to remember is not to jump... Just adding on to what other people had to say about that dumb comment.
    #15 Xang, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  16. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ...Why? You're being WAY too critical, and trying too hard to act professional. We also have a word for these "complicated" maps: interesting.

    As for the maps, I love them. They look outstanding! I'm sure (as I said in the preview) that this will reinstate people's faith in the awesomesauce gametype that is Asset. I'd hope that you in all of your clever entirety can find out some way to eliminate the honor rules, though they won't be a problem with the crowd here on FH.

    I do have one question, though. Are the checkpoints for the ODSTs, so that after they respawn, they can teleport to the location nearest to their VIP? The answer may appear simple, but I'm really tired right now, so my thoughts are a bit clouded.

    Well done, Given and Rifte! I seriously can't wait to DL these tomorrow. I'll probably start working on a map of my own.
    #16 Panncakez, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  17. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, you're still here?! I would've though you'd have been banned by now!

    Okay, since you obviously only skipped through the pictures, without any intention of reading anything, I'll gladly sum up the mistakes that you have made in your post.

    Firstly, let me start off by giving this to you..
    You are an idiot if you think protecting the VIP is an honor rule. In Roll Call, if you aren't in your elephant, you're screwed. The elephant is the only cover you have, and if the ODST die, that's where they respawn. Also, you need the elephant to even get to the 3rd destination.

    To your 3rd argument, it's only the covenant who are not allowed to get in the human vehicle (e.g tank). You might have noticed that had you bothered to read the thread. This is just to avoid the covenant destroying the defending team's VIP.

    Your last argument just fails. This only applies to Arctic Dispatch, but I'm not sure how this is an honor rule. You can't get past the halfway point because of the containers in the way. If you don't know the definition of an honor rule, then basically what it means is you aren't allowed to do it to keep the game fun. Having to get off the tank halfway in isn't an honor rule because of the big ****ing containers in the way. Either you get off or you can't get through.

    As for the rest of your post, I won't even bother replying to. Just play at least ONE of the maps first, please before making a fail comment you want everyone to flame you for.

    That said, I hope I have at least amended some of your negative thoughts about these maps, and I pray that you will raise your honest to god rating of 1/5 to maybe 1.5/5

    I give your comment an honest rating of 1/5. Better use your brain next time :).
  18. ryguy3298

    ryguy3298 Ancient

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    = WIN
  19. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm in all of the picture sets, and the video! :D

    All three of the maps are great additions to the Asset gametype. The idea is very original, and these maps execute it very nicely. My personal favorite of the three is probably Arctic Dispatch, because of my amazing ability to rush with the tank and get to all of the destinations.
  20. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yup, it's just to avoid walking a great distance.

    I must admit, we were not expecting that...

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